posted on 2010-11-21 16:48 阅读(18521)
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好长时间没有写博客,今天带来netbeans 的最新新闻:netbeans 最新版本netbeans 7.0 beta 发布了,想要体验新版本的童鞋们可以去官方网站上下载了。呵呵,其实在其他的网站上已经发布新闻了,不过我觉得还是有必要在netbeans planetnetbeans里发布一下。好久没写博客,辜负了支持我的朋友们,在此说声抱歉。因为工作的关系,现在基本上都没有写博客了,希望以后慢慢的会好起来,继续写博客。接下来我会写一些关于swing布局方面的博客,还有就是继续以前没有写的 swing 自定义组件的博客。
netbeans 7.0 beta 下载地址:
我比较喜欢的特性: 改善的gridbaglayout 编辑器。
feature highlights
jdk 7
- project coin support
- editor enhancements: code completion, hints
weblogic server
- streamlined and faster deployment to weblogic
- new server runtime node displaying deployed applications and resources
- jsf integration with server libraries
oracle database
- simplified connection wizard
- guided installation to jdbc driver
- editing and deployment of stored procedures
- glassfish 3.1 support
- domain restart and log viewer for remote glassfish
- enable and disable deployed applications
- maven 3 support
- junit 4.8.2 integration and various junit improvements
- remote http urls supported for javadoc in libraries and java platforms
- new improved visual customizer for gridbaglayout
java ee
- improved support for cdi, rest services and java persistence
- new support for bean validation
- support for jsf component libraries, including bundled primefaces library
- improved editing for expression language in jsf, including code completion, refactoring and hints
web languages
- html5 editing support
- json formatter
- generate phpdoc
- rename refactoring, safe delete refactoring
- php 5.3 - support for aliases
- easy import of project from user's existing binary
- new project type where user's source files are located on remote system
netbeans platform
- annotations for generating action registrations in the layer
- performance enhancements & tight integration with profiler
- word wrap in editor
- enhanced profiler integration
- less intrusive checking for external changes when switching between the ide and other programs.