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平时工作中可能会遇到当试图对库表中的某一列或几列创建唯一索引时,系统提示 ora-01452 :不能创建唯一索引,发现重复记录。

sql> desc cz
name null? type
----------------------------------------- -------- ------------------

c1 number(10)
c10 number(5)
c20 varchar2(3)




sql>set pagesize 100
sql>select * from cz;

c1 c10 c20
---------- ---------- ---
1 2 dsf
1 2 dsf
1 2 dsf
1 2 dsf
2 3 che
1 2 dsf
1 2 dsf
1 2 dsf
1 2 dsf
2 3 che
2 3 che
2 3 che
2 3 che
3 4 dff
3 4 dff
3 4 dff
4 5 err
5 3 dar
6 1 wee
7 2 zxc

20 rows selected.

(1).sql>select * from cz group by c1,c10,c20 having count(*) >1;
c1 c10 c20
---------- ---------- ---
1 2 dsf
2 3 che
3 4 dff

(2).sql>select distinct * from cz;c1 c10 c20
---------- ---------- ---
1 2 dsf
2 3 che
3 4 dff

(3).sql>select * from cz a where rowid=(select max(rowid) from cz where c1=a.c1 and c10=a.c10 and c20=a.c20);
c1 c10 c20
---------- ---------- ---
1 2 dsf
2 3 che
3 4 dff


sql>delete cz where (c1,c10,c20) in (select c1,c10,c20 from cz group by c1,c10,c20 having count(*)>1) and rowid not in
(select min(rowid) from cz group by c1,c10,c20 having count(*)>1);

sql>delete cz where rowid not in(select min(rowid) from cz group by c1,c10,c20);



sql>delete from cz a where a.rowid!=(select max(rowid) from cz b where a.c1=b.c1 and a.c10=b.c10 and a.c20=b.c20);

sql>delete from cz a where a.rowid<(select max(rowid) from cz b where a.c1=b.c1 and a.c10=b.c10 and a.c20=b.c20);

sql>delete from cz a where rowid <(select max(rowid) from cz where c1=a.c1 and c10=a.c10 and c20=a.c20);


(3).适用于有少量重复记录的情况(临时表法) --超级土的办法
sql>create table test as select distinct * from cz; (建一个临时表test用来存放重复的记录)

sql>truncate table cz; (清空cz表的数据,但保留cz表的结构)

sql>insert into cz select * from test; (再将临时表test里的内容反插回来)


(4).适用于有大量重复记录的情况(exception into 子句法): --很有意思的一个办法
采用alter table 命令中的 exception into 子句也可以确定出库表中重复的记录。这种方法稍微麻烦一些,为了使用“excepeion into ”子句,必须首先创建 exceptions 表。创建该表的 sql 脚本文件为 utlexcpt.sql 。对于win2000系统和 unix 系统, oracle 存放该文件的位置稍有不同,在win2000系统下,该脚本文件存放在$oracle_home\ora90\rdbms\admin 目录下;而对于 unix 系统,该脚本文件存放在$oracle_home/rdbms/admin 目录下。


table created.

sql>desc exceptions
name null? type
----------------------------------------- -------- --------------

row_id rowid
owner varchar2(30)
table_name varchar2(30)
constraint varchar2(30)

sql>alter table cz add constraint cz_unique unique(c1,c10,c20) exceptions into exceptions;
error at line 1:
ora-02299: cannot validate (test.cz_unique) - duplicate keys found

sql>create table dups as select * from cz where rowid in (select row_id from exceptions);

table created.

sql>select * from dups;

c1 c10 c20
---------- ---------- ---
1 2 dsf
1 2 dsf
1 2 dsf
1 2 dsf
2 3 che
1 2 dsf
1 2 dsf
1 2 dsf
1 2 dsf
2 3 che
2 3 che
2 3 che
2 3 che
3 4 dff
3 4 dff
3 4 dff

16 rows selected.

sql>select row_id from exceptions;


16 rows selected.

sql>delete from cz where rowid in ( select row_id from exceptions);

16 rows deleted.

sql>insert into cz select distinct * from dups;

3 rows created.

sql>select *from cz;

c1 c10 c20
---------- ---------- ---
1 2 dsf
2 3 che
3 4 dff
4 5 err
5 3 dar
6 1 wee
7 2 zxc

7 rows selected.


