
blogjava-凯发k8网页登录, 08 apr 2023 20:43:07 gmtsat, 08 apr 2023 20:43:07 gmt60嘉旺 点餐 系统, 02 dec 2009 04:00:00 gmt

liaojiyong 2009-12-02 12:00
loadrunner 9.5 破解 注册码, 17 nov 2009 01:01:00 gmt

liaojiyong 2009-11-17 09:01
dm_verity_coll, 16 nov 2009 04:54:00 gmt;
; fulltext partition management facility errors

;    (c) 凯发天生赢家一触即发官网 copyright documentum, inc., 1991 - 1995. all rights reserved

.facility dm_verity_coll
.severity trace
update_phaseii_start "begin phase 2 fulltext index update."
update_phaseii_end ii "end phase 2 fulltext index update.  total successful docs: %d, total failed: %d."
update_crash_recovery_start "begin update crash recovery phase."
update_crash_recovery_end "end update crash recovery phase."
update_crash_recovery_normal "no evidence of previous crash found."
update_dir_search_start "searching work directory."
update_crash_batch_start ii "being processing crashed batch file: epoch %d batch %d."
update_batch_start ii "begin verity indexing: epoch %d batch %d."
update_batch_end ii "end verity indexing: successful docs: %d, failed: %d."
update_batch_desc si "batch collection dir %s, size %d."
update_verity_index_start "begin verity indexing.  verity messages (if any) begin here."
update_verity_index_end s "end verity indexing.  return value: %s."
update_desc_file "contents of descriptor file follow this message:"
update_verity_batch_file "contents of verity batch file follow this message:"
update_phasei_start "begin phase 1 fulltext index update."
update_phasei_end ii "end phase 1 fulltext index update. total good: %d total bad: %d."
update_crash_batch_end ii "end processing crashed batch file: epoch %d batch %d."
update_collection_start si "begin processing collection with object type %s at position %d."
update_collection_end si "end processing collection with object type %s at position %d."
update_get_content_start "begin executing sql cursor to get pending content objects."
update_get_content_end "end executing sql cursor to get pending content objects."
update_get_batch_start i "begin processing batch %d of pending contents."
update_get_batch_end i "end processing batch %d of pending contents."
update_verify_docs_start i "begin verifying contents in batch %d."
update_verify_docs_end i "end verifying contents in batch %d."
update_make_batch_file_start i "begin making batch file for batch %d."
update_make_batch_file_end i "end making batch file for batch %d."
update_phaseiii_start "begin phase 3 (verification only) fulltext index update."
update_phaseiii_end ii "end phase 3 (verification only) fulltext index update. total successful docs: %d, total failed: %d."
update_crash_found_running_batch iisi "the update_ftindex method has found a running batch file (epoch=%d batch=%d) from a previous update run on fulltext index %s and will examine if a previous failure occured. please refer to the most recent status file in the fulltext working directory to see if any objects failed indexing from the previous run. if failed objects are reported and you wish to reindex these objects, use the mark_for_retry method with update_count=%d."
update_cant_rename_batch_file ssi "the update_ftindex method was unable to rename batch file %s for fulltext index %s. all contents in this batch will not be indexed and are marked as failed. please refer to the most recent status file in the fulltext working directory to see the failed objects. if failed objects are reported and you wish to reindex these objects, use the mark_for_retry method with update_count=%d."
.severity   information
ftindex_in_progress i "another fulltext operation is currently in progress on this fulltext index with epoch %d."
.severity warning
verity s "verity error/warning.  message is: %s"
bad_content s "attempt to index content with id %s failed -- verity filter rejected content"
no_content s "attempt to index content with non-existent id %s"
cant_convert ss "can't convert content %s to format %s"
content_offline s "attempt to index offline content with id %s"
cant_find_phase1_lockfile s "can't find the lock file for update phase i.  filename %s."
;cause:  unknown.
;action:   probably none necessary. 
no_current_status_file_during_update "an update is in progress but there is no current status file.  the previous status file is returned."
;cause:  the update may have terminated during the execution of the check_ftindex.
;action:   try again.
no_type s "can't process tdk collection because type %s was not found."
;cause:  the type probably does not exist anymore. an orphaned content object that
;           refers to a non-existing type may still exist.
;action:   run the dmclean job to remove all orphaned content objects.
no_verity_file "no verity full-text engine messages will be logged in the status file."
;cause:     either the launch of the verity full-text engine (mkvdk) failed due to a
;           probable os resource problem, or the launch failed to create an output file
;           containing verity messages.
;action:    look for os error messages.
cannot_purge_dir s "during crash recovery phase, attempt to purge %s directory failed."
;cause:     this is most likely caused by another process or resource holding possession
;           on the directory or possibly an os error.
;action:    look for os error messages.
no_update_workdir s "directory %s does not exist. the fulltext index has probably never been updated before or does not exist."
;cause:     the fulltext index has probably never been updated before or does not exist.
;action:    update the index to create a work directory.
.severity error
cant_set_doc_handle s "can't set the verity document description for style %s"
cant_set_parse_handle s "can't set the verity document parser for style %s"
part_update_fail ssss "attempt to update partition index %s failed; trying to %s partitions %s and %s"
merge_fail ss "attempt to merge partitions %s and %s failed"
api_handle_fail s "attempt to build verity api handle failed.  verity bin directory was %s"
doc_set_create s "attempt to create new verity doc set failed while updating partition %s"
doc_index_fail ss "attempt to index new verity doc set %s failed while updating partition %s"
vdb_open ss "attempt to open verity vdb %s failed while updating partition %s"
vdb_update ss "attempt to update verity vdb %s failed while updating partition %s"
vdb_write ss "attempt to write verity vdb %s failed while updating partition %s"
vdb_commit ss "attempt to commit changes to verity vdb %s failed while updating partition %s"
cant_make_empty_partition s "can't build empty verity partition with name %s"
cant_make_root "can't build root partition copy"
no_filter s "no verity filter for format %s"
;cause:  no verity_filter defined for this format.
;action: modify the format, adding a verity_filter.
cant_make_files s "could not initialize verity files for partition %s"
;cause:  out of space on disk, read-only filesystem or
;  filesystem off-line, or other filesystem or disk problem.
;action:   look for operating system error messages.
bad_content s "attempt to index content with id %s failed -- verity filter rejected content"
no_content s "attempt to index content with non-existent id %s"
cant_convert ss "can't convert content %s to format %s"
bad_batch s "failure attempting to index batch with format %s"
no_verity_dir "verity location directory not defined in server configuration"
;cause:  server configuration must have a verity location.
;action: install verity if necessary, create a location object pointing
;  to it, and put this location object in the server config.
empty_content ss "content object %s has empty file identified by '%s' path."
cant_stat_content  ssi "content object %s identified by %s path could not be accessed os error is %d."
tar_failure si "tar step failed during %s operation -- os error was %d"
bad_load_file s "load failed because file %s not found in index dump"
bad_load_header "the verity_dump_header file had the wrong format -- load failed"
use_full_pathname s "the dump file (%s) must be specified by a full path name"
transaction_failure ss "could not %s transaction for %s operation"
no_directory s "directory %s doesn't exist"

cant_fetch_parent ss "error fetching dm_sysobject parent (%s) of dmr_content object %s; will contine to look for another valid parent."
;cause:  a content being indexed contains a reference to a sysobject
;  parent that could not be fetched.  the index code needed to
;  fetch the parent object in order to index the content but
;  could not.  this may be the result of a parent_id value
;  or index_parent value which points to a deleted sysobject.
;  as long as another parent_id value can be found which points
;  to a valid sysobject this error will not affect processing.
;action: check for any other recent errors in the error log which
;  may indicate the problem.  check the content object for
;  consistent data.
;parameters: %s  - the object id of the sysobject which could not be fetched
;  %s  - the object id of the content object being indexed

cant_fetch_content s "error: can't fetch dmr_content object %s during fulltext index administration."
;cause:  during full-text index processing, a failure occured fetching
;  a content object to use in building the index.
;  this content object will not be indexed.
;action: check for any other recent errors in the error log which
;  may indicate the problem.
;parameters: %s  - the object id of the content object being indexed

cant_access_content sss "the content identified by id (%s) which references the file named (%s) cannot be accessed.  operating system error: %s"
;cause          the process was unable to access the file identified by the file name.
;action         check permission of file.

launch_fail ss "failed to launch the command: %s. operating system error: %s."
;cause: unable to lauch command successfully.
;action: you may run out of processes or see your system administrator.

wait_fail ss "failed to wait for the command: %s. operating system error: %s."
;cause: unable to wait for command to finish successfully.
;action: see your system administrator.

exec_fail ss "command execution failure: %s. operating system error: %s."
;cause: unable to execute the command successfully
;action: see your system administrator.

part2_update_fail sss "attempt to update partition index %s failed; trying to %s partition %s."

cant_change_directory s "failure in attempt to set working directory to %s"
;cause: unable to change working directory before reading verity index
;action: see your system administrator

path_too_long s "the directory path %s is too long to be used by verity"
;cause: the path chosen for the index is too long for the verity api
;action: chose a different location with a shorter file path and retry the index creation
timeout lls "timeout after %ld minutes attempting to index batch of size %ld of format %s"
;cause: the indexing step took too long and was terminated.  the batch will be marked as having failed.
;action:  attempt to retry the batch by doing a mark_for_retry and another update. 
; if the problem is a looping or crashing filter, the subsequent update will generate another timeout.
cant_open_collection si "can't open collection for style %s: error code = %d."
;cause:  possible filesystem offline or corrupted.
;action:   look for operating system error messages.
;parameters: %s - collection subtype
;   %d - verity error code
cant_open_session i "can't open vdk session: error code = %d."
;cause:  verity internal error.
;action:   report this error to your documentum site representative.
;parameters: %d - verity error code
cant_set_collection ssi "can't set collection for style %s on %s: error code = %d."
cant_submit_bulk ssi "can't submit bulk update on %s for %s: error code = %d."
cant_submit_admin_opt ii "can't submit admin optimization on %d-th collection: error code = %d."
;cause:  verity administrative error.  can't cleanup collection.
;action: check the status file for other messages. 
;parameters: %d - the collection number
;  %d - the verity error return code
cant_add_style ss "can't add style files to collection due to database error: %s. sql statement: %s"
cant_find_type_info s "can't determine ftindex attributes because internal type info not found for type: %s."
;cause:  internal error.  probable memory corruption.
;action:   report this error to your documentum site representative.
cant_create_phase2_lockfile s "can't create the lock file for update phase ii.  filename %s."
;cause:  out of space on disk, read-only filesystem or
;  filesystem off-line, or other filesystem or disk problem.
;action:   look for operating system error messages.
cant_acquire_phase2_lock s "can't acquire file lock for update phase ii.  filename %s."
;cause:  internal error.  another server may be holding the lock.
;action:   verify that there is only one server running an update,
;  then try again.
bad_phase2_filename s "found badly formatted update file.  filename %s."
;cause:  internal error.  possible disk corruption or failure.
;action: none may be necessary, we will attempt recovery.
lost_phase2_file s "update file %s has disappeared."
;cause:  internal error.  possible disk corruption or failure.
;action: none may be necessary, we will attempt recovery.
bad_desc_file s "bad update descriptor file.  can't read %s."
;cause:  internal error.  an indexing descriptor file
;   was written with an unreadable section.
;action:   report this error to your documentum site representative.
;parameters: %s - the name of the unreadable section.
update_verity_index_error i "verity indexing returned error.  code = %d."
;cause:  verity indexing error.  possible bad content or filter problem.
;action: check the status file for other messages. 
;parameters: %d - the verity error return code
verity_delete_error i "verity index delete request returned error.  code = %d."
;cause:  verity indexing error during delete request. 
;  document may already have been deleted.
;action: check the status file for other messages. 
;parameters: %d - the verity error return code
doc_not_indexed ss "verity indexing failed for content %s (key %s)."
;cause:  the content may be bad, or may have caused the filter
;  to crash or loop.  or, there may be nothing wrong with
;  this content, just that it was indexed in a batch along
;  with a bad content.
;action: check the status file for other messages.  mark_for_retry
;  then rerun indexing with a smaller batch size.
;parameters: %s  - the object id of the content which failed
;  %s  - the verity key generated for that content
cant_open_collection_dir si "can't open collection in directory %s: error code = %d."
;cause:  internal error.  possible disk corruption or failure.
;action: none may be necessary, we will attempt recovery.
phase2_timed_out i "phase 2 timed out after %d seconds.  killing it."
;cause:  indexing filter has looped.
;action: look for verity error messages and documents marked bad and retry.
clear_pending_cant_acquire_lock s "the clear pending method can't acquire the file lock for modifiying the index.  filename %s.  try again later."
;cause:  other fulltext activity, such as an update.
;action:   try again later.
update_dir_bad s "the update batch file is unreadable or missing.  name: %s."
;cause:  disk failure or bad mount.
;action:   check the disk and directory.
cant_create_update_status_file s "can't create an update status file.  filename %s."
;cause:  out of space on disk, read-only filesystem or
;  filesystem off-line, or other filesystem or disk problem.
;action:   look for operating system error messages.
no_status_files_during_update "an update seems to be in progress but there are no status files (either current or old)."
;cause:  unknown error. 
;action:   try again.  if indexing problems occur, contact your documentum site representative.
cant_destroy_phase1_file ss "in update phase1, when attempting to erase file %s, got os error:%s"
;cause:     os error.
;action:    examine os error string and react accordingly
cant_destroy_phase2_file ss "in update phase2, when attempting to erase file %s, got os error:%s"
;cause:     os error.
;action:    examine os error string and react accordingly
mkvdk_failure i "mkvdk failed -- os error was %d. please check status.last file (for fulltext update operation) or status_optimize.last file (for fulltext clean operation) for more messages."
;cause:           os error.
;action:    examine os error number and react accordingly
cant_destroy_last_status_opt_file ss "during cleaning, when attempting to erase file %s, got os error:s%"
;cause:     os error
;action: examine os error string and reach accordingly
ftindex_deadlock "the database is in the deadlock state, so no fulltext operations will be performed. check for errors in the server and session logs."
;cause:     database error, deadlock state caused by external factors
;action:    examine database logs. once error is resolved, rerun the fulltext operation.
ftindex_bad_status "the fulltext index object is in a bad status. check for errors in the server and session logs."
;cause:     an set, revert, or save operation turned the status of the object bad.
;action:    examine logs for error messages. once error is resolved, rerun the operation.
cannot_mark_content_bad ssi "content %s with parent %s failed to save after setting the update_count attr to %d."
;cause:     the save operation on the content failed most likely due to database error.
;action:    examine the database logs for any errors and inspect the content object.
;parameters:content id, parent id, update_count
commit_failed "the fulltext update operation failed to commit the changes made to the database."
;cause:     database error
;action:    examine the database logs. once error is resolved, rerun the fulltext operation.

copy_enc_style_arg_invalid "null arguments passed to function that adds decryption filters to style.uni file."
;cause:     internal error
;action:    contact documentum support.

source_style_file_open_failed s "could not open file %s for read"
;cause:     check that the file exists.
;action:    contact documentum support if file does not exist.
;parameters:file name

dest_style_file_open_failed s "could not open file %s for write"
;cause:     check that the directory exists, and has permission to write
;action:    contact documentum support if directory does not exist.
;parameters:file name

style_file_error ss "the line %s missing in %s  file"
;cause:     the line is missing in file
;action:    contact documentum support.
;parameters:line, file name

attribute_query_failed si "the query %s to fetch indexed attribute values with batch size %d failed. check the server and database logs for any db errors."
;cause:     the query returned a null collection.
;action:    check the server and database logs for further errors.
;parameters:query string and number of contents to batch in one fetch to client

.severity  fatal
cant_launch_update_phase2 "update phase 2 launch failed."
;cause:  probable os resource problem: out of memory, disk space, etc.
;action:   look for os error messages.
doc_cursor_problem s "problem reading document cursor.  database: error %s.";
;cause:  rdbms error.
;action:   look for messages from rdbms or os
;parameters: %s - the rdbms error message.
style_cursor_problem ss "problem reading collection style cursor.  database: error %s.  query: %s"
;cause:  rdbms error.
;action:   look for messages from rdbms or os.
;parameters: %s - the rdbms error message.
update_session_problem "can't open vdk sessions or collections for this fulltext index."
;cause:  verity failed to establish a session or open all collections for this index, or the index has invalid references.
;action:   see other accompanying error messages, and retry the operation in a new session.
cant_create_phase1_lockfile s "can't create the lock file for update phase i.  filename %s."
;cause:  out of space on disk, read-only filesystem or
;  filesystem off-line, or other filesystem or disk problem.
;action:   look for operating system error messages.
cant_acquire_phase1_lock s "can't acquire file lock for update phase i.  filename %s."
;cause:  internal error.  another server may be holding the lock.
;action:   verify that there is only one server running an update,
;  then try again.
cant_create_update_workdir s "can't create an update work directory.  filename %s."
;cause:  out of space on disk, read-only filesystem or
;  filesystem off-line, or other filesystem or disk problem.
;action:   look for operating system error messages.
cant_find_update_workdir s "can't find an update work directory.  filename %s."
;cause:  internal error.  probably filesystem or disk problem.
;action:   look for operating system error messages.
cant_rename_batch_prep_file si "rename of file %s failed after %d tries.  os error: %s"
;cause:  internal error.  probably filesystem or disk problem.
;action:   retry indexing with a larger batch size.
cant_create_dummy_file s "can't create the dummy file for updating non-indexable or no-content sysobjects (update phase i).  filename %s."
;cause:  out of space on disk, read-only filesystem or
;  filesystem off-line, or other filesystem or disk problem.
;action:   look for operating system error messages.

