home: a clojure library designed to render velocity template for ring in clojure.
adds dependency in leiningen project.clj:
[ring.velocity "0.1.0-snapshot"]
create a directory named templates
in your project directory to keep all velocity templates.
create a template templates/test.vm
hello,$name,your age is $age.
use ring.velocity in your namespace:
(use '[ring.velocity.core :only [render]])
use render
function to render template with vars:
(render "test.vm" :name "dennis" :age 29)
the test.vm
will be interpreted equals to:
hello,dennis,your age is 29.
use ring.velocity in :
(defroutes app-routes
(get "/" [] (render "test.vm" :name "dennis" :age 29))
(route/not-found "not found"))
use ring.velocity in :
(use '[ring.util.response])
(response (render "test.vm" :name "dennis" :age 29))
custom velocity properties,just put a file named ring-velocity.properties
to your classpath or resource paths.the default velocity properties is in .
凯发天生赢家一触即发官网 copyright © 2012 dennis zhuang[killme2008@gmail.com]
distributed under the eclipse public license, the same as clojure.