1,以电子病历为核心的数字化医院 2,以电子健康档案为核心的数字化社区和乡镇卫生院 3,以信息共享为中心的区域数据中心、全国通用的“医疗卡”和各级政府管理平台 4,以人为本的公众医疗卫生服务平台 5,以国家卫生数字化为目标的技术标准规范、法规政策和运行机制 |
import java.awt.image.bufferedimage;
import java.io.file;
import javax.imageio.imageio;
public class thumbnailutil {
private static int width;
private static int height;
private static int scalewidth;
static double support = (double) 3.0;
static double pi = (double) 3.14159265358978;
static double[] contrib;
static double[] normcontrib;
static double[] tmpcontrib;
static int startcontrib, stopcontrib;
static int ndots;
static int nhalfdots;
public static void saveimage(string fromfilestr, string savetofilestr, int formatwidth, int formatheight) throws exception {
file savefile = new file(savetofilestr);
file fromfile = new file(fromfilestr);
saveimage(fromfile, savefile, formatwidth, formatheight);
public static void saveimage(file fromfile , file savefile, int formatwidth, int formatheight) throws exception {
bufferedimage srcimage;
srcimage = javax.imageio.imageio.read(fromfile); // construct image
int imagewidth = srcimage.getwidth(null);
int imageheight = srcimage.getheight(null);
int changetowidth = 0;
int changetoheight = 0;
if (formatwidth > 0 && formatheight > 0) {
changetowidth = formatwidth;
changetoheight = formatheight;
} else {
if (imagewidth > 0 && imageheight > 0) {
if (imagewidth / imageheight >= formatwidth / formatheight) {
if (imagewidth > formatwidth) {
changetowidth = formatwidth;
changetoheight = (imageheight * formatwidth) / imagewidth;
} else {
changetowidth = imagewidth;
changetoheight = imageheight;
} else {
if (imageheight > formatheight) {
changetoheight = formatheight;
changetowidth = (imagewidth * formatheight) / imageheight;
} else {
changetowidth = imagewidth;
changetoheight = imageheight;
srcimage = imagezoomout(srcimage, changetowidth, changetoheight);
imageio.write(srcimage, "jpeg", savefile);
public static bufferedimage imagezoomout(bufferedimage srcbufferimage, int w, int h) {
width = srcbufferimage.getwidth();
height = srcbufferimage.getheight();
scalewidth = w;
if (determineresultsize(w, h) == 1) {
return srcbufferimage;
bufferedimage pbout = horizontalfiltering(srcbufferimage, w);
bufferedimage pbfinalout = verticalfiltering(pbout, h);
return pbfinalout;
* 决定图像尺寸
private static int determineresultsize(int w, int h) {
double scaleh, scalev;
scaleh = (double) w / (double) width;
scalev = (double) h / (double) height;
// 需要判断一下scaleh,scalev,不做放大操作
if (scaleh >= 1.0 && scalev >= 1.0) {
return 1;
return 0;
private static double lanczos(int i, int inwidth, int outwidth, double support) {
double x;
x = (double) i * (double) outwidth / (double) inwidth;
return math.sin(x * pi) / (x * pi) * math.sin(x * pi / support)
/ (x * pi / support);
private static void calcontrib() {
nhalfdots = (int) ((double) width * support / (double) scalewidth);
ndots = nhalfdots * 2 1;
try {
contrib = new double[ndots];
normcontrib = new double[ndots];
tmpcontrib = new double[ndots];
} catch (exception e) {
system.out.println("init contrib,normcontrib,tmpcontrib" e);
int center = nhalfdots;
contrib[center] = 1.0;
double weight = 0.0;
int i = 0;
for (i = 1; i <= center; i ) {
contrib[center i] = lanczos(i, width, scalewidth, support);
weight = contrib[center i];