liaojiyong 2009-11-16 12:54
dm_outputdevice, 16 nov 2009 04:54:00 gmt;
; output device facility errors
.facility dm_outputdevice
; these are the errors encountered during output device processing.
.severity trace
.severity warning

sub1   "an error occurred attempting to transform and save the content rendition in postscript."
;refer to the next error message in the message queue for a description of
;why the transformation failed. 

action_unsupported ss "the specified action '%s' is not supported on this platform '%s'."
;cause: the specified action has no meaning or support on the given platform
;action: refer to documentation to see if this is a supported action

.severity error
unexpectederror   "unexpected error."

save1   "this output device's operating system device name has not been set."
;the device name attribute is not set.
;contact your documentum site administrator about verifying the correct
;definition of the output device that you are trying to use.

apply1   "applyforint unexpectedly returned invalid."
;carefully record this error message and any parameters and contact your
;documentum site administrator.

apply2   "applyforstring unexpectedly returned invalid."
;carefully record this error message and any parameters and contact your
;documentum site administrator.

apply3   "apply(search) unexpectedly returned null."
;carefully record this error message and any parameters and contact your
;documentum site administrator.

init1            "the dmoutputdevice type was found in the database without a version stamp."
;carefully record this error message and any parameters and contact your
;documentum site administrator.
init2           ii      "version stamp %d was expected to be %d."
;the version stamp that the dmoutputdevice object software expected was
;different from the actual version stamp in the database.
;you must upgrade your docuserver database to conform to the
;software that you are running.  if your software and data are consistent,
;then report a bug.

init3   "the type manager returned an error storing the dmoutputdevice type."
;look at the error logged by the type manager.

init4   "the dm_outputdevice type cannot be stored because the dm_sysobject type could not be fetched from the database."
;the dm_sysobject type does not exist in the database.
;unknown.  it would be a good idea to check the database permissions
;for docuserv.

pclose  i "an unexpected system error %d occurred during pclose."
;carefully record this error message and any parameters and contact your
;documentum site administrator.

scanf1  s "internal error.  the lp subsystem returned a string that sscanf was not expecting. string:%s"
;carefully record this error message and any parameters and contact your
;documentum site administrator.

noosname s "the output device %s was not found in the system."
;1. the caller spelled the output device name incorrectly.
;2. a dm_outputdevice is not defined with the specified name.
;1. correct the spelling of the device name and retry the operation.
;2. define and save a dmoutputdevice before retrying this operation.
remove  is "a system error %d was encountered while attempting to remove the temporary print file %s."
;check the permission of the print file.
;check the permissions of all directories leading to the print file.
need_priv_for_change ss "the current user (%s) needs to have superuser or sysadmin privilege to save or destroy %s server_config object."
;cause: must have superuser or sysadmin privilege to save/destroy outputdevice objects.
;action: consult your system administrator.
nonexistent s "outputdevice with %s object_name does not exist."
;cause: user specified an invalid output device.
;action: specify a valid output device object_name.
os_error ss "an error was returned by the operating system during the processing of the request.  os api: %s returned error: %s"
;cause: unknown: it is a function of the command given
;action: check your configuration and/or operating system.
open_printer ss "unable to open the output device due to error: %s.  the command used was: (%s)"
;cause: unknown: it is a function of the command given
;action: check your configuration and/or operating system.
assume_user_pf ss "unable to access the assume user program file.  error returned from operating system: (%s).  program file: (%s)."

copy_to_common "unable to complete the print request due to an error during the file copy to the common area"

fetch_failed "unable to complete the print request due to an error fetching the content"

assume_usr_ret i "unable to complete the print request; an error was returned from the assume user process: %d"

cant_find_method s "can not find the method named : '%s'."
; cause: server could not find a method with the supplied name.
; action: check dm_method objects for a method of this name and report it to
;         your sysadmin
ticket_failed s "ticket generation failed for user '%s'."
; cause: server failed to generate a ticket for the specified user
; action: report the error to the sysadmin, check user credentials
cant_run_method sl "the server was unable to run method '%s', error return was %d."
; cause: server failed to generate a ticket for the specified user
; action: report the error to the sysadmin, check user credentials
format_not_supported s "the document format '%s' is not support."
; cause: server failed to generate a ticket for the specified user
; action: report the error to the sysadmin, check user credentials

.severity  fatal

liaojiyong 2009-11-16 12:54
dm_xfrm, 16 nov 2009 04:54:00 gmt; transformation facility errors
.facility dm_xfrm
; these are the errors encountered during content processing.
.severity trace
.severity warning

no_convert_loc_defined "your server configuration does not define a conversion location -- no conversions can be performed."

.severity error
attr_exceed iss "list has > %d attributes: %s...%s"
;there are too many attributes for a conversion in the convert.tbl file.
;reduce the number of conversion formats on the line. break up the line into
;multiple conversions. if this fails return to the default convert.tbl file
;whose copy is named convert.bak in the convert/scripts directory.

bad_attr s "bad conversion attribute: %s"
;the conversion attribute given is incorrect.
;change the line in the convert.tbl file to a valid conversion format.

memory  s "unable to allocate memory for file: %s"
;there is not enough memory to allocate the conversion tables.
;restart the server and insure that there is sufficient swap space.
;try reducing the size of the convert.tbl if it is very large.

cant_open ss "unable to open file: (%s).  operating system error: (%s)"
;cannot open the conversion file indicated.
;make sure that the convert.tbl file exists in the convert/scripts directory.
;if necessary, copy the orginal version convert.old to convert.tbl.

too_many_cvrt i "more than %d conversions"
;the number of lines beginning with -c has exceed the maximum.
;eliminate unnecessary conversions. if necessary, copy the orginal version
;convert.old to convert.tbl.

attr_fail s "conversion %s failed to read attributes"
;unable to read intermediate file containing conversion results.
;insure that there is enough space in the temporary directory and that all
;is well with the converter indicated.

cvrt_fail ss "conversion %s failed for attribute %s"
;the conversion failed to convert to the format indicated.
;insure that there is enough space in the temporary directory and that all
;is well with the converter indicated.

no_cvrt  ss "unable to find a conversion from %s to %s"
;unable to find a conversion from the stored format to the format requested.
;insure that all is well with the converter. you may need to purchase the
;a new converter in order to accomplish the conversion or there may not
;be a transformation possible to the format you have requested.

no_fmt_avail ssi "unable to find a rendition for %s with format %s on page %d"
;no rendition exists in the database and the conversion engine has been turned off.
;add the rendition requested. there may not be a conversion available to that format.
;insure that all is well with the converter.

no_orig si "unable to find the original for %s on page %d"
;the original format of the document no longer exists.
;add the rendition requested. use the setfile or addrendition command to add the
;original format contents to the document.

cant_conv ssi "could not transform document %s to format %s on page %d"
;transformation failed for some reason previously stated.
;insure that all is well with the converter. you may need to purchase the
;a new converter in order to accomplish the conversion or there may not
;be a transformation possible to the format you have requested.
cant_conv_ext sssii "external converter %s could not transform document %s to format %s on page %d, status returned %d"
;transformation failed for some reason previously stated.
;insure that all is well with the converter. you may need to purchase the
;a new converter in order to accomplish the conversion or there may not
;be a transformation possible to the format you have requested.

convert_directory_access sss "the location defined in your server configuration for conversions, (%s), specifies a directory, (%s), which cannot be accessed.  the operating system error returned was (%s)."

convert_table sss "the location defined in your server configuration for conversions, (%s), specifies a file, (%s), which cannot be accessed.  the operating system error returned was (%s)."
need_temp "need to define a temp_location to perform convesions."
;cause: server did not sess a temp_location in your server_config object.
;action: define a temp_location in your server_config object.
need_loc ss "could not locate %s temp_location os_error: %s"
;cause: server could not open the temp_location successfully. most likely
;  has been removed.
;action: see your adminstrator.
invalid_conv s "invalid %s server_converter_location defined."
;cause: invalid location is pointed by the server_config object.
;action: see your adminstrator to correct the server_config object.
no_backing_store "no backing store to make copy of blob/turbo content"
;cause: attempt to convert blob or turbo content without defining backing store
;action: see your adminstrator to correct the server_config object.
no_backing_store2 "no backing store to make copy of external content"
;cause: attempt to convert blob or turbo content without defining backing store
;action: see your adminstrator to correct the server_config object.
launch_fail ss "failed to launch the command: %s. operating system error: %s."
;cause: unable to lauch command successfully.
;action: you may run out of processes or see your system administrator.
wait_fail ss "failed to wait for the command: %s. operating system error: %s."
;cause: unable to wait for command to finish successfully.
;action: see your system administrator.
cursor_fetch_fail s "a failure occurred during a fetch through a cursor: database error message was %s"
;cause: during a fetch in a database cursor, the operation failed.  the operation is terminated.
;action: the database system error message may indicate how to repair the error.
.severity  fatal

liaojiyong 2009-11-16 12:54
dm_obj_mgr, 16 nov 2009 04:53:00 gmt; $id: dmpom.e,v 5.4 2001/01/23 20:28:18 xtang exp $
; dmobjectmanager class errors
.facility dm_obj_mgr
.severity warning
enum_database_closed "attempt to begin enumeration of type with closed database"
;cause:  program called enumeratefortype after the database had been closed.
;action: none:nternal programming error.
;parameters: none
enum_type_null "attempt to enumerate null type"
;cause: program called enumeratefortype will a null type value.
;action: none: internal programming error.
;parameters: none
enum_type_bogus s "attempt to enumerate non-persistent type %s"
;cause: program called enumeratefortype with a type that is not in the database.
;action: none: internal programming error.
;parameters: the name of the type.
enum_bad_attr ss "order_by attribute %s in enumeration is not part of type %s"
;cause: program called enumeratefortype, specifying an attribute name to order the result that is not part of the type.
;action: none: internal programming error.
;parameters: the name of the attribute and the name of the type.
enum_bad_match_type ss "match_type %s in enumeration is not subtype of type %s"
;cause: program called enumeratefortype, specifying a match type that is not a subtype of the type being enumerated.
;action: none: internal programming error.
;parameters: the name of the match type and the type being enumerated.
match_type_null "attempt to perform match field with null type"
;cause: program called matchfield or matchforids with a null type value.
;action: none: internal programming error.
;parameters: none.
match_type_bogus s "attempt to perform match field with non-persistent type %s"
;cause: program called matchfield or matchforids with a type that is not in the database.
;action: none: internal programming error.
;parameters: the name of the type.
match_bad_match_type ss "match_type %s in match field is not subtype of type %s"
;cause: program called matchfield with a match type that is not of subtype of the type being enumerated.
;action: none: internal programming error.
;parameters: the name of the match type and the name of the type being enumerated.
match_bad_attr is "match field attribute %d in type %s is erroneous"
;cause: program called matchfield or matchforids to match an attribute that was erroneous (was not defined, or had an erroneous type).
;action: none: internal programming error.
;parameters: the number of the attribute and the name of the type being matched.
match_bad_pos "match position specification invalid"
;cause: program called matchfield or matchforids with position specification but no repeating attributes were being matched"
;action: none.
;parameters: none.
match_bad_order_by ss "match field order_by attribute %s is not attribute of type %s"
;cause: program called matchfield specifying an attribute to order the result that is not a part of the type being enumerated.
;action: none: internal programming error.
;parameters: the name of the "order by" attribute and the name of the type.
update_no_updates "attempt to update with no updates"
;cause: program called update but passed no attribute values to be changed.
;action: none: internal programming error.
;parameters: none.
update_type_null "attempt to update null type"
;cause: program called update passing in a null type.
;action: none: internal programming error.
;parameters: none.
update_type_bogus s "attempt to perform update with non-persistent type %s"
;cause: program called update passing in a type that does not exist in the database.
;action: none: internal programming error.
;parameters: the name of the type.
update_overlap_attr is "attempt to use attribute %d as both match field and update field of type %s"
;cause: program called update to change attribute that is also being used to match objects to be changed.  (the set of attributes to be changed must be disjoint from the set of attributes used to match.)
;action: none: internal programming error.
;parameters: the number of the attribute and the name of the type.
update_bad_match_type ss "match_type %s in update is not subtype of type %s"
;cause:  program called update with a match type that is not a subtype of the type on which the update is being performed.
;action: none: internal programming error.
;parameters: the name of the match type and the name of the type being updated.
update_bad_attr is "attribute %d of type %s has undefined type in update"
;cause: program called update to update an attribute that has an undefined type.
;action: none: internal programming error.
;parameters: the number of the attribute and the name of the type.
version_mismatch ssi "save of object %s of type %s failed because of version mismatch: old version was %d"
;cause: the save of an object failed because the version stamp in the object was inconsistent with the version stamp currently stored in the database.
;action: refetch the object, make the necessary changes and save it again.
;parameters: the identifier of the object, the type of the object and the old value of the version stamp.
load_property_bag s "could not deserialize property bag for %s."
;cause: serialization format error
;action: no recovery possible.
.severity error
fetch_fail s "attempt to fetch object with handle %s failed"
;cause: the program attempted to fetch an object with a non-existent identifier.
;action: none: internal programming error.
;parameters: the identifier of the object that was being fetched.
fetch_bad_type s "attempt to create object of type %s failed because type did not exist"
;cause: the program attempted to fetch an object trying to fetch an object of a type that does not exist.
;action: none: internal programming error.
;parameters: the name of the type.
set_null_type "attempt to set persistent object type to null"
;cause: the program called settype with a null type.
;action: none: internal programming error.
;parameters: none.
set_bad_type s "attempt to set persistent object type to non-persistent type %s"
;cause:  the program called settype to set the type of a persistent object to a non-persistent type.
;action: none: internal programming error.
;parameters: the name of the type.
save_fail ssss "save failed for object with handle %s of type %s: table on which save failed was %s; error from database system was %s"
;cause: the save of an object failed because of a database error.
;action: none: internal programming error.
;parameters: the identifier of the object, the name of its type, the name of the database table on which the save failed and the error string reported by the database system.
delete_fail sss "attempt to delete attributes of object %s in table %s failed: error from database system was %s"
;cause: the destroy of an object failed because the attribute values could not be deleted due to a database error.
;action: none: internal programming error.
;parameters: the identifier of the object, the name of the internal table being updated, and the error string reported by the database system.
update_fail sss "attempt to update attributes of objects of type %s in table %s failed: error from database system was %s"
;cause: the update of objects of a given type failed because the attribute values could not be changed due to a database error.
;action: none: internal programming error.
;parameters: the name of the type being updated, the name of the internal table being changed, and the error string reported by the database.
delete_mismatch si "version mismatch on delete of object %s: version supplied was %d"
;cause: the delete of an object failed because the version stamp supplied did not match the current version stamp in the database.  (the caller had an old copy of the object.)
;action: refetch the object to check that it should be deleted.
;parameters: the identifier for the object and the version stamp that was supplied.
delete_notfound ss "no entry for the object with identifier %s could be found in the database table %s"
;cause: during the deletion of an object, no entry for it could be found in the given internal database table.  at least one entry must always exist.
;action: none: report to documentum technical support.
cursor_fail sss "in operation %s an attempt to create cursor failed; query was: '%s'; error from database system was: %s"
;cause: during an attempt to create a database cursor, a failure occurred.  the error message gives the type manager operation that was being performed, the query on which the failure occurred, and the database error string.
;action: the database system error may indicate how to repair the error.
cursor_fetch_fail s "a failure occurred during a fetch through a cursor: database error message was %s"
;cause: during a fetch in a database cursor, the operation failed.  the operation is terminated.
;action: the database system error message may indicate how to repair the error.
db_conn "a failure occurred during an attempt to establish a connection to the database.  the operation failed."
;cause: during (re)establishment of a database connection there was an error."
;action diagnois and remedy the database error.
version_mismatch ssl "save of object %s of type %s failed because of version mismatch: old version was %d"
;cause: the save of an object failed because the version stamp in the object was inconsistent with the version stamp currently stored in the database.
;action: refetch the object, make the necessary changes and save it again.
;parameters: the identifier of the object, the type of the object and the old value of the version stamp.
save_failed_unavailable_type s "your client is older than your server, and you have attempted to create an object of a type (%s) that is not available to your client version."
; cause:  a type that is available in your docbase was created by an e-content server
;  that is newer than the documentum client library (dmcl) of the client you are using.
;       you cannot create an object of that type unless the dmcl matches.  you would not get
;       a correct id, nor proper save semantics if this were allowed.
cant_delete_relation_exists ss "cannot delete object %s since dm_relation object(s) %s exists with integrity_kind set to 1."
;cause: cannot delete an object referenced by a dm_relation object with integrity kind set to 1.
;action: delete the dm_relation object that references this object, and try again.
lock_invaliddb ss "lock of object %s of type %s failed because of invalid database connection."
;cause: the lock of an object failed because the database connection is not alive.
;action: make a valid connection to database and relock this object.
;parameters: the identifier of the object, the type of the object.
lock_newobj ss "lock of object %s of type %s failed because this object has not been created."
;cause: the lock of an object failed because this object does not exist in database.
;action: none; internal programming error.
;parameters: the identifier of the object, the type of the object.
lock_fail ssss "lock failed for object with handle %s of type %s: table on which lock failed was %s; error from database system was %s"
;cause: the lock of an object failed because of a database error.
;action: none; internal programming error.
;parameters: the identifier of the object, the name of its type, the name of the database table on which the save failed and the error string reported by the database system.

direct_save_aspect_attribute_object_not_allowed d "cannot save aspect attribute side object with handle (%s) directly"
; cause: a direct save attempt of the aspect attribute object using the
; save rpc  call.
; action: direct save of the aspect attribute is not allowed. use the dfc
; save method to save the main object to which the aspect with the
; attributes has been attached.

