发布securex eclipse plugin 2.0.0 alpha版本 -凯发k8网页登录


发布securex eclipse plugin 2.0.0 alpha版本

what's new in  securex 2.0

securex is a powerful java library for security developerment purpose. securex contains three parts:

1, securex-keytool eclipse plugin [gnu license]

provide a set of classes that can use for java key/cerficate management

2, securex-securesign library [apache license]

3, securex-cryptoapi [apache license]

4, securex pgp eclipse plugin [bouncy castle license, still developing]
securex keytool library features

1, support rsa/dsa digital signature agorithms
2, support md5/sha/ripemd digest agorithms
3, support des/idea/tripledes/blowfish cryptography agorithms
4, support x.509v1, x.509v3 and crl standard
5, support keystore management for various keystore types including:
jks jceks pkcs #12 bks uber
6, support add/delete/rename entry(trustcert and keyentry) of keystore
7, support cacerts configuration for java 1.3/1.4/1.5
8, support privatekey(pkcs#12) import/export
9, support csr generation and ca-reply import
10, support password management for keystore and privatekey
11, support treeview for x.509 certificate, crl and crl entry x.509 v3 extensions
12, support certificates export in these formats : x.509/pkcs #7/der/pem

securex securesign library features

1, support yallow and jce secure random
2, support xml signature standard
3, support bmp watermark (build in with securerandom bitmap stream embbed technology)
4, support gif watermark (build in rsa-oaep embbed technology)
5, support png watermark (build in secure random and lsb techonnlogy)

securex cryptoapi library features
  • management x.509 certificates and rsa private keys in windows certstores
  • set/get/list/remove trust cerficate and keyentry on windows certstores(my, root, ca, address_book etc)
  • support for certificate chain building.
  • create/verify signatures with rsa private keys using the following algorithms:
    • sha1withrsa
    • md5withrsa
    • md2withrsa
  • encrypt/decrypt data with rsa public/private keys using the following algorithm, mode and padding:
    • rsa/ecb/pkcs1padding
  • wrap and unwrap symmetric- and asymmetric keys with rsa key pairs through microsoft cryptapi and pkcs#11.
  • management for ms csp and pkcs#11 csp
  • pin call back interface for private key
  • set and get microsoft cryptoapi friendly names for certificates.
  • get microsoft cryptoapi friendly names for system (certificate) stores.
  • get detailed information about pkcs#11 hardware token


securex eclipse plugin
  • eclipse 3.1 updatesite:   

posted on 2006-11-08 16:45 david.turing 阅读(4214) 评论(0)  编辑  收藏 所属分类: security领域
