for (i = center - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
contrib[i] = contrib[center * 2 - i];
weight = weight * 2 1.0;
for (i = 0; i <= center; i ) {
normcontrib[i] = contrib[i] / weight;
for (i = center 1; i < ndots; i ) {
normcontrib[i] = normcontrib[center * 2 - i];
// 处理边缘
private static void caltempcontrib(int start, int stop) {
double weight = 0;
int i = 0;
for (i = start; i <= stop; i ) {
weight = contrib[i];
for (i = start; i <= stop; i ) {
tmpcontrib[i] = contrib[i] / weight;
private static int getredvalue(int rgbvalue) {
int temp = rgbvalue & 0x00ff0000;
return temp >> 16;
private static int getgreenvalue(int rgbvalue) {
int temp = rgbvalue & 0x0000ff00;
return temp >> 8;
private static int getbluevalue(int rgbvalue) {
return rgbvalue & 0x000000ff;
private static int comrgb(int redvalue, int greenvalue, int bluevalue) {
return (redvalue << 16) (greenvalue << 8) bluevalue;
// 行水平滤波
private static int horizontalfilter(bufferedimage bufimg, int startx, int stopx,
int start, int stop, int y, double[] pcontrib) {
double valuered = 0.0;
double valuegreen = 0.0;
double valueblue = 0.0;
int valuergb = 0;
int i, j;
for (i = startx, j = start; i <= stopx; i , j ) {
valuergb = bufimg.getrgb(i, y);
valuered = getredvalue(valuergb) * pcontrib[j];
valuegreen = getgreenvalue(valuergb) * pcontrib[j];
valueblue = getbluevalue(valuergb) * pcontrib[j];
valuergb = comrgb(clip((int) valuered), clip((int) valuegreen),
clip((int) valueblue));
return valuergb;
// 图片水平滤波
private static bufferedimage horizontalfiltering(bufferedimage bufimage, int ioutw) {
int dwinw = bufimage.getwidth();
int dwinh = bufimage.getheight();
int value = 0;
bufferedimage pbout = new bufferedimage(ioutw, dwinh,
for (int x = 0; x < ioutw; x ) {
int startx;
int start;
int x = (int) (((double) x) * ((double) dwinw) / ((double) ioutw) 0.5);
int y = 0;
startx = x - nhalfdots;
if (startx < 0) {
startx = 0;
start = nhalfdots - x;
} else {
start = 0;
int stop;
int stopx = x nhalfdots;
if (stopx > (dwinw - 1)) {
stopx = dwinw - 1;
stop = nhalfdots (dwinw - 1 - x);
} else {
stop = nhalfdots * 2;
if (start > 0 || stop < ndots - 1) {
caltempcontrib(start, stop);
for (y = 0; y < dwinh; y ) {
value = horizontalfilter(bufimage, startx, stopx, start,
stop, y, tmpcontrib);
pbout.setrgb(x, y, value);
} else {
for (y = 0; y < dwinh; y ) {
value = horizontalfilter(bufimage, startx, stopx, start,
stop, y, normcontrib);
pbout.setrgb(x, y, value);
return pbout;
private static int verticalfilter(bufferedimage pbinimage, int starty, int stopy,
int start, int stop, int x, double[] pcontrib) {
double valuered = 0.0;
double valuegreen = 0.0;
double valueblue = 0.0;
int valuergb = 0;
int i, j;
for (i = starty, j = start; i <= stopy; i , j ) {
valuergb = pbinimage.getrgb(x, i);
valuered = getredvalue(valuergb) * pcontrib[j];
valuegreen = getgreenvalue(valuergb) * pcontrib[j];
valueblue = getbluevalue(valuergb) * pcontrib[j];
valuergb = comrgb(clip((int) valuered), clip((int) valuegreen), clip((int) valueblue));
return valuergb;
private static bufferedimage verticalfiltering(bufferedimage pbimage, int iouth) {
int iw = pbimage.getwidth();
int ih = pbimage.getheight();
int value = 0;
bufferedimage pbout = new bufferedimage(iw, iouth,
for (int y = 0; y < iouth; y ) {
int starty;
int start;