direct_fetch_aspect_attribute_object_not_allowed d "cannot fetch aspect attribute side object with handle (%s) directly"
; cause: a direct fetch attempt of the aspect attribute object using the
; fetch rpc call.
; action: direct fetch of the aspect attribute object is not allowed. you
; must access the aspect attributes using standard dfc api.

direct_expunge_aspect_attribute_object_not_allowed d "cannot expunge aspect attribute side object with handle (%s) directly"
; cause: a direct expunge attempt of the aspect attribute object using
; the expunge rpc call.
; action: direct expunge of the aspect attribute object is not allowed.
; you must expunge the 'main' object to which the aspect has been attached
; using the standard dfc api.
invalid_aspect_attr_type ss "attribute definition by aspect (%s) is invalid. internal type (%s) is not found in the repository"
; cause: this error occurs when content server attempts to save or
; fetch aspect attributes for a persistent object, and the internal type
; created for attribute definition is not valid.
; action: verify if the type object referenced in i_attr_def attribute of the
; aspect object is valid. if not valid, use alter aspect dql statement
; to define attributes.
unable_to_validate_aspect_attribute_type ss "a database error occured while attempting to validate attributes for aspect (%s). database error is (%s)"
; cause: a database error occured when content server attempted to check
; if an aspect had attribute definition.
; action: refer to the database error and take corrective action.
duplicate_aspects_found sd "aspect (%s) has been attached more than once for object (%s)"
; cause: an aspect has been attached more than once for an object.
; action: can't attach the same aspect more than once for an object. remove
; the duplicates and retry the operation.
invalid_aspect_attribute_object ds "an error occured when instantiating a persistent object for aspect attributes for %s, for aspect %s"
; cause: an error occured when a persistent object is instantiated
; to store the aspect attributes.
; action: refer to the accompanying error message(s).
unable_to_fetch_aspect_attrs ds "unable to fetch aspect attributes defined by aspect '%s' for object '%s'"
; cause: an error occured when attempting to fetch the attributes defined
; by an aspect attached to the reported object.
; action: refer to accompanying error messages
unable_to_apply_aspect_attr_changes ds "unable to apply aspect attribute changes defined by aspect '%s' for object '%s'"
; cause: an (internal) error occured when attempting to apply aspect attribute
; changes defined by an aspect attached to the reported object.
; action: refer to accompanying messages.
unable_to_fetch_consistent_object_snapshot d "unable to fetch object %s alongwith its aspect attributes with consistency"
; cause: this error occurs when a client fetches an object that has aspect
; attributes, and that either the normal or aspect attributes have changed
; perhaps by a different session while content server was fetching the
; aspect attributes after fetching the normal attributes from the database.
; action: application should refetch the object.
unable_to_clone_aspect_attributes dds "an error occured while cloning the aspect attributes from %s to %s for aspect %s"
; cause: an error occured while cloning the aspect attributes of a persistent
; object.
; action: refer to accompanying error messages
aspect_attr_exists_check_failed dss "a database error occured when checking if object %s has attributes defined through aspect %s: %s"
; cause: a database error occured when cs attempted to check if
; specified object has attributes defined through specified aspect
; action: refer to the database error and take the database server specific
; corrective action.
save_aspect_nqa s "could not save nonqualifiable aspect attribute to object %s without property bag ."
;cause: main object doesn't have property bag.
;action: add property bag to main object or redefine the attribute as regular qualified attribute.

liaojiyong 2009-11-16 12:53
dm_policy, 16 nov 2009 04:53:00 gmt阅读全文

liaojiyong 2009-11-16 12:53
dm_platform, 16 nov 2009 04:53:00 gmt dm_platform

; these are errors encountered during parsing format strings

.severity trace
.severity warning

.severity error

memory_exhausted i "memory exhausted allocating %d bytes"

system_info s "an error occured when calling the operating system: %s"

integer_conversion_error s "the server was unable to convert the following string (%s) to an integer or long."
; cause: it may be that the string was not in the range of valid integers of -2147483647 and 2147483647
; action: if the integer is out of range, you may need to use a double datatype if possible. otherwise
;    you should try a smaller integer value.
stack_operation_inconsistence si "stack operation inconsistency found in file %s, line %d."
;cause:  internal error.
;action: contact technical support.

liaojiyong 2009-11-16 12:53
dm_data_partition, 16 nov 2009 04:53:00 gmt;
;       partition facility errors
;**     documentum content server
;**     confidential property of emc corporation
;**     (c) 凯发天生赢家一触即发官网 copyright documentum, inc., 2007 - 2010
;**     all rights reserved.
.facility  dm_data_partition

; this facility is for the data partition tracing. the trace information goes to the session log.

.severity trace

.severity warning

.severity error
unknown_operation s "operation %s is not recognized for generate_partition_scheme_sql apply method."
; cause: an unknown operation is passed for the generate_partition_scheme_sql apply method.
; action: valid operations are db_partition, add_partition, exchange_partition.
; parameter: subcommand that is passed to the apply method.

invalid_arguments ss "you can not specify both %s and %s for generate_partition_scheme_sql apply method."
;cause: you have specified both exclusive parameters such as type_name and table_name, type_name and owner_name in the generate_partition_scheme_sql apply method.
;action: should only specify one of them.

incorrect_argument ss "you cannot specify parameter %s for operation %s of generate_partition_scheme_sql apply method."
;parameters: parameter name and operation name.
;cause: you have specified incorrect parameters for an operation of the generate_partition_scheme_sql apply method.
;action: remove the unexpected parameters.
no_partition_column_in_regtable  s "table %s does not have i_partition column."
;parameters: table name or type name.
; cause: you have tried to execute data partition related method on a table without the i_partition column.
; action: you need to have i_partition column in order to execute data partition related method on a table.
type_already_partitioned s "type %s is already partitioned."
;cause: you tried to partition a type that is already partitioned.
;action: you can only partition a nonpartitioned type.
regtable_already_partitioned s "table %s is already partitioned."
;cause: you tried to partition a table that is already partitioned.
;action: you can only partition a nonpartitioned table.
type_not_partitioned s "type %s is not partitioned."
;parameters: type name.
;cause: you tried apply partition operations or tried querying a type that is not yet partitioned.
;action: you can only apply partition operations or query a partitioned type.
regtable_not_partitioned s "table %s is not partitioned."
;parameters: table name.
;cause: you tried apply partition operations to a table that is not yet partitioned.
;action: you can only apply partition operations to a partitioned table.
must_be_supermost_type ss "operation %s for the generate_partition_scheme_sql apply method can only be applied to super-most type, but type %s is not one."
;parameters: operation name and type name.
;cause: you may have provided a subtype for the db_partition/add_partition operation in the generate_partition_scheme_sql apply method.
;action: only provide a supermost type for these operations.
missing_table_or_type s "operation %s for the generate_partition_scheme_sql apply method requires a table/type."
;parameter: table name or type name.
;cause: you did not provide a table name or type name which is requireed for the operation.
;action: add a table name or type name in the command to apply the operation.
subtype_cannt_enable_partition s "you can only enable partition for a super type. type %s is not a super type."
;parameter: type name.
;cause: you tried to execute "alter type ... enable partition" dql query against a subtype. this is not allowed.
;action: you can only execute this statement against a super type.
docbase_not_partitioned "the docbase is not partitioned."
;parameter: none
;cause:  you have tried to generate a script to partition an individual type but the docbase is not partitioned yet.
;action: you need to partition the docbase first.
acl_cannot_update_partition s "you cannot update i_partition internal attribute for external dm_acl object %s."
;parameter: object name of the dm_acl object.
;cause:  you have tried to update the internal attribute i_partition of an external dm_acl object.
;action: don't try to do this. it is not allowed.
missing_tablespace s "value of tablespace parameter cannot be empty for operation %s of the generate_partition_scheme_sql apply method."
;parameter: operation name.
;cause:  you tried to execute the db_partition/add_partition operation of the generate_partition_scheme_sql apply method without giving tablespace parameter.
;action: you need to specify the tablespace parameter.
all_partitioned "all partitionable types are already partitioned."
;parameter: none
;cause:  you tried to execute the db_partition operation of the generate_partition_scheme_sql apply method, but all partitionable types have already been partitioned.
;action: none
cant_partition_type_table ss "table %s is an internal table for type %s."
;parameter:     table name & type name.
;cause:  you have attempted to apply partition functions to internal
;                 tables created for documentum type.
;action: you should partition the type, instead of its internal tables.