posted on 2010-03-06 12:03 xzc 阅读(950) 评论(8)     所属分类: oracle

# re: rowid 删除重复记录!!! 2010-03-06 12:49 | xzc
delete rpt_index_inst_anly_reports a
where rowid <> (select max(rowid)
from rpt_index_inst_anly_reports b
where a.data_date = b.data_date
and a.report_id = b.report_id
and a.index_id = b.index_id
and a.latn_id = b.latn_id
and a.rowno = b.rowno
and a.colno = b.colno
and a.data_date = 200903
and a.report_id = 9
and a.latn_id = 1202);  回复  
# re: rowid 删除重复记录!!! 2010-03-06 12:49 | xzc
select *
from rpt_index_inst_mon
where (index_id, acct_month, latn_id, business_id, dimm1, dimm2, dimm3, dimm4, dimm5, index_value) in
(select index_id, acct_month, latn_id, business_id, dimm1, dimm2, dimm3, dimm4, dimm5, index_value
from rpt_index_inst_mon
where acct_month = 201002
--and latn_id = 1200
and index_id in (select index_id from tsm_calc_group_index_map where calc_group_id in (1300, 1301, 1302))
group by index_id, acct_month, latn_id, business_id, dimm1, dimm2, dimm3, dimm4, dimm5, index_value
having count(*) > 1)
and rowid not in
(select min(rowid)
from rpt_index_inst_mon
where acct_month = 201002
--and latn_id = 1200
and index_id in (select index_id from tsm_calc_group_index_map where calc_group_id in (1300, 1301, 1302))
group by index_id, acct_month, latn_id, business_id, dimm1, dimm2, dimm3, dimm4, dimm5, index_value
having count(*) > 1);  回复  
# re: rowid 删除重复记录!!! 2010-03-06 12:49 | xzc
select *
from rpt_index_inst_mon a
where rowid not in
(select min(rowid)
from rpt_index_inst_mon
where acct_month = 201002
and latn_id = 1200
and index_id in (select index_id from tsm_calc_group_index_map where calc_group_id in (1300, 1301, 1302))
group by index_id, acct_month, latn_id, business_id, dimm1, dimm2, dimm3, dimm4, dimm5, index_value)
and a.acct_month = 201002
and a.latn_id = 1200
and a.index_id in (select index_id from tsm_calc_group_index_map where calc_group_id in (1300, 1301, 1302))
# re: rowid 删除重复记录!!! 2010-03-06 12:50 | xzc
select *
from rpt_index_inst_mon a
where rowid = (select max(rowid)
from rpt_index_inst_mon b
where a.index_id = b.index_id
and a.acct_month = b.acct_month
and a.latn_id = b.latn_id
and a.business_id = b.business_id
and a.dimm1 = b.dimm1
and a.dimm2 = b.dimm2
and a.dimm3 = b.dimm3
and a.dimm4 = b.dimm4
and a.dimm5 = b.dimm5
and a.index_value = b.index_value)
and a.index_id in
(select index_id
from rpt_index_inst_mon
where acct_month = 201002
--and latn_id = 1200
and index_id in (select index_id from tsm_calc_group_index_map where calc_group_id in (1300, 1301, 1302))
group by index_id, acct_month, latn_id, business_id, dimm1, dimm2, dimm3, dimm4, dimm5, index_value
having count(*) > 1)
and a.acct_month = 201002
--and a.latn_id = 1200  回复  
# re: rowid 删除重复记录!!! 2010-05-13 15:39 | xzc
delete from rpt_index_inst_anly_group a
where index_inst_id <> (select min(index_inst_id)
from rpt_index_inst_anly_group b
where a.index_id = b.index_id
and a.data_date = b.data_date
and a.latn_id = b.latn_id
and a.business_id = b.business_id
and a.cust_group_id = b.cust_group_id
and a.data_date = 201001
and a.latn_id = 1100
and a.index_id in (select a.index_id
from tsm_index_value a, tsm_report_index_map b
where b.index_id = a.index_id
and b.calc_mode = '0'
and b.report_id = 9));  回复  
# re: rowid 删除重复记录!!! 2011-01-20 17:27 | xzc
select *
from infuser.inf_cc_ne a
where cc_ne_id = (select max(cc_ne_id) from infuser.inf_cc_ne b where b.serv_id = a.serv_id);
select * from infuser.inf_cc_ne a where cc_ne_id in (select max(cc_ne_id) from infuser.inf_cc_ne b group by b.serv_id);
select *
from infuser.inf_cc_ne a
where rowid = (select max(rowid) from infuser.inf_cc_ne b where b.serv_id = a.serv_id);
select * from infuser.inf_cc_ne a where rowid in (select max(rowid) from infuser.inf_cc_ne b group by b.serv_id);  回复  
# re: rowid 删除重复记录!!! 2011-04-25 15:33 | xzc
delete from oth_quality_check_result_list
where list_id not in (select min(a.list_id)
from oth_quality_check_result_list a
where a.task_id = @fwfno@
and a.rule_id = @ruleid@
and a.lan_id = @lanid@
group by a.column_1)  回复  
# re: rowid 删除重复记录!!! 2011-05-31 10:05 | xzc
select count(*)
from infocs.subs a, infocs.prod b
where (a.acc_nbr, a.update_date) in (select acc_nbr, max(update_date) from infocs.subs group by acc_nbr)
and a.subs_id = b.prod_id
and b.prod_state = 'b';  回复  