int y = (int) (((double) y) * ((double) ih) / ((double) iouth) 0.5);
starty = y - nhalfdots;
if (starty < 0) {
starty = 0;
start = nhalfdots - y;
} else {
start = 0;
int stop;
int stopy = y nhalfdots;
if (stopy > (int) (ih - 1)) {
stopy = ih - 1;
stop = nhalfdots (ih - 1 - y);
} else {
stop = nhalfdots * 2;
if (start > 0 || stop < ndots - 1) {
caltempcontrib(start, stop);
for (int x = 0; x < iw; x ) {
value = verticalfilter(pbimage, starty, stopy, start, stop,
x, tmpcontrib);
pbout.setrgb(x, y, value);
} else {
for (int x = 0; x < iw; x ) {
value = verticalfilter(pbimage, starty, stopy, start, stop,
x, normcontrib);
pbout.setrgb(x, y, value);
return pbout;
static int clip(int x) {
if (x < 0)
return 0;
if (x > 255)
return 255;
return x;
8. 那年,小强和小明都是三十一岁。小强媳妇从老家打电话来说:小强,现在家里有房有存款,咱喂喂猪,种种地,很幸福了,家里不能没有男人,你快回来吧;小明媳妇从城里打电话来说:小明,小孩的借读费要十五万呢,家里没有存款了,你看能不能找公司借点。
name | smiles | correct | fp | triage | before | after | latest |
propane | ccc | 65337 | 66352 | 42411 | 42.59 | 17.99 | 14.34 |
selenium | [se] | 246 | 995 | 225 | 0.80 | 0.83 | 0.52 |
benzene | c1ccccc1 | 79426 | 79486 | 50893 | 72.69 | 27.56 | 20.29 |
methane | c | 118519 | 118524 | 118511 | 61.29 | 5.47 | 4.25 |
amido | nc=o | 25695 | 26975 | 14702 | 18.89 | 9.84 | 8.16 |
methylbenzene | cc1ccccc1 | 54529 | 56869 | 20490 | 54.76 | 35.58 | 25.90 |
carboxy | oc=o | 33009 | 34369 | 17809 | 23.86 | 12.48 | 10.24 |
chlorine | cl | 19424 | 23318 | 19424 | 11.23 | 1.38 | 1.12 |
cyclopropane | c1cc1 | 863 | 4358 | 484 | 8.24 | 7.78 | 5.02 |
biphenyl | c1ccccc1c2ccccc2 | 2967 | 5142 | 146 | 21.94 | 21.65 | 11.44 |
dopamine | nccc1ccc(o)c(o)c1 | 829 | 913 | 23 | 1.85 | 2.09 | 1.47 |
sulfisoxazole | 7 | 8 | 3 | 0.50 | 0.88 | 0.51 | |
betacarotene | 2 | 16 | 1 | 0.48 | 0.68 | 0.58 | |
nitrofurantoin | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0.42 | 0.58 | 0.52 |
create or replace and compile java source named testjava1 as
public class testjava1
public static void test()
create or replace procedure testjava1 as language java name 'testjava1.test()';
c:\windows\system32>sqlplus nc5520110105/nc5520110105@
sql*plus: release production on fri apr 1 14:06:02 2011
凯发天生赢家一触即发官网 copyright (c) 1982, 2010, oracle. all rights reserved.
connected to:
oracle database 10g enterprise edition release - 64bit production
with the partitioning, olap and data mining options
sql> set serveroutput on;
sql> show serveroutput;
serveroutput on size unlimited format word_wrapped
sql> call dbms_java.set_output(2000);
call completed.
sql> show serveroutput;
serveroutput on size unlimited format word_wrapped
sql> exec testjava1();
pl/sql procedure successfully completed.
create or replace and compile java source named test as
public class mytest
public static void myproc(int a,int b,int[] ret){
ret[0]=a b;
public static int myfunc(int a,int b){
return a b;
create or replace procedure myproc(a in number, b in number, ret out number) as
language java name 'mytest.myproc(int,int,int[])';
create or replace function myfunc(a in number, b in number) return number is
language java name 'mytest.myfunc(int,int) return int';
sql> set serveroutput on
sql> declare a integer;
2 begin
3 myproc(1, 2, a);
4 dbms_output.put_line(a);
5 end;
6 /
pl/sql procedure successfully completed.
sql> select myfunc(1,2) from dual;