liaojiyong 2009-11-16 12:53
dm_query2, 16 nov 2009 04:52:00 gmt阅读全文

liaojiyong 2009-11-16 12:52
dm_query, 16 nov 2009 04:52:00 gmt阅读全文

liaojiyong 2009-11-16 12:52
dm_type_mgr, 16 nov 2009 04:52:00 gmt; $id: dmptm.e,v 5.15 2002/02/05 19:21:21 aamir exp $
; dmtypemanager class errors
.facility dm_type_mgr
.severity warning
save_super_first ss "before saving type %s must save its supertype %s."
;cause: program attempted to save a type for which the supertype has not yet been saved.
;action: save the supertype first, and then save the type.
;parameters: the names of the type and its supertype.
save_same_name s "attempt to save type %s while type with this name already exists."
;cause: program attempted to save a type that has the same name as one this already exists in the database.
;action: remove the old type from the database first.
;parameters: the name of the type.
remove_subtypes s "attempt to remove type %s, which has subtypes."
;cause: program attempted to remove a type that has subtypes.
;action: remove the subtypes first, then remove the type.
;parameters: the name of the type.
type_has_objects s "attempt to remove type %s, which still has objects."
;cause: program attempted to remove a type for which objects still exists.
;action: destroy the objects in the type before removing it.
;parameters: the name of the type.
drop_failure sss "cannot remove table %s for type %s: error from database system is %s"
;cause: program could not drop one of the internal attribute tables while either removing a type from the database or dropping the last single- or multi-valued attribute of a type.
;action: none: internal programming error.
;parameters: the names of the table that could not be removed and the type being removed and the error string from the database system.
null_type_index "attempt to create an index on attributes of the null type."
;cause: program attempted to create an index on the null type.
;action: none.
;parameters: none.
bad_type_index s "attempt to create an index for non-persistent type %s."
;cause: program attempted to create an index on attributes of a type that is not in the database.
;action: none: internal programming error.  no index is created.
;parameters: the name of the type.
mixed_index s "attempt to create index on type %s with both repeating and single valued attributes."
;cause: program attempted to create an index with a specification that includes both single- and multi-valued attributes.
;action: use separate indices for the single-valued attributes and the multi-valued attributes.
;parameters: the name of the type.
bad_index_attribute si "attempt to create index on type %s using illegal attribute %d"
;cause: program attempted to create an index with an invalid attribute specification (the attribute does not exist or has an undefined type).
;action: none.
;parameters: the name of the type and the position of the erroneous attribute in the type.
name_too_long ss "attempt to save type %s failed because attribute or type name %s is too long"
;cause: the maximum length of persistent type and attribute names is 27 characters.
;action: shorten the names and redo the save.
;parameters: the name of the type and the name that was too long
alter_not_found s "the attributes being dropped for type %s do not exist"
;cause: the user specified a set of non-existent attributes to be dropped from a type.
;action: none.
;parameters: the name of the type
unable_to_remove_composite_type "the type manager was unable to remove the dm_composite type."
;cause: the type manager was unable to remove the composite type. as part of piper,
;       the type manager attempts to remove the composite type since it is no longer
;       supported. if the type manager was unable to remove the type, it most likely
;       suggests that the version stamp is bad.
;action: this should not affect the server at all. the composite removal is simply
;        for convenience and to remove unnecessary tables from the database. no action
;        is required.
;parameters: none.
unable_to_remove_composite_snapshot_table "the type manager was unable to remove the dmi_composite_snapshot table."
;cause: there was an error in removing the dmi_composite_snapshot table from the database.
;       this is part of the piper composite removal.
;action: the table can be dropped from the database manually, but it is not necessary.
;parameters: none.
unable_to_move_index dsi "the type manager was unable to move the index with id %s, for type %s, at position %d because the position is invalid. the database index has been dropped. the dmi_index object should be corrected manually and the move_index apply method should be used to recreate the database index."
;cause: there is a known problem for customers who have upgraded their documentum server that
;       was caused by the fact that attribute indices are determined by using the attribute
;       position. the server was not previously adjusting these positions as types were
;       modified which now makes them potentially invalid. in the case that this warning is
;       issued, the attribute position is no longer a valid attribute of the type. since we
;       do not know what attribute the index should be on, the server simply drops the index
;       and request customers to correcting the attribute position in dmi_index object and
;       using the move_index apply method to properly adjust the index.
;action: the customer should determine which attribute the index should be on, and then manually
;        correct the dmi_index object in the database. they should then use the move_index apply
;        method to recreate the index in the database.
;       the first parameter is the object id of the dmi_index object.
;       the second parameter is the name of the type the index was created on.
;       the third parameter is the attribute position of the index.
unable_to_cleanup_index ds "the type manager was unable to remove the dmi_index object with id %s on type %s. this index needs to be removed since it references a table that no longer exists. remove the dmi_index object and any references to it in the types dm_type table."
;cause: the dmi_index object refers to an attribute(s) that no longer exists because one of the corresponding type's
;       tables in the database does not exist. this is most likely due to the r_table of a type being dropped since
;       there are no more repeating attributes, but the corresponding indices were not dropped.
;action: check the dmi_index object and make sure it is removed. also, if the index was on the r_object_id or
;        i_position columns, make sure that the dm_type object no longer refers to the dmi_index object.
;       the first parameter is the object id of the dmi_index object.
;       the second parameter is the name of the type that is indexed.
index_without_type_table ds "the dmi_index object with id %s on type %s, refers to an attribute in a table that no longer exists in the database. the type manager will drop the dmi_index object and clean up."
;cause: the dmi_index object refers to an attribute(s) that no longer exists because one of the corresponding type's
;       tables in the database does not exist. this is most likely due to the r_table of a type being dropped since
;       there are no more repeating attributes, but the corresponding indices were not dropped.
;action: check the dmi_index object and make sure it is removed. also, if the index was on the r_object_id or
;        i_position columns, make sure that the dm_type object no longer refers to the dmi_index object.
;       the first parameter is the object id of the dmi_index object.
;       the second parameter is the name of the type that is indexed.
unable_to_purge_pending_publishes_for_type s "there was an error while trying to remove data dictionary entries relating to the %s type. the type will still be dropped."
;cause: the server was trying to remove entries pertaining to the type being dropped from the dd_publish_log, but could not.
;action: normal server operation should continue, although there may be a problem with the dd_publish_log table that
;        entries could not be removed. check to see if any rows in the table are locked, or if the rows pertaining to the
;        type exist.
;        the first parameter of the error is the name of the type being dropped.
.severity error
cant_create_table sss "failure to create attribute table %s for type %s: error from database system is %s"
;cause: internal system error.
;action:  check the error message from the database system.  the problem may be resolvable in the database system.
;         if not, report this error and the error from the database system, and any other error messages on the
;         error message queue to your documentum site representative.
;parameters: the names of the table being created and the type being stored and the error string from the database system.
cant_drop_table sss "failure to drop table %s as part of creation or modification of type %s: error from database system is %s"
;cause: internal system error.
;action:  report this error and its parameters to your documentum site representative.
;parameters: the names of the table being dropped and the type being stored and the error string from the database system.
cant_create_index sss "failure to create index for table %s as part of creation of type %s: error from database system is %s"
;cause: internal system error.
;action:  check the error message from the database system.  the problem may be resolvable in the database system.
;         if not, report this error and the error from the database system, and any other error messages on the
;         error message queue to your documentum site representative.
;parameters: the names of the table and the type being indexed and the error string from the database system.
cant_create_view sss "failure to create view table %s as part of creation of type %s: error from database system is %s"
;cause: internal system error.
;action:  check the error message from the database system.  the problem may be resolvable in the database system.
;         if not, report this error and the error from the database system, and any other error messages on the
;         error message queue to your documentum site representative.
;parameters: the names of the view and the type being created and the error string from the database system.
cant_find_table sss "failure to find table %s as part of fetch of type %s: error from database system is %s"
;cause: internal system error.
;action:  check the error message from the database system.  the problem may be resolvable in the database system.
;         if not, report this error and the error from the database system, and any other error messages on the
;         error message queue to your documentum site representative.
;parameters: the name of the table that should exist and the type of which it is a component and the error string from the database system.
cant_save_type sss "failure to insert row for type %s in table %s: error from database system is %s"
;cause: internal system error.
;action:  check the error message from the database system.  the problem may be resolvable in the database system.
;         if not, report this error and the error from the database system, and any other error messages on the
;         error message queue to your documentum site representative.
;parameters: the names of the type and the table that was being updated and the error string from the database system.
cant_find_type s "failure to find type %s in type table"
;cause: internal system error.
;action:  report this error and its parameters to your documentum site representative.
;parameters:  the type name.
cant_find_type_handle s "failure to find type with handle %s in type table"
;cause: internal system error.
;action:  report this error and its parameters to your documentum site representative.
;parameters:  the id of the type.
cant_build_obj_table s "failure to construct new object table while constructing new database: error from database system is %s"
;cause: internal system error.
;action:  check the error message from the database system.  the problem may be resolvable in the database system.
;         if not, report this error and the error from the database system, and any other error messages on the
;         error message queue to your documentum site representative.
;parameters: the error string from the database system.
cant_build_obj_index s "failure to construct type index on object table: error from database system is %s"
;cause: internal system error.
;action:  check the error message from the database system.  the problem may be resolvable in the database system.
;         if not, report this error and the error from the database system, and any other error messages on the
;         error message queue to your documentum site representative.
;parameters: the error string from the database system.
cant_build_name_index s "failure to construct name index on type table: error from database system is %s"
;cause: internal system error.
;action:  check the error message from the database system.  the problem may be resolvable in the database system.
;         if not, report this error and the error from the database system, and any other error messages on the
;         error message queue to your documentum site representative.
;parameters: the error string from the database system.
initial_commit_failed "failure to commit version stamp change on initialization."
;cause: internal system error.
;action:  report this error and its parameters to your documentum site representative.
;parameters: none.
version_mismatch "version of type manager code not consistent with database contents."
;cause: the database version stamp for the type manager is inconsistent with the version stamp in the system being run.
;action: check to see that the document base being opened was built with the same version of the documentum system.
;parameters: none.
cant_remove_type_on_save s "failure to remove type named %s before saving new type."
;cause: internal system error.
;action: report this error and its parameters to your documentum site representative.
;parameters: the name of the type being saved.
cant_add_version_stamp s "attempt to add (internal) version stamp attribute to type %s before saving failed."
;cause: internal system error.
;action: report this error and its parameters to your documentum site representative.
;parameters: the name of the type.
save_insert_failed ss "failure to save new type %s in object table: error from database system was %s"
;cause: internal system error.
;action:  check the error message from the database system.  the problem may be resolvable in the database system.
;         if not, report this error and the error from the database system, and any other error messages on the
;         error message queue to your documentum site representative.
;parameters: the name of the type and the database system error string.
save_commit_failed s "failure to commit transaction when saving type %s"
;cause: internal system error.
;action: repeat the execution of the program; if the problem persists, report to your documentum site representative.
;parameters: none.
object_remove_failed ss "failure to remove objects of type %s from object table before removing type: error from database system was %s"
;cause: internal system error.
;action:  check the error message from the database system.  the problem may be resolvable in the database system.
;         if not, report this error and the error from the database system, and any other error messages on the
;         error message queue to your documentum site representative.
;parameters: the name of the type and the database error string.
remove_commit_failed s "failure to commit changes to type tables when removing type %s"
;cause: internal system error.
;action: repeat the execution of the program; if the problem persists, report to documentum technical support.
index_failure sss "failure to create index named %s for type %s: error from database system is %s"
;cause: internal system error.
;action:  check the error message from the database system.  the problem may be resolvable in the database system.
;         if not, report this error and the error from the database system, and any other error messages on the
;         error message queue to your documentum site representative.
;parameters: the name of the index, the name of the type for which it was being created, and the error string from the database.
index_drop_failure sss "failure to drop index named %s for type %s: error from database system is %s"
;cause: internal system error.
;action:  check the error message from the database system.  the problem may be resolvable in the database system.
;         if not, report this error and the error from the database system, and any other error messages on the
;         error message queue to your documentum site representative.
;parameters:  the name of the index, the name of the type for which it was being created, and the error string from the database.
connection_failure "cannot initialize type manager because of connection failure."
;cause: an attempt to make an internal database connection failed, causing the type manager to fail during initialization.
;action: check to see that the database system is still running; retry the operation.
;parameters: none
cant_drop_column sss "failed to drop column %s from table %s: error from database system is %s"
;cause: internal error.
;action: check the error message from the database system.  the   the problem may be resolvable in the database system.
;         if not, report this error and the error from the database system, and any other error messages on the
;         error message queue to your documentum site representative.
;parameters: the name of the column, the name of the table from which it is being dropped, and the error string from the database.
drop_update_fail ss "failure to update type table dropping attributes for type %s: error from database system is %s"
;cause: internal error.
;action: check the error message from the database system.  the   the problem may be resolvable in the database system.
;         if not, report this error and the error from the database system, and any other error messages on the
;         error message queue to your documentum site representative.
;parameters: the name of the type and the database error string.
add_update_fail ss "failure to update type table adding attributes for type %s: error from database system is %s"
;cause: internal error.
;action: check the error message from the database system.  the   the problem may be resolvable in the database system.
;         if not, report this error and the error from the database system, and any other error messages on the
;         error message queue to your documentum site representative.
;parameters: the name of the type and the database error string.
cant_add_column sss "failed to add column %s from table %s: error from database system is %s"
;cause: internal error.
;action: check the error message from the database system.  the   the problem may be resolvable in the database system.
;         if not, report this error and the error from the database system, and any other error messages on the
;         error message queue to your documentum site representative.
;parameters: the name of the column, the name of the table to which it is being added, and the error string from the database.
alter_bad_args sss "operation %s failed on type %s because %s"
;cause: user error attempting to add/drop attributes from type
;action: correct the error and retry the operation
;parameters: the name of the operation ("add", "drop"), the name of the type and the reason for the failure.
alter_database_failure ss "attempt to modify type %s failed -- database error message was: %s"
;cause: there was a database failure while modifying a type
;action: correct the error and retry the operation
;parameters: the name of the type and the error message from the database syste;
save_same_name s "attempt to save type %s while type with this name already exists."
;cause: program attempted to save a type that has the same name as one this already exists in the database.
;action: remove the old type from the database first.
;parameters: the name of the type.
type_has_objects s "attempt to remove type %s, which still has objects."
;cause: program attempted to remove a type for which objects still exists.
;action: destroy the objects in the type before removing it.
;parameters: the name of the type.
bad_index_space s "the index space %s does not exist"
;cause: an invalid index space name passed to create index or move index
;action: determine the proper index space name
;parameters: the name of the index space
cant_fetch_acl ssss "failed to fetch the acl '%s' in name space '%s' for the type '%s'. [%s]"
; cause: failed to fetch the given acl.
; action: try a valid acl.
cant_deref_acl sss "failed to de-reference acl '%s' in name space '%s' for type '%s'."
; cause: failed to deref the acl.
; action: report the bug.
cant_save_acl sss "failed to save acl '%s' in name space '%s' for type '%s'."
; cause: failed to save the acl.
; action: report the bug.
acl_revise_group sss "failed to revise the group name of the acl '%s' in domain '%s' for type '%s'."
; cause: failed to revise the group name of the associated acl.
; action: report the bug.
zero_permit siii "failed to save acl for type '%s' because permits for owner, group and world, (%d,%d,%d), need to be either all nulls or not nulls."
; cause: the ogw-permits under acl security mode need to be either all zeros or all none-zeros.
; action: reset the ogw-permits.
attribute_too_long ss "the length of the %s attribute of the type %s is too long"
; cause: the length of a string valued attribute exceeds the database limit
; action: reduce the length and retry the type creation or alteration
old_version sii "old version of type %s -- version stamp is %d; database version is %d"
;cause:  an attempt to alter a type that has been modified since it was fetched
;action: quit the session, start a new session and try again
;parameters: the name of the type, the version stamp in the cached copy and the database version stamp
bad_vstamp is "unexpected version stamp (%d) is found for type %s."
; cause: the dm_vstamp object found for this type contains an unexpected
;        version number. the dm_vstamp object could be corrupted. the
;        type may have been changed unexpectedly.
; action: call documentum tech support.
; parameters: the vstamp value and the type name.
add_update_fresh_fail ss "failure to batch update type table adding attributes for type %s: error from database system is %s"
;cause: internal error.
;action: check the error message from the database system.  the problem may be resolvable in the database system.
;         if not, report this error and the error from the database system, and any other error messages on the
;         error message queue to your documentum site representative.
;parameters: the name of the type and the database error string.
check_ftindex_fail s "while checking for whether types already indexed, the following database query %s could not be executed."
;cause: unknown
;action:  report this error and its parameters to your documentum site representative.
;parameters: the failed database query command.
type_info_upgrade_failed "the type_info upgrade failed."
; cause: the type_info object upgrade failed.
; action: call documentum tech support.
attr_check_failed s "a database query to check upgrade status failed.  message: %s."
; cause: while checking if an upgrade occurred, a query failed.
; action: call documentum tech support.
cant_add_isreplica s "attempt to add (internal) i_is_replica attribute to type %s before saving failed."
;cause: internal system error.
;action: report this error and its parameters to your documentum site representative.
;parameters: the name of the type.
database_internal_error s "an database error occured in while making object table. the database internal error is %s"
;cause: internal database system error.
;action: report this error and its prarmeters to your documentum site representative.
;parameters: the database internal error.
load_synonym_check s "an error occurred looking for a synonym for the type %s during load processing of the dmi_type_info object."
;  during load operations, when we encounter dm_type or dmi_type_info objects
;  we check for an existing type of the same name in the docbase to determine
;  what action to take.  this error occured during an attempt to determine if
;  the named type was already existing or was created during the current load.
;  if this error occurs while checking an existing type, it will not cause any
;  bad effects, assuming there are no other errors in the load.  however, if
;  this error occurs while checking a newly created type, it will likely cause
;  the operation to bypass any new data dictionary information that should
;  have been created along with the type.
;    %1  - the name of the type being processed. 
;cause:  internal error in load processing
;action: check for other errors which may give more detail on the problem.
;        check that new types were created as expected, including the data
;        dictionary information (indicated by the type_override field of the
;        dmi_type_info entry).  if the load was not successfull it can be
;        reverted and retried by fetching the dm_load_record and applying
;        the "revert,c,l" command and then the "save,c,l" command.

load_typinfo_upd s "an error occurred applying updates to the dmi_type_info object for new type %s during load processing."
;  during load operations, when we we create a new type, we bring over the
;  data dictionary information from the source docbase's type info record.
;  this error indicates that a failure was encountered during an attempt
;  to apply that update.
;    %1  - the name of the type being processed. 
;cause:  internal error in load processing
;action: check for other errors which may give more detail on the problem.
;        if the error appears transient, the load can be retried by simply
;        fetching the same dm_load_record and issueing a new save on it.
;        if the load cannot be retried, it should be reverted by fetching
;        the dm_load_record and applying the revert api.

load_typinfo_fix s "an error occurred applying updates to the dmi_type_info object for new type %s during the second phase of load processing."
;  during load operations, when we we create a new type, we bring over the
;  data dictionary information from the source docbase's type info record.
;  this error indicates that a failure was encountered during an attempt
;  to apply that update.
;    %1  - the name of the type being processed. 
;cause:  internal error in load processing
;action: check for other errors which may give more detail on the problem.
;        if the error appears transient, the load can be retried by simply
;        fetching the same dm_load_record and issueing a new save on it.
;        if the load cannot be retried, it should be reverted by fetching
;        the dm_load_record and applying the revert api.
no_old_obj_table s "unable to either find or construct old style object table: error from database system is %s"
;cause: internal system error.
;action:  check the error message from the database system.  the problem may be
; resolvable in the database system.
;       if not, report this error and the error from the database system,
; and any other error messages on the
;       error message queue to your documentum site representative.
; the old style object table is necessary to protect the docbase from
; inadvertant connection by an older server.
;parameters: the error string from the database system.

init_dbms_err s "error from dbms during initialization of the type manager.  error was: %s."
;  this error message is given if an error is obtained during type initializtion
;  at server startup which prevents the server from determining if a server
;  type exists or not in the underlying database.
;parameters: - the dbms error message
;cause: error from dbms during server startup.
;action: resolve dbms condition leading to error

existing_table ss "cannot create type %s because the table %s unexpectedly already exists in the database and the server 'preserve_existing_types' flag is enabled.  to complete this operation the table must first be manually dropped or the server flag disabled."
;  this error message is given if during type creation the server finds that
;  a table it needs to create already exists in the database.  by default
;  the server will simply drop the table and re-create it.  but if the server
;  startup parameter -preserve_existing_types is present then this error
;  is given instead.
;  %s - the type name
;  %s - the table name
;cause:  table already exists in the docbase
;action: ensure that it is ok to remove the existing table and then manually
;        drop it.  alternatively the 'preserve_existing_types' flag can be
;        removed from the server startup options and the server restarted.

existing_type s "cannot create type %s because a type by that name already exists in the database and the server 'preserve_existing_types' flag is enabled.  to complete this operation the type must be manually dropped or the server flag disabled."
;  this error message is given if during type initialization at server startup
;  the server finds that a type it needs to create conflicts with another
;  type by the same name already in the database.  by default
;  the server will simply drop the type and re-create it.  but if the server
;  startup parameter 'preserve_existing_types' is present then this error
;  is given instead.
;  %s - the type name
;cause:  type already exists in the docbase
;action: ensure that it is ok to remove the existing type and then manually
;        drop it.  alternatively the 'preserve_existing_types' flag can be
;        removed from the server startup options and the server restarted.
unable_to_adjust_index_positions ss "the type manager was unable to modify the attribute positions in the dmi_index objects for the type %s as a result of attribute changes to one or more of its supertypes. the following database error occurred: %s"
;cause: whenever attributes are added or removed from a type, the attribute positions of its
;       subtypes changes. as a result, we need to adjust the dmi_index objects of any of the
;       types subtypes because the dmi_index object uses attribute positions to determine which
;       attributes are indexed. if this error occurs, it means there was a failure in the type
;       managers attempt to adjust the dmi_index objects.
;action: this really should only occur due to a database or query error. check database errors
;        or any additional errors that may have been reported and contact your documentum
;        administrator.
;       the first parameter is the name of the type the index was created on.
cursor_error s "a database error has occurred during the creation of a cursor ('%s')."
;cause:  a sql statement that queries the documentum schema has failed. this error message
;        indicates that a failure occurred during the parsing of the generated
;        sql statement by the underlying rdbms.
;action: the error message from the rdbms is shown in the message. use that
;        error message to figure out what has happened.
index_without_type_table ds "the dmi_index object with id %s on type %s, refers to an attribute in a table that no longer exists in the database. the type manager will drop the dmi_index object and clean up."
;cause: the dmi_index object refers to an attribute(s) that no longer exists because one of the corresponding type's
;       tables in the database does not exist. this is most likely due to the r_table of a type being dropped since
;       there are no more repeating attributes, but the corresponding indices were not dropped.
;action: check the dmi_index object and make sure it is removed. also, if the index was on the r_object_id or
;        i_position columns, make sure that the dm_type object no longer refers to the dmi_index object.
;       the first parameter is the object id of the dmi_index object.
;       the second parameter is the name of the type that is indexed.
index_already_exists sd "the index being created on type %s already exists. the existing index is represented by dmi_index object with id %s."
;cause: duplicate indices cannot be created. an index on the desired attributes and type
;       already exists.
;action: check the dmi_index object specified in the error and verify that it is on the
;        same attributes.
;       the first parameter is the object id of the dmi_index object.
;       the second parameter is the name of the type that is indexed.
unable_to_populate_table sss "type manager was unable to populate the table %s for type %s: error from database system is %s"
;cause: internal system error.
;action:  check the error message from the database system.  the problem may be resolvable in the database system.
;         if not, report this error and the error from the database system, and any other error messages on the
;         error message queue to your documentum site representative.
;       the first parameter is the name of the table being populated.
;       the second parameter is the name of the type.
;       the third parameter is the error string from the database system.
query_execution_failure ss "the type manager encountered an error while trying to execute the following query: %s. database error was %s."
; cause: query execution failed.
; action: check the error message from the database in order to determine the
;         cause of the query failure.
; parameters: the first parameter is the query that was being executed.
;             the second parameter is the resulting error from the database.
cannot_create_root_types_table "the type manager was unable to create the dm_dd_root_types table. more specific error messages should accompany this error."
; cause: the type manager encountered an error during the creation of the dm_dd_root_types
;        table.
; action: it is necessary to check additional error messages for details on why this
;         failure occurred.
; parameters: none
unable_to_lock_type_chain "the type manager was unable to lock the type chain for type %s."
; cause: the type manager encountered an error while trying to lock the type chain
;        through the dm_dd_root_types table. the type chain is typically locked
;        during a alter/create/drop or data dictionary publish operation.
; action: refer to additional error messages to determine the cause of the failure.
; parameters: the first parameter is the name of the type.
cannot_add_attribute ss "attempt to add attribute (%s) to type (%s) before saving failed."
;cause: internal system error.
;action: report this error and its parameters to your documentum site representative.
;parameters: the respective names of the attribute and the type.

get_aspect_info_unable_to_verify ss "a database error occured while checking if aspect %s has attributes defined (or) if objects that have the aspect attached has attributes defined by the aspect. database error is %s"
; cause: a database error occured while executing the get_aspect_use_info apply
; method.
; action: refer to the accompanying database  error.
get_aspect_info_invalid_aspect_name s "there is no aspect in the repository with the name %s or the argument specified is either null or empty"
; cause: aspect_name argument specified for get_aspect_use_info apply
; method is invalid.
; action: specify a valid value for the aspect_name argument.
get_aspect_info_type_not_found "there is no dmc_aspect_type in the repository"
; cause: there is no dmc_aspect_type type defined/created in the repository
; for get_aspect_use_info apply method to use.
; action: refer to the installation guide and resolve installation/upgrade
; errors.
get_aspect_info_incorrect_aspect_type "dmc_aspect_type does not have the i_attr_def attribute"
; cause: dmc_aspect_type type in the repository does not have i_attr_def
; attribute.
; action: refer to the installation guide and resolve any installation/upgrade
; errors
cannot_remove_default_aspect ss "cannot remove default aspect '%s' from type '%s' because the aspect is not found in the type's type info."
; cause: the specified aspect name in the dql alter type remove default aspects statement does not exist in the type's type info.
; action: check default_aspects in the type info object to make sure that the default aspect is specified there before
;         issuing the dql statement. it is possible that the specified default aspect was removed
;         by another user already.
make_index_failed s "make_index failed to create the requested index. reason: %s"
; cause: a failure occured while processing the make_index apply method.
; action: refer to the reason and take the corrective action.
too_many_attributes si "cannot add attributes since %s would have more than the maximum number of attributes (%d)"
;cause: attempted to add attributes to a type such that the type would have more than the maximum number of attributes allowed.
;action: none.
;parameters: the first parameter is the name of the type.  the second parameter is the maximum number of attributes allowed.

