this plugin is content slider and image slideshow. where you can slide between slides using horizontal, vertical and fade transitions. also you can have navigation controls, custom behavior (this plugin have very many options). online demo available
using this plugin you can easy slide betweeb slides with any content (content slider). allow to embed quite any content inside slides: text, images, video, tooltips etc. also can enable thumbnails and more. online demo available
using this plugin you can easy perform necessary actions when you scroll to desired element. online demo available
this plugin will allow you to play image sequences. so result will similar real video (it looks like gif – animation too). online demo available same page.
another one ul-li navigation menu. online demo available
interesting plugin, some kind of navigation system between pages, plus give feeling what you walking through rooms of maze online demo available
this plugin show us vector world map (and they promising to add more maps in future). online demo available
there is a very serious mistake in picture, taiwan is a part of china!
nice looking plugin for webmasters who dreaming to build own game (rpg) website. online demo available
this pluging giving us few navigation modes for web applications. online demo available
great looking image gallery with autoplay, descriptions and more.
hope that our review of fresh jquery plugins was very interesting. good luck!
xtype class
box ext.boxcomponent 具有边框属性的组件
button ext.button 按钮
colorpalette ext.colorpalette 调色板
component ext.component 组件
container ext.container 容器
cycle ext.cyclebutton
dataview ext.dataview 数据显示视图
datepicker ext.datepicker 日期选择面板
editor ext.editor 编辑器
editorgrid ext.grid.editorgridpanel 可编辑的表格
grid ext.grid.gridpanel 表格
paging ext.pagingtoolbar 工具栏中的间隔
panel ext.panel 面板
progress ext.progressbar 进度条
splitbutton ext.splitbutton 可分裂的按钮
tabpanel ext.tabpanel 选项面板
treepanel ext.tree.treepanel 树
viewport ext.viewport 视图
window ext.window 窗口
toolbar ext.toolbar 工具栏
tbbutton ext.toolbar.button 按钮
tbfill ext.toolbar.fill 文件
tbitem ext.toolbar.item 工具条项目
tbseparator ext.toolbar.separator 工具栏分隔符
tbspacer ext.toolbar.spacer 工具栏空白
tbsplit ext.toolbar.splitbutton 工具栏分隔按钮
tbtext ext.toolbar.textitem 工具栏文本项
form ext.formpanel form 面板
checkbox ext.form.checkbox checkbox 录入框
combo ext.form.combobox combo 选择项
datefield ext.form.datefield 日期选择项
field ext.form.field 表单字段
fieldset ext.form.fieldset 表单字段组
hidden ext.form.hidden 表单隐藏域
htmleditor ext.form.htmleditor html 编辑器
numberfield ext.form.numberfield 数字编辑器
radio 单选按钮
textarea ext.form.textarea 区域文本框
textfield ext.form.textfield 表单文本框
timefield ext.form.timefield 时间录入项
trigger ext.form.triggerfield 触发录入项