liaojiyong 2009-11-16 12:52
dm_reltype, 16 nov 2009 04:51:00 gmt; $id: dmrelatp.e,v 5.0 1998/01/10 02:08:10 sol_ora exp $
; dmrelation_type class errors
.facility dm_reltype
.severity       error
cant_fetch d "cannot fetch - invalid object id %s"
;cause: could not fetch an object with the given id.
;action: this is probably caused by a bad id.  or, possibly, a connection
; to the documentum server could not be established.
need_privs ss "the current user %s has insufficient privileges to  save or destroy %s relation_type."
;cause: a user with insufficient privileges tried to
; save or destroy a relation_type object.
;action: see your sysadmin.
invalid_security s "invalid security %s for relation."
;cause: a user has defined an invalid relation_type security.
;action: change to a valid relation_type security.
already_exists s "relation_type with %s name already exists."
;cause: a user tried to define a relation_type that already exists.
; all relation_type names must be unique.
;action: try another unique name.
must_have_name "a new relation_type must have a name."
;cause: all relation_types must have a name during creation.
;action: set the name and try to save again.
cant_create_system s "can not system defined create relation type %s"
;cause: can not create relation type that start with dm_ prefix.
; reservered for server use.
;action: try another name.
cant_validate_system "server could not create server defined relation types."
;cause: server was not successful in creating the system defined relation types.
;action: most likely database error.
not_empty s "there are dm_relation object using %s relation_type object."
;cause: user tried to destroy a dm_relation_type object that still has dm_relation object
;  using it.
;action: either drop all dm_relation of this type before tring this operation.
.severity fatal
init1            "the dmrelation_type type was found in the database without a version stamp."
;cause: unknown.
;action: report this message and any parameters to your documentum site
; representative.
init2  ii "version stamp %d was expected to be %d."
;cause: the version stamp that the dmrelation_type object software expected was
; different from the actual version stamp in the database.
;action: you must upgrade your docuserver database to conform to the
; software that you are running.  if your software and data are
; consistent, then report a bug.
; also, report this message and any parameters to your documentum site
; representative.
init3           "the type manager returned an error storing the dmrelation_type type."
;cause: unknown.
;action: look at the error logged by the type manager.
; report this message and any parameters to your documentum site
; representative.
int1   s "the following database query %s could not be executed."
;cause: inconsistency between the server and the sysobject type.
;action: look at the error logged by the database.
; report this message and any parameters to your documentum site




liaojiyong 2009-11-16 12:51
dm_relation, 16 nov 2009 04:51:00 gmt; $id: dmrelate.e,v 5.4 2000/09/19 19:40:01 yasoja exp $
; dmrelation class errors
.facility dm_relation
.severity       error
cant_fetch d "cannot fetch - invalid object id %s"
;cause: could not fetch an object with the given id.
;action: this is probably caused by a bad id.  or, possibly, a connection
; to the documentum server could not be established.
need_priv ss "the current user %s has insufficient privileges to  save or destroy %s relation."
;cause: a user with insufficient privileges tried to
; save or destroy a relation object.
;action: see your sysadmin.
cant_destroy si "cannot destroy relation objects for %s object %d."
;cause: docuserver could not destroy relation objects.
;action: see the followings messages for more detail.
invalid_name s "invalid relation_name = %s, must be a valid dm_relation_type name."
;cause: a user specified an invalid relation_name.
;action: try again with a valid dm_relation_type name.
cant_save s "could not save the %s relation object."
;cause: previous errors have caused the save to abort.
;action: remedy the previous problem before retrying.
bad_label sd "non-existent %s child_label associated %s child of with relation."
;cause: invalid child_label specified with the relation definition.
;action: try again with an valid version_label in the specified child object.
no_relate_permit sss "no relate permit for relation '%s' since %s '%s' is protected."
; cause: no relate permit because the security sysobject says so.
cannot_create_relation_for_foreign_key s "you cannot create an explicit dm_relation object for a dm_foreign_key relation type (%s)."
; cause: you cannot create dm_relation objects using the dm_foreign_key subtype of dm_relation_type.
incr_length_nonexistant_attr l "while upgrading to version %d: failed while trying to increase the length of a non-existant attribute in dm_relation."
; cause: attributes for which the length is being increased should already be in existence before they are lengthened. a previous upgrade step may have failed.
; action: contact your documentum site representative.
incr_length_too_long l "while upgrading to version %d: failed when trying to increase the length of a dm_relation attribute because the attribute is too long."
; cause: the increaselength function was called on an attribute which was too long. a previous upgrade step may have failed.
; action: contact your documentum site representative.
incr_length_failed l "while upgrading to version %d: the upgrade failed on widening dm_relation's attribute lengths."
; cause:  the database server may have problems widening the column length
; action: check database server log or use sql script(under dba) to upgrade.
cant_cascade_destroy_object ss "cannot cascade delete related object %s for object %s."
;cause: docuserver could not cascade-destroy relation objects.
;action: objects specified to be cascade-deleted may need to be manually removed.
.severity fatal
int1   s "the following database query %s could not be executed."
;cause: inconsistency between the server and the sysobject type.
;action: look at the error logged by the database.
; report this message and any parameters to your documentum site
;       representative.

init1            "the dmrelation type was found in the database without a version stamp."
;cause: unknown.
;action: report this message and any parameters to your documentum site
; representative.
init2  ii "version stamp %d was expected to be %d."
;cause: the version stamp that the dmrelation object software expected was
; different from the actual version stamp in the database.
;action: you must upgrade your docuserver database to conform to the
; software that you are running.  if your software and data are
; consistent, then report a bug.
; also, report this message and any parameters to your documentum site
; representative.
init3           "the type manager returned an error storing the dmrelation type."
;cause: unknown.
;action: look at the error logged by the type manager.
; report this message and any parameters to your documentum site
; representative.

type_conversion i           "failed to convert type dm_relation_type to version %d."
;cause: type conversion failed.
;action: look at the error logged by the type manager.
; report this message and any parameters to your documentum site
; representative.
relation_type_init s "failed to initialize type %s."
; cause: unknown.
; action: report this message and any parameters to your documentum site
;       representative.





liaojiyong 2009-11-16 12:51
dm_recovery, 16 nov 2009 04:51:00 gmt ;
; recovery subsystem error
;** documentum docuserver
;** confidential property of documentum, inc.
;** (c) 凯发天生赢家一触即发官网 copyright documentum, inc., 1991-1998
;** all rights reserved.
.facility dm_recovery
.severity trace
.severity information
.severity warning
.severity error
not_sys_admin "only the system administrator may run recovery procedures."
; cause:  someone other than the system administrator attempted to use
;   the run_recovery_procs apply method.
; action: run the method as system administrator.
arg_wrong_type "the parameter to run_recovery_procs was not a recovery object."
; cause:  for the run_recovery_procs apply method, a parameter
;   was supplied that was not of the required type.
; action: supply a parameter that is a recovery object, or supply null,
;   and all recovery objects will be run. 
bad_arg "the parameter to run_recovery_procs was bad, may have been deleted."
; cause:  for the run_recovery_procs apply method, a parameter
;   was supplied that was not fetchable or bad.
; action: the parameter may have been deleted or mistyped. 
;   make sure it exists, then try again.
.severity fatal
reg_toomany "too many recovery procedures have been registered."
; cause:  there is an internal maximum size for the table of
;         registered recovery procedures. 
; action: increase the size of the internal table (table_size_limit
;         in dmrecov.cxx).
reg_dupdefn s "the function (%s) has already been registered as a recovery procedure."
; cause:  this function is already registered.
; action: find out where it is registered, and decide which registration
;         is valid.
not_found "a recovery procedure was requested but not found in the table."
; cause:  the function was never registered.
; action: find out where it ought to be registered, and register it.
no_connection "unable to get a database connection to create a recovery object."
; cause:  probable database connectivity or resource problem.
; action: check system logs.
save_failed "unable to save recovery object."
; cause:  probable database connectivity or resource problem.
; action: check system logs.
cant_commit "unable to commit save of recovery object."
; cause:  probable database connectivity or resource problem.
; action: check system logs.
cant_destroy s "unable to desrtoy recovery object %s."
; cause:  probable database connectivity or resource problem.
; action: check system logs.

liaojiyong 2009-11-16 12:51
dm_session, 16 nov 2009 04:50:00 gmt阅读全文

liaojiyong 2009-11-16 12:50
dm_server, 16 nov 2009 04:50:00 gmt; $id: dmserver.e,v 5.10 2003/05/05 02:56:51 rogert exp $
;  generic server error message
;   use this as the repository for errors from action procs, etc.
.facility dm_server
.severity information
start ss "%s %s"
start_server ss "docbase %s %s"
start_id si "docbase %s was not successfully opened. docbase id: (%d)"
connect_status si  "connection %s (%d)"
;cause: this happens when anything interesting happens to a client connection
;action: you need to look at what the specific error is to determine action
shutdown s "%s."
trace_cache s "%s."
;cause: this trace is turned on by setting the environment variable trace_cache to t
registered si "the server registered using service: (%s) on port: (%d)"
listening s "the server is listening on network address (%s)"
max_sessions ii "max sessions (%i) too large; only (%i) sessions will be allowed"
socket si "%s %i"
server s "%s"
server_fork i "attempt to fork failed with error (%i)"
network_register "attempt to register with network failed.  a new tcp/ip service name will be used"
;cause: this can happen if the port is in use or stuck
accept_failed i "nl_accept failed, retry count = %d"
trace_gethostbyaddr s "trace gethostbyaddr(), %s"
gethostbyaddr_failed s "gethostbyaddr() failed with error %s."
skipping_gethostbyaddr "server.ini parameter gethostbyaddr is set to f, skipping gethostbyaddr()."
launch_mthdsvr s "launching method server %s."
user_deactivated s "user (%s) has been deactivated due to unsuccessful authentication attempts."
;cause: informational message after dm_docbase_config.max_auth_attempt
; unsuccessful authentication attemps in a row.
;action: see sysadmin.
;parameters: user_name.
user_session_killed is "%d sessions owned by user (%s) have been killed because of the user account deactivation."
;cause: informational message when an user account is deactivated because of
; unsuccessful authentication attempts.
;action: none.
;parameters: number of session killed and user name.
install_owner_auth_failed si "server is shutdown because installation owner (%s) has exceeded the limit (%d) of unsuccessful authentication attempts."
;cause: informational message when the installation owner has exceeded the limit
 of unsuccessful authentication attempts in a row.
;action: none.
;parameters: installation owner name and the limit of unsuccessful authenticatio
n attempts.
init_login_ticket_mgr "initialization of login ticket manager failed."
; cause: initializing login ticket manager is unsuccessful due to a bad login ticket key.
; action: this should not happen. if this does happen, one has no other choice but contacting documentum engineering.
; parameters: none.
config_value isii "current value %d of server configuration parameter %s should be bigger than %d and smaller than %d, you should correct its value in server.ini file."
; cause: the given value for the configuration parameter is either too small or too big.
; action: adjust the value for the configuration parameter.
; parameters: current value, configuration parameter name, lower limit and higher limit.
ipv6_disabled s "the server can not listen on ipv6 address because %s"
.severity warning
do_method s "apply of do_method failed because of: %s"
;cause: the do_method action proc detected an internal error.
;action: correct the error and retry the procedure.
;argument: a description of the error encountered
none_to_archive      "no sysobject will be archived/restored as result of the specified request."
;cause: the archive method predicate will cause no sysobject/document to be archive or restored.
;    no archive request will be queued.
;action: change the archive request.
none_to_restore      "all of the objects specified by this restore request are currently online and available.  no restore action is necessary."
;cause: the restore method predicate specifies no sysobjects that are currently
;       marked as archived and offline.  no restore request will be queued.
;action: no restore required.

dummy1_message "this is here to keep the error numbers from shifting."
;cause: this is a dummy message that is never used.  do not ever remove it.

client_socket        "could not set desired tcp socket options on new client connection.  the connection has been established but may suffer performance degradations."
;cause: the call to cookclientsocket - which sets desired tcp options on the
; client connection - failed.  the system will continue and use the
; the socket connection anyway in the hope that it will prove usable.
; previous error messages should have given more detail about what socket
; attributes could not be set and why.
;action: check previous error messages for further details on the error.
cannot_secure_mode "could not start server in secure or dual connect mode because server is not in trusted mode. starting server in native connect mode."
;cause: attribute secure_connect_mode of dm_server_config is set to "secure" or
;       "dual" but no valid tcs_license file is provided. server supports
;       secure or dual connection only when it is in trusted mode.
;action: to avoid this message, either set attribute secure_connect_mode of
;       dm_server_config to "native" or provide a valid tcs_license file.
.severity error
exec_sql s  "the execsql method failed due to a database error: %s"
;cause: the execsql method failed after trying to execute a dbms command.
;action: refer to the database manual concerning the function you were trying to perform.
;argument: the dbms error.
shut_down s "the shutdown method has failed for the following reason: %s"
;cause: the user probably did not have sufficient privilege to run this command.
;action: run the method as a super-user.
;argument: none

ini_file_access ss "error initializing process due to the inability to get startup parameters from the named init_file: %s.  error reason: %s."
;  documentum server processes and utilities use a init_file for holding
;  process startup information.  the name of this file is given as a command
;  line flag.  this error generally indicates that the named file is not
;  accessible.

;cause:  the named init_file could not be read to extract startup parameters.
;action: checked the named init_file to make sure it exists and is readable.
need_archive_dql "need a dql predicate to perform archive/restore operation."
;cause: the archive/restore request does not have a dql predicate.
;action: resubmit the archive/restore request with a dql predicate.
restore1 "need loadfile or dql predicate to start restore operation."
;cause: user specified a restore operation w/o a loadfile name or dql predicate.
;action: respecify the restore method and specify at least load file or a dql predicate.
start_netwise ss "the server failed to start due to an error returned by the netwise networking subsystem. failed api: %s. error %s."
;cause: this is a generalized networking error so it could be anything.
;action: use the netwise documentation to determine the error based on the api that failed.
run_netwise ss "the server encountered an error returned by the netwise networking subsystem. failed api: %s. error %s."
;cause: this is a generalized networking error so it could be anything.
;action: use the netwise documentation to determine the error based on the api that failed.
register_fail is "the server failed to register itself on port (%d). error %s."
;cause: this error occurs when there is a network/administration error
;action: check that the required network administration is correctand if so check the netwise documentation to determine the error.
register_in_use is "the server failed to register itself as there is already a server on port (%d). error %s."
;cause: this error occurs when there is another server running on the requested port
;action: make sure that you have each server configured with its own port number
sockopt si "setsockopt failed for (%s) with error (%d)"
predicate_too_long  i "the predicate condition specified is too long for the archive/restore operation.  the predicate must be a legal value for the queue method's 'message' argument, which currently cannot exceed %d bytes."
;cause: the predicate string is too long to fit into a queue operation.
;action: rewrite the archive/restore request so that the predicate fits into
;        a smaller string.  note that the archiver also enforces predicate
;        length restrictions on archive and restore operations that are likely
;        to be more restrictive than this error condition.
invalid_vstamp is "the operation failed because an invalid version stamp (%d) is found for '%s'."
; cause: initialization failed due to invalid vstamp.
; action: contact support and see why vstamp is bad and how to correct it.
listen_fail ss "the server failed to register itself on network address (%s). error %s."
; cause: unable to register on the network address/port
; action: check the network configuration

pool_full i "unable to create connection because the internal connection data structure is full.  there are %d elements"
; cause: software failure
; action: re-start server and call documentum technical support

launch_failed sss  "unable to create connection for process at machine %s as user %s because the creation of the execution context failed.  operating system error: %s"
; cause: possibly related to resource overload
; action: check load on system

shared_memory is "unable to create shared memory segment of size %d.  operating system error: %s"
; cause: possibly related to running out of either system semaphores or shared memory.
; action: use the ipcs and ipcrm to locate and remove any unused shared memory segments.  ensure machine is configured with enough resources

launch_failed2 s  "unable to create connection for process because the creation of the execution context failed.  operating system error: %s"
; cause: possibly related to resource overload
; action: check load on system

start_netwise2 si "the server failed to start due to an error returned by the netwise networking subsystem. failed api: %s. error code %d."
;cause: this is a generalized networking error so it could be anything.
;action: use the netwise documentation to determine the error based on the api that failed.
retry_exhausted "the server failed to re-register on the network after exhausted the list of alternative tcp/ip service names"
;cause: all ports are in use or there is a severe networking error

crt_shm_obj_fail s "%s : failed to create shared memory object."
; cause: possibly running out of memory.
; action: check and add more swap space; or reduce the system load.
crt_shm_reg_fail s "%s : failed to create shared memory region."
; cause: there are several possibilities:
;  1) running out of shared memory segments.
;  2) the shared memory region already exists.
; action: in case of 1), contact your sa to configure more shared
; memory segments. in case of 2), use ipcs/ipcrm to remove
; the existing shared memory segment.
make_shm_arg_fail s "%s : failed to construct attach arguments."
; cause: probably out of memory.
; action: check and add more swap space; or reduce the system load.
init_meq_fail s "%s : failed to initialize method execution queue."
; cause: method execution queue initialization failed.
; action: contact documentum's technical support.
crt_mthdsvr_proc_fail s "%s : creating method server process failed."
; cause: maybe you are running too many processes on your system.
; action: contact documentum's technical support.
no_mthdsvr_binary s "%s : method server binary is not accessible."
; cause: the method server binary "mthdsvr" is not under $dm_home/bin
; or it does not have the proper permission.
; action: make sure method server binary "mthdsvr" is under $dm_home/bin
; and set execution permission for it.
no_mthd_buf s "%s failed to get free method execution request buffer."
; cause: running out of internal method execution buffer.
; action: increase the number of method server worker threads by setting server configuration parameter "method_server_threads" in server.ini to a greater value.
update_stats s  "the update_statistics method failed due to a database error: %s"
;cause: the update_statistics method failed after trying to execute a dbms command.
;action: refer to the database manual concerning the function you were trying to perform.
;argument: the dbms error.
reorg_table s  "the reorganize_table method failed due to a database error: %s"
;cause: the reorganize_table method failed after trying to execute a dbms command.
;action: refer to the database manual concerning the function you were trying to perform.
;argument: the dbms error.
unable_to_process_method_results s "unable to process method results for method '%s'"
;cause: an operation failed because the server was unable to process the results from a method.
;action: look in the server log and method server log for more information. run the method directly to confirm it works.
;argument: the name fo the method.
ssl_handshake_failed ii "secure connection failed during handshake on connection (%d). netwise returns error code (%d)."
;cause: this may be caused by some unknown program trying to connect to content server secure port.
;action: may ignore it if this is seen occassionally only. report to custmer support if this is seen frequently.
;argument: the first argument is the connection id and the second is error code from netwise.
vstamp_setting_fail s "failed to update version stamp for application: %s"
;cause: content server tries to update version stamp, but failed.
;action: check server log file and look for any sql failure.
;argument: the name of the application.

.severity fatal
incr_length_failed slsl "while upgrading %s to version %d: the upgrade failed to widen the %s attribute to %d."
;cause: upgrading a type by increasing an attribute width failed.
;action: please call documentum technical support.
;argument: the first argument is the name of the type being upgraded. the second is the version
;stamp we are trying to upgrade to. the third argument is the name of the attribute being widened. the
;fourth argument is the length we were trying to make the attribute.

liaojiyong 2009-11-16 12:50
dm_router, 16 nov 2009 04:50:00 gmt; $id: dmrouter.e,v 5.0 1998/01/10 02:08:11 sol_ora exp $
; dmrouter class errors
.facility dm_router
.severity      info
bad_package ds "package identified by %s and label <%s> does not exist."
;cause: user has specified an invalid document with the specified id and label.
;action: respecify a valid id and label.
no_external_methods ss "can not find any external method for router named: '%s' and operation: '%s'"
;cause: during validation, could not find any external method for pre/post processing of
;  forward/reverse/queue operations.
;action: look for dm_method for any external names that should match a router external method definition.
bad_package2 dsss "package identified by %s and label <%s> does not have the relate permit because of %s '%s'."
;cause: user has specified an invalid document with the specified id and label.
;action: respecify a valid id and label.
.severity warning
already_acquired s "task number %s is already acquired."
;cause: tried to queue an acquired task. an acquired task
; is not requeued.
;action: none.
.severity error
cant_dequeue sss "cannot dequeue task number %s of router named '%s' for user %s."
cant_dequeuer ss "cannot dequeue router named '%s' for user %s."
;cause: it is probable that failure of database operation caused this error.
;action: consult the other error messages on your message queue for more help.
cant_destroy s "cannot destroy router named '%s' since its state is active or halted."
;cause: in order to destroy a router its state must be one of dormant or finished.
;action: place router in one of these states before proceeding.
cant_queue sss "cannot queue task number %s of router named '%s' for user %s."
cant_queuer ss "cannot queue router named '%s' for user %s."
;cause: it is probable that failure of database operation caused this error.
;action: consult the other recent error messages for more help.
cant_saves s "cannot save router name '%s' since its state is active."
;cause: in order to save a router its state must be either dormant or halted.
;action: place router in one of these states before proceeding.
mustbe_user_or_super sss "current user %s must be the router supervisor or task user for %s task to perform %s operation on this router."
;cause: the current user must be the task user or the router supervisor to perform this operation.
;action: none. 
mustbe_task_user sss "current user %s must be the task user for %s task to perform %s operation on this router."
;cause: the current user must be the task user to perform this operation.
;action: none. 
mustbe_supervisor ss "current user %s must be the supervisor to perform %s operation on this router."
;cause: the current user must be the router supervisor to perform this operation.
;action: none. 
invalid_task_type sss "invalid %s %s for task number %s."
;cause: specified task has invalid next_task_type or dependency_task_type
; or task_type.
; with broadcast routers, the only next_tasks_type supported is all.
;action: change the erroneous next_task_type or dependency_task_type or
; task_type.
invalid_router_state ss "current router state is %s, expected to be %s."
;cause: in order to perform the current operation router state must match
; the expected state.
;action:either wait for the router state to change, or change the
;      state of the router before performing this operation.
invalid_router_type s "invalid router type %s specified."
;cause: invalid router type specified. expected to see: route slip, broadcast,
; or general.
;action: specify a valid router type.
invalid_supervisor s "invalid user name %s specified as supervisor."
;cause: invalid supervisor name specified during save operation.
;action: please specify a valid user name.
invalid_task_list1 sss "task list %s for task number %s should only have one task number, but the following were found:  %s."
;cause: specified task list should have only one task number.
;  a) for route_slip: next_task_list and dependency_list should only
; have one task number.
;  b) for broadcast: dependency_task_list should only have one task number.
;action: respecify the task list.
invalid_task_list sss "task list %s for task number %s has invalid task number %s."
;cause:specified task list has invalid task numbers.
;action: make sure that they are all numeric and valid task numbers
; from the current router, and do not point to the current task number.
invalid_task_num s "invalid task number %s specified."
;cause: an invalid task number has been specified.
;    a task number is invalid if:
; a) it is out of range with the given router,
; b) it is an invalid specification (ie non-numeric).

;action: specify a valid task number.
invalid_task_state sss "state of task number %s is '%s', expected to be '%s'."
;cause: in order to perform the current operation the state of the specified task
; must match the expected state.
;action:either wait for the task state to change, or change the
;      state of the task before performing this operation.
invalid_task_owner ss "invalid task owner name '%s' specified for task number %s."
;cause: during save operation, an invalid task owner was found to be specified
; for the given task.
;action: please specify a valid documentum user or group name.
need_begin s "router named '%s' needs to have at least one begin task."
;cause: a router must have one or more begin tasks.
;action: make sure that at least one task_type is begin.
need_end s   "router named '%s' needs to have one end task."
;cause: a router can only have one end task.
;action: make sure that only one end task is specified.
need_target ss "need one or more target task to perform %s operation on '%s' task."
;cause: in order to perform the specified operation at least one target task is
; required.
;action: retry the operation with one or more target tasks.
not_validated s "router named '%s' must be validated before execution."
;cause: when a router is changed it must be validated before execution.
;action: validate the router before executing the router.
target_not_required "target tasks not required."
;cause:  tried to do a forward where no target task is required.
; this can happen when forwarding a task where next_tasks_type is all.
;action: respecify the operation without target tasks.
taskowner_not_required s "the task owner parameter is not allowed on the %s operation unless you are the supervisor."
;cause: tried to perform a reassign as a non-supervisor. task owner
;   parameter is only allowed if the current user is the supervisor.
;action: none.
task_not_in_list sss "task number %s must be in %s list: %s"
;cause: specified task number must be in the specified list.
;action: use a task in the specified list.
invalid_task_index  i "invalid task index %d specified."
;cause: you tried to remove or inserttask with an invalid index number.
;action: retry with a valid task index.
more_end si "router named '%s' has %d end tasks. only one end task is allowed in each router."
;cause: each router can only have one end task.
;action: remove the additional end tasks and try again.
duplicate_tasknum ss "duplicate task number %s is encountered in '%s' router."
;cause: all task numbers must be unique.
;action: respecify the task number and try again.
bad_task_attrc ssii "in router named '%s', count of %s: %d does not match the count of task_num: %d."
;cause: tried to save a router with invalid task attribute count.
;action: most likely the user tried to manipulate task attributes with append or
;   insert or remove methods instead of appendtask, inserttask or removetask.
invalid_task_list3 ss "task list %s for task number %s must be empty."
;cause: the specified task list must be empty. all begin tasks must have empty
;   dependency_list, and all end tasks must have empty next_tasks_list.
;action: set these lists to empty.
not_a_router d "the object identified by %s is not a router."
cant_acquire is "could not acquire task number %d of '%s' router."
;cause: previous errors, prevented the server to acquire the specified task.
;action: look at the previous error messages.
sign_off_required s "task number %s must be signed off."
;cause: user must sign-ogg the specified task before forwarding.
;action: sign-off.
sign_off_failed s "task number %s could not be signed off."
;cause: server could not sign-off the specified task number. previous errors
; have caused the sign-off to abort.
;action: check the previous error message for the appropriate action.
cant_perform sss "current user '%s' must be the router supervisor or task owner(user) or sysadmin for %s task to perform %s operation on this router."
;cause: the current user must be either:
;   router supervisor, or task owner, or task user or sysadmin to perform this operation.
;action: none. 
user_not_in_list sss "user '%s' must be a task owner or user of %s list of '%s' task."
;cause: specified user must be a task owner or user of the specified list.
;action: try again with a valid user.
invalid_task_state2 ssss "state of task '%s' is '%s', expected to be '%s' or '%s'."
;cause: in order to perform the current operation the state of the specified task
; must match the expected state.
;action:either wait for the task state to change, or change the
;      state of the task before performing this operation.
invalid_task_state3 sssss "state of task '%s' is '%s', expected to be '%s' or '%s' or '%s'."
;cause: in order to perform the current operation the state of the specified task
; must match the expected state.
;action:either wait for the task state to change, or change the
;      state of the task before performing this operation.
cant_find_method s "can not find the external method named: '%s'"
;cause: server could not find a method with the specified name.
; method problem no longer exists.
;action: check dm_method object.
cant_run_method sl "could not run external method named: '%s', error return is %d."
;cause: server could not run the external method.
;action: report the error to user sysadmin.
method_failed sl "method named: '%s' failed with the following return value: %d."
;cause: external method failed with the specified error code. the error returned
;  is application specific.
;action: see your local site admin.
cant_delete_removed s "could not delete removed tasks for %s router."
;cause: user tried to resume a halted router with queued removed tasks.
;action: look into the previous message for possible database errors.
cant_copy_router s "router %s is in use and can not be copied."
;cause: a router that is active or halted can not be copied (checkin, saveasnew)
;action: none.
no_step_allowed s "router %s is a broadcast router and can not have a step task."
;cause: user tried to define a broadcast router with a step task.
;action: not supported.
bad_package ds "package identified by %s and label <%s> does not exist."
;cause: user has specified an invalid document with the specified id and label.
;action: respecify a valid id and label.
bad_package2 dsss "package identified by %s and label <%s> does not have the relate permit because of %s '%s'."
;cause: user does not have relate permission to the package.
;action: have the owner of document to provide relate permission or use another document with relate permission.
max_current_task_list s "you have reached the maximum size of the current task list on router named '%s'."
;cause: router tried to add a task to current task list which is already full with active tasks.
;action: redefine the router.
need_browse ss "user '%s' need to have browse permission on '%s' document."
;cause: a document is about to be queued to a user that does not have browse access.
;action: change security on the document to allow browse permission for users of this task.
.severity fatal
init1            "the dm_router type was found in the database without a version stamp."
;cause: unknown.
;action: report this message and any parameters to your documentum site
; representative.
init2  ii "version stamp %d was expected to be %d."
;cause: the version stamp that the dm_router object software expected was
; different from the actual version stamp in the database.
;action: you must upgrade your docuserver database to conform to the
; software that you are running.  if your software and data are
; consistent, then report this message and any parameters to your documentum site
; representative.
init3           "the type manager returned an error storing the dm_router type."
;cause: unknown.
;action: look at the error message logged by the type manager.
; report this message and any parameters to your documentum site
; representative.
init4           "the type manager returned an error converting the dm_router type."
;cause: unknown.
;action: look at the error message logged by the type manager.
; report this message and any parameters to your documentum site
; representative.


liaojiyong 2009-11-16 12:50
dm_storage, 16 nov 2009 04:49:00 gmt阅读全文

liaojiyong 2009-11-16 12:49
dm_scnfg, 16 nov 2009 04:49:00 gmt; $id: dmsrvcnf.e,v 5.8 2002/11/21 01:30:36 zfan exp $
; dmserverconfig class errors
.facility dm_scnfg

.severity       warning
qry_cache_dir "an error has occurred creating or validating your query cache path.  query caching is disabled for your session."
; cause:  this is an unexpected error.  the types of things that could cause it include:
;         1)  your client local area path is invalid.
;         2)  there was an error creating or accessing the qrycache directory.
;         3)  there was an error creating or accessing the directory,
;             the directory, or the directory.
;         4)  there was an error while accessing an existing query cache map file.
; action: check your client local area.  look for the qrycache path and the ,
;         , and paths for your host, docbase, and user name.
;        make sure they all have accessible permissions.  check the file,
;        if it exists.  consult your system administrator.  you may have to delete
;        the directory structure up to the client local area to get the query cache
;        to reinitialize.  if the problem is with the client local area itself, see
;        your system administrator.
qry_cache_qry  "an unexpected internal error has occurred while initializing your query cache.  query caching is disabled for your session."
; cause:  an internally generated query required to validate your query cache has
;         failed to run properly.  there should be additional error messages
;         that indicate the nature of that failure.
; action: gather all error messages associated with this failure and consult your
;         documentum system administrator.  there may be a problem with the
;         dm_docbase_config in your docbase.  you could also ignore this error;
;         query caching is turned off for your session.
qry_cache_user s "query caching is disabled for your session.  user %s is using your cache directory."
; cause:  to create the directory name for your cache, your documentum user name is
;         turned into a string of length eight, followed by a dot, followed by a
;         string of length three.  another user's user name has be decomposed into
;         the same directory name.  you cannot share the same cache.  query caching
;         is disabled for your session.
; action: change your client local area to a directory that the other user (named in
;         the message) will not use.
.severity       error
cant_find s "cannot find %s server_config object."
;cause: could not find the server_config object with the specified name.
;action: this is probably caused by invalid name.
cant_create "cannot create a server_config object."
;cause: could not create a server_config object. most likely
; the server is out of memory.
;action: restart your session and talk to your sysadmin.
cant_fetch_invalid_id d "cannot fetch a server_config - invalid object id %s"
;cause: could not fetch an object with the given id.
;action: this is probably caused by a bad id.  or, possibly, a connection
; to the documentum server could not be established.
cant_save s "cannot save %s server_config."
;cause: one or more operations has failed during this save.
; consult the following error message(s) for more help.
;action: try again after fixing previous problems.
invalid_sessc i "concurrent session count %d must be positive."
;cause: user tried to specify an invalid concurrent session count.
;action: specify a positive number.
no_config_name "no configuration name is specified."
;cause: user has not specified a configuration object.
;action: specify a unique name.
need_priv_for_change ss "the current user (%s) needs to have superuser or sysadmin privilege to save or destroy %s server_config object."
;cause: must have superuser or sysadmin privilege to save/destroy server_config objects.
;action: consult your system administrator.
need_priv_for_reinit s "the current user (%s) needs to have superuser or sysadmin privilege to reinit the server."
;cause: must have superuser or sysadmin privilege to reinit server.
;action: consult your system administrator.
need_priv_for_getlogin ss "the current user (%s) needs to have superuser privilege to login as user %s."
;cause: must have superuser privilege to issue "getlogin,session,other_user".
;action: consult your system administrator.
need_valid_user_for_getlogin s "the user (%s) needs to be a valid user."
;cause: must have superuser privilege to issue "getlogin,session,other_user".
;action: consult your system administrator.
invalid_default_acl is "invalid value %d set for default_acl of the serverconfig '%s'."
; cause: invalid value is set to default_acl.
; action: provide a valid value (folder: 1, type: 2, user: 3)
qry_cache_file_name "a filename-generation error has occurred caching results of a cached query."
; cause:  a filename could not be generated to hold your cached query
;         results.  this is an unlikely situation that could be caused
;         by caching too many queries in a session. 
; action: if you are an end user, you may be running an application that
;         is caching too many queries.  try turning caching off for your
;         session in your dmcl.ini.  if you are an application programmer
;         check all the queries in your application and make sure that
;         the ones your are caching are good candidates for caching.
;         most queries should be run with readquery.
qry_cache_file "a file error has occurred caching results of a cached query."
; cause:  the file created to hold your cached query results could not
;         be opened.
; action: this is an unexpected error that may be cause by a file system
;         problem.  report this problem to your documentum system
;         administrator.  meanwhile, to get past the immediate problem,
;         turn caching off for your session in your dmcl.ini.
qry_cache_file_write "a file write error has occurred caching results of a cached query."
; cause:  a failure has occurred while writing your cached query results
;         to the cache file.
; action: the probable cause is that your file system is full.  you may
;         be caching too many query results, or very large result sets.
;         try flushing your cache and starting over, or turn off
;         caching in your dmcl.ini.  make sure all the queries that are
;         being cached are appropriate candidates for caching.
inconsistent_target_attrs "the value count of projection attributes (projection_targets,projection_proxval,projection_notes,projection_enable) are not consistent."
; cause: fail to maintain same value count while editing these attributes.
; action: add or remove attribute values to make them consistent.
duplicated_target_values si "the projection attributes contain duplicated target '%s' with port '%d'."
; cause: fail to maintain unique target value while editing these attributes.
; action: remove attribute values to make target unique.
invalid_proxval ii "the projection_proxval[%d] contains invalid value %d."
; cause: invalid value is set for proximitity.
; action: reset proxval value to the valid value.
invalid_port ii "the projection_port[%d] contains invalid value %d."
; cause: invalid value is set for port.
; action: reset port value to the valid value.
incr_length_nonexistant_attr l "while upgrading to version %d: failed while trying to increase the length of a non-existant attribute in dm_server_config."
; cause: attributes for which the length is being increased should already be in existence before they are lengthened. a previous upgrade step may have failed.
; action: contact your documentum site representative.
incr_length_too_long l "while upgrading to version %d: failed when trying to increase the length of a dm_server_config attribute because the attribute is too long."
; cause: the increaselength function was called on an attribute which was too long. a previous upgrade step may have failed.
; action: contact your documentum site representative.
incr_length_failed l "while upgrading to version %d: the upgrade failed on widening dm_server_config's attribute lengths."
; cause:  the database server may have problems widening the column length
; action: check database server log or use sql script(under dba) to upgrade.
inconsistent_app_server_attrs "the value count of app_server attributes (app_server_name, app_server_uri) is not consistent."
; cause: failed to maintain same value count while editing these attributes.
; action: add or remove attribute values to make them consistent.
duplicated_app_server_name s "the repeating attribute app_server_name contains a duplicate for '%s'."
; cause: failed to maintain unique app_server_name values while editing these attributes.
; action: remove attribute values to make app_server_name unique.
need_priv_for_lock sd "the current user (%s) needs to have sysadmin privilege to lock a non-sysobject ('%s')."
;cause: must have sysadmin privilege to lock a non-sysobject.
;action: consult your system administrator.
need_write_permit_for_lock sd "the current user (%s) needs to have write permit to lock the sysobject ('%s')."
;cause: must have write permit to lock the sysobject if the user doesn't have
;       sysadmin privilege.
;action: consult your system administrator. note that starting from 5.3 sp1, this error
;        is replaced with need_version_permit_for_lock.
invalid_secure_mode s "invalid value (%s) specified for secure_connect_mode. valid values are 'native', 'secure', and 'dual'."
; cause: specified value for secure_connect_mode is invalid. valid values are 'native', 'secure', and 'dual'.
; action: reset secure_connect_mode to one of the valid values.
; parameter: user specified value for attribute secute_connect_mode.
max_wf_threads ii "invalid value (%d) is specified for wf_agent_worker_threads. it must be between 1 and %d."
; cause: specified value for wf_agent_worker_threads is invalid. it must be between 0 and 1000
; action: reset wf_agent_worker_threads to a value between 0 and 1000.
; parameter: user specified value for attribute wf_agent_worker_threads and its maximum.
ticket_timeout_range iii "invalid value (%d) is specified for login_ticket_timeout. it must be between %d and %d."
; cause: specified value for login_ticket_timeout is is out of range [1, max_login_ticket_timeout].
; action: specify a value in the allowed range.
; parameter: user specified value for attribute login_ticket_time, the minimum value allowed for login_ticket_timeout, and the current value of max_login_ticket_timeout.
max_ticket_timeout_range ii "invalid value (%d) for max_login_ticket_timeout. it must be at least (%d)."
; cause: specified value for max_login_ticket_timeout is less than 1.
; action: specify a value greater than 1.
; parameter: user specified value for attribute max_login_ticket_time and the minimum value allowed for max_login_ticket_timeout.
need_priv_for_gettoken "superuser privilege is required to execute command gettoken"
; cause: must have superuser privilege to issue "gettoken,session,...".
; action: try as a super-user.
; parameter: none
need_valid_user_for_gettoken s "the user (%s) must be a valid user or group."
; cause: a valid user or group must be specified. if a group, it must be prefixed with "dm_group=".
; action: make sure that the specified user or group is valid in the docbase. if a group is specified, make sure it is prefixed with "dm_group="
max_ticket_timeout_too_small ii "value (%d) specififed for max_login_ticket_time is smaller than login_ticket_timeout (%d). please first reset login_ticket_timeout to a smaller value and then try again."
; cause:  this message is displayed when sysadmin tries to set max_login_ticket_timeout to a value that is smaller than the value of login_ticket_timeout.
; parameter: the current value of login_ticket_timeout and the value specified for max_login_ticket_timeout.
; action: set login_ticket_timeout to a smaller value first and try again.
need_version_permit_for_lock sd "the current user (%s) needs to have version permit to lock the sysobject ('%s')."
;cause: must have version permit to lock the sysobject if the user doesn't have
;       sysadmin privilege.
;action: consult your system administrator.
invalid_srv_config ss "you have specified an invalid server config (%s) for the %s command."
;cause: if you specify a server config object name in the command, it must be an existing one.
;action: you must specify an existing server config object name.
.severity  fatal
init1            "the server_config type was found in the database without a version stamp."
;cause: unknown.
;action: report this message and any parameters to your documentum site
; representative.
init2  ii "version stamp %d was expected to be %d."
;cause: the version stamp that the dmserver_config object software expected was
; different from the actual version stamp in the database.
;action: you must upgrade your docuserver database to conform to the
; software that you are running.  if your software and data are
; consistent, then report a bug.
; also, report this message and any parameters to your documentum site
; representative.
init3           "the type manager returned an error storing the server_config type."
;cause: unknown.
;action: look at the error logged by the type manager.
; report this message and any parameters to your documentum site
; representative.
int1   s "the following database query %s could not be executed."
;cause: inconsistency between the server and the server_config type.
;action: look at the error logged by the database.
; report this message and any parameters to your documentum site
;       representative.

init4           "the type manager returned an error converting the dm_server_config type."
;cause: unknown.
;action: look at the error message logged by the type manager.
; report this message and any parameters to your documentum site
; representative.

sybase_init1 i "in-place conversion is not supported for the sybase database with version stamp %d."
;cause: for sybase database, in-place conversion is only supported for version 2.0.5 or upper
;action: you need to use dump and load method to upgrade your database.
type_conversion i "failed to convert type dm_serverconfig to version %d."
; cause: type conversion failed.
; action: report the problem.


liaojiyong 2009-11-16 12:49
dm_version, 16 nov 2009 04:48:00 gmt dm_version

; these are errors encountered during parsing version strings

.severity trace
.severity warning

.severity error

memory_exhausted i "memory allocation of %d bytes failed"
parse_no_header s "format string is not parsable: expecting numeric value for version.  format string: %s"

major_scale_bounds_exceeded ii "the maximum bounds for a major revision has been exceeded.  major =%d, maximum =%d"
minor_scale_bounds_exceeded ii "the maximum bounds for a minor revision has been exceeded.  minor =%d, maximum =%d"
maint_scale_bounds_exceeded ii "the maximum bounds for a maintenence revision has been exceeded.  maintenence =%d, maximum =%d"
patch_scale_bounds_exceeded ii "the maximum bounds for a patch revision has been exceeded.  patch =%d, maximum =%d"

liaojiyong 2009-11-16 12:48
dm_user, 16 nov 2009 04:48:00 gmt ;
; dmuser and dmgroup classes errors
;// documentum docuserver
;// confidential property of documentum, inc.
;// (c) 凯发天生赢家一触即发官网 copyright documentum, inc., 1992 - 1995
;// all rights reserved.
.facility dm_user
.severity warning
.severity error
; user object error codes.
cant_create_existing_user s "cannot create user %s since it already exists"
;cause: tried to create a user that already exists. all user names
; must be unique.
;action: try again with a different user_name.
cant_drop_user_from_group ss "cannot drop user %s from group %s."
;cause: couldn't drop the specified user from a group.
;action: examine the following errors on your error queue for more help. either
; invalid user or group name.
cant_destroy_a_user s "cannot destroy user %s."
;cause: user documents could not be unlocked or its a user for group object.
;action: if is_group is set then do not delete it.
;  otherwise see previous messages on why documents could not be unlocked.
cant_fetch_invalid_id d "cannot fetch a user - invalid object id %s"
;cause: cannot fetch the user with the given object id.
;action: try again with the correct id.
cant_find_user s "cannot find user %s."
;cause: cannot find the group with the given name.
;action: try again with the correct name.
not_documentum_user s "user %s does not exist in the docbase"
;cause: the user attempting to open a session does not exist.
;action: try again with the correct name.
cant_save_a_user s "cannot save user %s."
;cause: couldn't save the user object.
;action: most likely the current in memory user object is out of date.
invalid_privilege_values iii "specified privileges %d are invalid, supported range is %d:%d"
;cause: tried to set an invalid privilege code.
;action: try again with valid privilege code.
must_have_name  "a user object must have a name"
;cause: all user definitions must have a user_name, user_os_name
; and e-mail address before save.
;action: set all required attributes and try again.
must_have_osname  s "a new %s user object must have an os user name"
;cause: all user definition must have a user_name, user_os_name
; and e-mail address before save.
;action: set all required attributes and try again.
must_have_email  s "a new %s user object must have a email address"
;cause: all user definition must have a user_name, user_os_name
; and e-mail address before save.
;action: set all required attributes and try again.
need_su_or_sys_priv s "the current user (%s) needs to have superuser or sysadmin privilege."
;cause: must have superuser or sysadmin privilege to perform this operation.
;action: consult your documentum administrator.
need_su_or_sys_for_change ss "the current user (%s) needs to have superuser or sysadmin privilege to save or destroy %s user object."
;cause: must have superuser or sysadmin privilege to save user objects.
;action: consult your documentum administrator.
need_super_user_priv s "the current user (%s) needs to have superuser privilege to save the object."
;cause: must have superuser privilege to save the object. the user tried to do the following without
;       superuser privileges:
;       . add or remove superuser/sysadmin/audit privileges from the user object.
;       . user_db_name.
;       . user_xprivileges (checked in validatexsecurity).
;       . first_failed_auth_utc_time.
;       . last_login_utc_time.
;       . deactivated_utc_time.
;       . deactivated_ip_addr.
;       . user_ldap_dn.
;action: consult your documentum superuser.
invalid_permit is "invalid permit %d specified for user %s."
;cause: user has specified a permit that is outside the valid range.
;action: specify a valid permit number.
existing_user_name s "cannot create user %s since its user_name already exists"
;cause: tried to create a user that its user_name exists. all user names
; must be unique.
;action: try again with a different user_name.
existing_user_osname s "cannot create user %s since its user_os_name already exists"
;cause: tried to create a user that its user_os_name exists. all user names
; must be unique.
;action: try again with a different user_os_name.
cant_fetch_acl ssss "failed to fetch the default acl '%s' in name space '%s' of user '%s'. [%s]"
; cause: failed to fetch the default acl.
; action: report the bug.
cant_deref_acl sss "failed to fetch the default acl '%s' in name space '%s' of user '%s'."
; cause: failed to fetch the default acl.
; action: report the bug.
cant_save_acl sss "failed to save acl '%s' in name space '%s' for user object '%s'."
; cause: failed to save the default acl.
; action: report the bug.
acl_revise_group sss "failed to revise the group name of the acl '%s' in domain '%s' for user '%s'."
; cause: failed to revise the group name of the associated acl.
; action: report the bug.
load_osname_conflict sss "a dm_user object with user name %s was encountered which has a user_os_name (%s) which conflicts with an existing dm_user object.  the user_os_name of the object being loaded has been changed to %s."
;parameters:  %1s - the user_name of the load object
;  %2s - the conflicting user_os_name
;  %3s - the new user_os_name of the load object
;cause:  the docbase cannot support two different users with the same
;  user_os_name, but a dm_user object was found in the dumpfile
;  with a user_os_name that conflicts with an existing user.
;action: if the system administrator takes no action, the docbase and
;  objects will still be usable, but it will not be possible for
;  the user identified above to actually log into the docbase.
;  if it is intended for the new dm_user to be a valid user of
;  the docbase, then the new and old users must be differentiated
;  by changing one of their os names.  the system administrator
;  should change the system os names to be different and then
;  also change the user_os_name value of the appropriate dm_user
;  object.
;  if it was intended that the two conflicting users were actually
;  the same user - but the user_name values of the dm_user objects
;  were inadvertantly slightly different, then it is possible to
;  find all of the newly loaded objects owned by the new dm_user
;  and change their ownership to the local user.  the new invalid
;  user object can then be removed.
must_have_osdomain  s "a new %s user object must have an os domain name"
;cause: all user definition must have a user_name, user_os_name, user_os_domain
;       (when domain_required mode is on), and e-mail address before save.
;action: set all required attributes and try again.
must_have_logon_domain   "you must specify the os/ldap domain to successfully logon to the docbase"
;cause: the docbase is running in domain_required mode.  all users must
;       specify the os domain to authenticate against when logon.
;       starting from 5.3, server supports multiple ldap services. as a result,
;       each ldap user is required to include the ldap object name in
;action: specify the domain name and try again.
logon_dom_no_match_usr   s "you cannot authenticate against '%s' domain."
;cause:  you have not specified a logon domain, or you have specified a domain
;        different from the one used to create your docbase user account.
;action: logon again using the domain name which was used to create your
;        docbase user account.  see you dmadmin if you do not know the correct
;        domain name.
logon_dom_no_match_svr   s "you cannot authenticate against %s domain."
;cause:  you have specified a logon domain which is different from the server
;        default.
;action: logon again using the server default domain.
not_docbase_domain_usr ss "user %s from domain '%s' does not exist in the docbase -- session closed."
;cause: the domain user attempting to open a session does not exist.
;action: try again with the correct user name and domain name.
documentum_user_inactive s "user %s is not activated in the docbase -- session closed."
;cause: an inactive user tried to login to the docbase.
;action: ask the documentum administrator to activate the account.
invalid_state_value i "specified state %d is invalid, supported values are 0/1/2/3"
;cause: tried to set an invalid state. only the following values are supported:
;       . 0 --- active state.
;       . 1 --- inactive state.
;       . 2 --- locked state.
;       . 3 --- locked and inactive state.
;action: try again with a valid state.
cant_set_super_user_state "a super user's state can not be set by any one other than a super user"
;cause: a non-super user tried to set a super user's user_state
;action: don't try to change a super user's user_state if you are not a super user.
state_workflow_conflict "you can not set user_state to inactive and workflow_ready to ready concurently"
;cause: try to set user_state to inactive and workflow_ready to ready.
;action: set user_state to inactive or workflow_ready to ready, but not both.
invalid_acl_domain ss "the user '%s' is given an invalid acl domain '%s'."
; cause: invalid acl domain is given.
; action: report the bug.
reserved_name s "the user name '%s' is reserved."
;cause:  the user name provided is a reserved name.
;action: pick a different user name. currently, the following names
;        are reserved:
;          . dm_owner
;          . dm_group
;          . dm_world
specify_alternate "a valid alternate performer for workflows must be specified, if workflow_disabled is set."
;cause:  the attribute workflow_disabled was set to true, but an alternate performer was not specified, or an invalid performer name was given.
;action: either enter a valid performer in the user_delegation, or set workflow_disabled to false.
invalid_xprivilege_values iiii "specified privileges %d are invalid, supported values are %d, %d, %d and their or'd values."
;cause: tried to set an invalid privilege code.
;action: try again with valid privilege code.
cant_grant_priv_to_self is "you can't grant the specified privilege %d to yourself (%s)."
;cause: you can not grant purge audit and change audit privilege to yourself.
;action: consult your documentum administrator.
cant_unregister ss "could not unregister the specified %s event for %s object."
;cause: the specified event could not be unregistered. most likely
; bad event name specified.
;action: correct the event name and try again.
cant_revoke_priv_from_self is "you can't revoke the specified privilege %d from yourself (%s)."
;cause: you can not revoke purge audit and change audit privilege from yourself.
;action: consult your documentum administrator.
password_encryption_fail "server failed to encrypt user password."
; cause: an internal error occured while encrypting user password.
; action: a previous error message may contain some native error code.
;         please contact documentum tech support with a trace of all error messages.
; parameters:
encryption_too_long ii "the internal gernerated encrypted password is too long (%d). it cannot exceed the size of %d."
; cause: an internal error caused the size to be too large.
; action: a previous error message may contain some native error code.
;         please contact documentum tech support with a trace of all error messages.
; parameters: i - actual string size of the encrypted password.
;             i - allowed string size.
dir_mapped_attr_changed ss "cannot save the directory user %s because at least one directory-mapped attribute ('%s') has been changed"
; cause:  for directory users, non-superuser is not allowed to change any directory-mapped attribute.
; action: do not change any directory-mapped attributes.
;         you need to either 'reset' or 'revert' the object in order to save
;         other changes.
illegal_dir_name ss "cannot save a directory user %s because its user_login_domain ('%s') is not a legal ldap config name"
; cause:  for directory users, the user_login_domain must be a legal directory config name.
; action: make sure to provide a legal directory config name for the user.
need_sys_or_user_admin_or_owner ss "the user (%s) needs to have at least sysadmin privilege or be the user's user admin or owner to change the %s user object."
;cause: must have at least sysadmin privilege or the user's user admin to save user objects.
;action: consult your documentum administrator.
need_sys_or_user_admin_priv ss "the user (%s) needs to have at least sysadmin privilege or be the user's user admin to change the %s user object."
;cause: must have at least sysadmin privilege or the user's user admin to save user objects.
;action: consult your documentum administrator.
must_have_loginname  s "a new %s user object must have a login name"
;cause: all user definition must have a user_name, user_login_name
; and e-mail address before save.
;action: set all required attributes and try again.
must_have_logindomain  s "a new user object (%s) must have a login domain name"
;cause: all user definition must have a user_name, user_login_name, user_login_domain
;       (when domain_required mode is on), and e-mail address before save.
;action: set all required attributes and try again.
existing_user_loginname s "cannot create user %s since its user_login_name already exists"
;cause: tried to create a user that its user_login_name exists. all user login names
; must be unique.
;action: try again with a different user_login_name.
load_loginname_conflict sss "a dm_user object with user name %s was encountered which has a user_login_name (%s) which conflicts with an existing dm_user object.  the user_login_name of the object being loaded has been changed to %s."
;parameters:  %1s - the user_name of the load object
;  %2s - the conflicting user_login_name
;  %3s - the new dummy user_login_name of the load object
;cause:         while loading users into the repository, a user was encountered
;               whose user_login_name (or user_os_name) conflicts with the
;               login name of an existing user in the repository.
;               in order to proceed, server changed the login name to a dummy
;               name like '@dctm unknown user@'.
;action: if the system administrator takes no action, the docbase and
;  objects will still be usable, but it will not be possible for
;  the user identified above to actually log into the docbase.
;  if it is intended for the new dm_user to be a valid user of
;  the docbase, then the new and old users must be differentiated
;  by changing one of their login/os names.  the system administrator
;  should change the system os names to be different and then
;  also change the user_login_name (and user_os_name) value of
;               the appropriate dm_user object.
;  if it was intended that the two conflicting users were actually
;  the same user - but the user_name values of the dm_user objects
;  were inadvertantly slightly different, then it is possible to
;  find all of the newly loaded objects owned by the new dm_user
;  and change their ownership to the local user.  the new invalid
;  user object can then be removed.
not_in_restricted_folders ss "the folder ('%s') is not in the user's (%s) restricted_folder_ids list."
; cause:  if restricted_folder_ids is specified, its default folder must reside in a folder specified in
;         the restricted_folder_ids or a subfolder of any folder in the list.
;         the id you have specified may be a valid object id, but it does not reside in a
;         folder (or subfolder) specified in the user's restricted_folder_ids.
; action: make sure the supplied folder is in one of the restricted folders or their subfolders.
; parameters:  the first value is the offending folder id and the second value is the name of the user.
password_decryption_fail "server failed to decrypt user password."
; cause: an internal error occured while encrypting user password.
; action: a previous error message may contain some native error code.
;         please contact documentum tech support with a trace of all error messages.
; parameters:
invalid_xprivileges is "specified privileges %d are invalid, supported values are %s and their or'd values."
;cause: tried to set an invalid privilege code.
;action: try again with valid privilege code.
documentum_user_locked s "user %s is locked in the repository -- session closed."
;cause: a locked user tried to login to the repository.
;action: ask the documentum administrator to unlock the account.
user_locked_and_inactive s "user %s is locked and inactive in the repository -- session closed."
;cause: a locked and inactive user tried to login to the repository.
;action: ask the documentum administrator to unlock and activate the account.
.severity fatal
init1            "the dm_user type was found in the database without a version stamp."
;cause: unknown.
;action: report this message and any parameters to your documentum site
; representive.
init2  ii "version stamp %d was expected to be %d."
;cause: the version stamp that the dm_user object software expected was
; different from the actual version stamp in the database.
;action: you must upgrade your docuserver database to conform to the
; software that you are running.  if your software and data are
; consistent, then report this message and any parameters to your documentum site
; representive.
init3           "the type manager returned an error storing the dm_user type."
;cause: unknown.
;action: look at the error logged by the type manager.
; report this message and any parameters to your documentum site
; representive.
int1   s "the following database query could not be executed: %s."
;cause: inconsistency between the server and the user type.
;action: look at the error logged by the database.
; report this message and any parameters to your documentum site representative.

init4  s "cannot create or retrieve the superuser %s dmuser object during initialization."
;cause: possible problems with underlying database.
;action:look at the error logged by the type manager.
; report this message and any parameters to your documentum site
; representive.
cvt1 s  "could not update the new user_db_name attribute.  database error was: %s"
; cause:  in the current release a new attribute has been added to
;         the dm_user type:  user_db_name.  formerly, this name,
;   the user's database login name, was equivalent to the
;         user_name.  they can now differ, and the conversion to
;         the current release attempted to initialize the user_db_name
;         values to the user_name values.  this step has failed.
; action: only users who are going to register database tables for
;         use within docuserver need to have a user_db_name.  for all
;         other users, the user_db_name attribute is optional.  if
;         the conversion failed, you can either 1)  run an sql query
;         to set the user_db_name to the user_name, or 2) leave most
;         of the user_db_name values empty, and only set those that
;         are actually needed.   the docbase owner's user_db_name
;         must be set.
cvt2  "could not convert the dm_user type."
; cause:  in the current release two new attributes have been added to
;         the dm_user type:  user_db_name and description.  the conversion
;         failed during the addition of these attributes to the dm_user
;         type.
; action: report this message to your documentum site representative.
type_conversion i "failed to convert the dm_user to version %d."
; cause: type conversion failed.
; action: report this message to your documentum site representative.
unknown_auth_protocol  "the docbase auth_protocol is not of any value known to server."
; cause: unknown.
; action: ask the dba to fix the corrupted data and then restart the server.

liaojiyong 2009-11-16 12:48
dm_upgrade_mgr, 16 nov 2009 04:48:00 gmt;
; upgrade manager facility errors
;** documentum e-content server
;** confidential property of documentum, inc.
;** (c) 凯发天生赢家一触即发官网 copyright documentum, inc., 1991-2000
;** all rights reserved.
.facility dm_upgrade_mgr
; these are the error messages returned by the data dictionary facility.
; the convention followed for determining the severity of an error message
; is as follows:
; an error which occurs because of something the user did is of severity,
; error.
; an error which the user really has no control over (a schema table couldn't be
; opened, a rollback operation failed leaving the database inconsistent, ...) is
; classified as severity, fatal.
.severity trace
.severity warning
unable_to_validate_user_index ds "unable to validate the dmi_index object with id %s. the index name is %s. verify that the index refers to the correct attribute(s)."
; cause: the upgrade code tried to validate all indices due to a potential error
;        during previous upgrades in which the "attribute" field in dmi_index was not
;        updated properly. as a result, some indices may point to the wrong attribute(s).
; action: users should drop this index using the drop_index apply method and then
;         recreate the index using the make_index apply method.
; parameters: the first parameter is the object id of the dmi_index object.
;             the second parameter is the index name of the dmi_index object.
.severity error
unable_to_validate_index d "unable to validate dmi_index object with id %s. the index either could not be validated or does not exist."
; cause: the upgrade code attempts to validate all documentum indices due to a potential
;       error during previous upgrades in which the dmi_index object was inconsistent
;       with the actual indexed attribute. if this error occurs, either the index
;       could not be properly validated, or it does not exist.
; action: contact a documentum administrator with the information given in the error
; parameters: the first parameter is the object id of the dmi_index object that was
;            being validated.
indexed_attribute_not_found ssd "the attribute %s of type %s, indexed by dmi_index object with id %s does not exist.
; cause: the indexed attribute does not exist in the docbase.
; action: verify that the attribute referenced by the dmi_index object exists. if it
;        does not exist, remove the index and restart upgrade.
; parameters: the first parameter is the name of the attribute.
;            the second parameter is the name of the type.
;            the third parameter is the id of the dmi_index object.
unable_to_create_index ss "the upgrade manager failed to create an index on table %s. the error from the database was: %s"
; cause: index creation on a table failed. a database error has occurred.
; action: contact a documentum administrator with the supplied database error.
; parameters: the table the index was being created on.
;             the error from the database.
query_execution_failure ss "the upgrade manager failed to execute the following query: %s. the database error is %s."
; cause: query execution failed.
; action: check the error message from the database in order to determine the
;         cause of the query failure.
; parameters: the first parameter is the query that was being executed.
;             the second parameter is the resulting error from the database.
.severity information
upgrade_info s "%s."
; cause: this is an informational message generated when the document base is upgrading.
; action: none.
docbase_upgrade_started s "the upgrade manager has started to upgrade the docbase to version %s."
; cause: this is an informational message generated at the start of upgrade.
; action: none.
; parameters: the version we are trying to upgrade to.

docbase_upgrade_complete s "the upgrade manager has successfully upgraded the docbase to version %s."
; cause: this is an informational message generated at the beginning of upgrade.
; action: none.
; parameters: the version we are trying to upgrade to.
docbase_upgrade_failed s "the upgrade manager was unable to upgrade the docbase to version %s. customers are encouraged to turn on sql tracing as well as upgrade tracing and restart the upgrade. the additional tracing information will be helpful in determining the cause of upgrade failure."
; cause: the server upgrade process failed due to one or more errors. more detailed
;        information regarding the error should have been reported earlier in the log.
; action: gather up error information from the server log and determine the cause of the
;         failure. if the cause can be fixed, the upgrade should be re-runnable.
; parameters: the version we are trying to upgrade to.
preventing_pre_40_server_from_starting "the upgrade manager has now reached a point where it cannot revert the docbase back to a pre-4.0 server."
; cause: this is an informational message generated at the point when the server cannot
;        be reverted back to a pre-4.0 server.
; action: none
; parameters: none.

index_validation_started  "the upgrade manager has started to validate documentum indices. the upgrade manager will attempt to correct any incorrect indices"
; cause: this is an informational message generated at the beginning of indice validation.
; action: none
; parameters: none.
index_validation_completed  "the upgrade manager has successfully completed validating documentum indices."
; cause: this is an informational message generated at the completion of indice validation.
; action: none
; parameters: none
index_validation_failed  "the upgrade manager failed to validate documentum indices."
; cause: this is an informational message generated upon failure of index validation.
;        more detailed error messages should have been reported earlier.
; action: look at the server log for additional error messages which may indicate the
;         nature of the problem.
; parameters: none.
index_creation_for_upgrade_started "the upgrade manager has started to create the necessary indices for upgrade. this may take some time."
; cause: this is an informational message generated at the beginning of indices creation
; action: none.
; parameters: none.
index_creation_for_upgrade_completed "the upgrade manager has created the necessary indices for upgrade."
; cause: this is an informational message generated at the completion of indices creation
; action: none.
; parameters: none.
index_creation_for_upgrade_failed "the upgrade manager was unable to create the necessary indices for upgrade."
; cause: this is an informational message generated upon failure of index creation.
;        more detailed error messages should have been reported earlier.
; action: look at the server log for additional error messages which may indicate the
;         nature of the problem.
; parameters: none.
dropping_index_on_dmi_object_type "the upgrade manager is dropping the index on the dmi_object_type table for enhanced upgrade performance"
; cause: this is an informational message generated during docbase upgrade.
; action: none.
; parameters: none.
object_table_conversion_started "the upgrade manager has started the object table conversion."
; cause: this is an informational message generated during docbase upgrade.
; action: none.
; parameters: none.
object_table_conversion_completed "the upgrade manager has completed the object table conversion."
; cause: this is an informational message generated during docbase upgrade.
; action: none.
; parameters: none.
object_table_conversion_failed "the upgrade manager has encountered a failure during object table conversion."
; cause: this is an informational message generated upon failure of object table conversion.
;        more detailed error messages should have been reported earlier.
; action: look at the server log for additional error messages which may indicate the
;         nature of the problem.
; parameters: none.
recreating_index_on_dmi_object_type "the upgrade manager is re-creating the index on dmi_object_type table."
; cause: this is an informational message generated during docbase upgrade.
; action: none.
; parameters: none.
validating_index d "the upgrade manager is validating index with id %s."
; cause: this is an informational message generated during docbase upgrade.
; action: none.
; parameters: the object id of the index object being validated.
sybase_row_locking_started "the upgrade manager has started verifying that row level locking is enabled for all tables."
; cause: this is an informational message generated during docbase upgrade.
; action: none.
; parameters: none.
sybase_row_locking_completed "the upgrade manager has completed verifying that row level locking is enabled for all tables."
; cause: this is an informational message generated during docbase upgrade.
; action: none.
; parameters: none.
sybase_row_locking_failed "the upgrade manager has failed to set row locking on existing tables.
; cause: this is an informational message generated upon failure to set row level locking.
;        more detailed error messages should have been reported earlier.
; action: look at the server log for additional error messages which may indicate the
;         nature of the problem.
; parameters: none.
.severity fatal
internal_index_validation_failure d "unable to validate dmi_index object with id %s due to an internal error."
; cause: this is an internal error. the only reason we should ever get this is that
;       our internal hard coded list of indices that we use to validate against is
;       out of synch. check the hard coded list in dmconv.cxx, dmupgrade40 class.
; action: report this error to a documentum adminstrator.
; parameters: the first parameter is the object id of the dmi_index object that was
;            being validated.
internal_error s "the upgrade manager has encountered an internal error: %s."
; cause: an internal error has occurred in the upgrade manager
; action: report this error to your documentum tech support representative.
; parameters: details of the internal error

liaojiyong 2009-11-16 12:48
dm_sysobject, 16 nov 2009 04:48:00 gmt阅读全文

liaojiyong 2009-11-16 12:48
dm_object, 16 nov 2009 04:47:00 gmt; $id: dmobject.e,v 5.5 2002/06/20 00:19:48 ziff exp $
; dmobject class errors
.facility dm_object
; basic object warning codes.
.severity warning
set_attr_type_mismatch s "attempt to assign value of wrong type to attribute %s"
;cause: program executed a setattr with a value of a type different from the type of the attribute.
;action: no action.
;parameters: the name of the attribute.
set_attr_kind_mismatch s "attempt to set to non-zero position in single-valued attribute %s"
;cause: program executed a setattr with a non-zero position (trying to change a multi-valued attribute); the attribute only had a single value.
;action: no action.
;parameters: the name of the attribute.
set_attr_length_mismatch i "attempt to set attribute %d beyond current length"
;cause:  program executed a setattr with a position beyond the current length of the value list for the attribute.
;action: no action.
;parameters: the name of the attribute.
set_attr_string_length s "attempt to assign string of excessive length to attribute %s"
;cause: program executed a setattr of a string-valued attribute.  the length of the string being assigned to the attribute was longer than the length property of the attribute.
;action: no action.
;parameters: the name of the attribute.
append_attr_type_mismatch s "attempt to append value of wrong type to attribute %s"
;cause: program executed an appendattr with a value of a type different from the type of the attribute.
;action: no action.
;parameters: the name of the attribute.
insert_attr_type_mismatch s "attempt to insert value of wrong type in attribute %s"
;cause: program executed an insertattr with a value of a type different from the type of the attribute.
;action: no action.
;parameters: the name of the attribute.
insert_attr_len_mismatch s "attempt to insert value beyond current length of attribute %s"
;cause: program executed an insertattr at a position beyond the current length of the list of values in the attribute.
;action: no action.
;parameters: the name of the attribute.
insert_attr_name_error s "attempt to insert into non-existent attribute %s"
delete_attr_len_mismatch s "attempt to delete non-existing item in attribute %s"
;cause: program executed an insertattr naming a non-existent attribute.
;action: no action.
;parameters: the name of the attribute.
get_attr_type_mismatch s "attempt to read value of wrong type from attribute %s"
;cause: program executed a get operation with a result type different from the type of the attribute (e.g., using getlongattrbyname on a string-valued attribute).
;action: no action.
;parameters: the name of the attribute.
get_attr_name_error s "attempt to get non-existent attribute %s"
;cause: program executed a get operation on a non-existent attribute.
;action: no action.
;parameters: the name of the attribute.
get_attr_kind_error s "attempt to fetch from non-zero position in single-valued attribute %s"
;cause: program executed a get operation with a non-zero position argument, when the attribute contained only a single-value/
;action: no action.
;parameters: the name of the attribute.
set_attr_position_error i  "attempt to set non-existent attribute %d"
;cause: program executed a set operation on a non-existent attribute.
;action: no action.
;parameters: the number of the attribute being set.
set_attr_type_error i "attempt to assign value of wrong type to attribute %d"
;cause: program executed a set operation to change the value of an attribute to a value of the wrong type (a type inconsistent with the type of the attribute).
;action: no action.
;parameters: the number of the attribute being set.
set_attr_length_error i "attempt to set non-existent attribute value of attribute %d"
;cause: program executed a set operation with a non-zero position argument that was beyond the current number of values in the attribute.
;action: no action.
;parameters: the number of the attribute being set.
set_attr_string_too_long i "attempt to assign string of excessive length to attribute %i"
;cause: program executed a set operation to assign a string that is longer than the maximum size allowed for the attribute.
;action: no action.
;parameters: the number of the attribute being set.
append_attr_position_error i "attempt to append to non-existent attribute %d"
;cause: program executed an append operation to append a value to a non-existent attribute.
;action: no action.
;parameters: the number of the attribute.
append_attr_type_error i "attempt to append value of wrong type to attribute %d"
;cause: program executed an append operation to append a value of a type different from the type of the attribute.
;action: no action.
;parameters: the number of the attribute.
append_attr_kind_error i "attempt to append to non-repeating attribute %d"
;cause: program attempted to append a value to a single-valued attribute.
;action: no action.
;parameters: the number of the attribute.
append_attr_string_length_error i "attempt to append string of excessive length to attribute %i"
;cause: program attempted to append a string value with a length that exceeded the maximum length allowed for the attribute.
;action: no action.
;parameters: the number of the attribute.
insert_attr_position_error i "attempt to insert in non-existent attribute %d"
;cause: program executed an insert operation to insert a value in a non-existent attribute.
;action: no action.
;parameters: the number of the attribute.
insert_attr_kind_error i "attempt to insert into non-repeating attribute %d"
;cause: program executed an insert operation to add a new value into a single-valued attribute.
;action: no action.
;parameters: the number of the attribute.
insert_attr_len_error ii "attempt to insert at invalid position %d in attribute %d"
;cause:  program executed an insert operation to add a value at an invalid position (i.e., the position specified was negative or beyond the current list of values in the attribute).
;action: no action.
;parameters: the number of the attribute.
add_attr_duplicate_error s "attempt to add duplicate attribute %s"
;cause: program executed an addattr operation to add an attribute that already exists in the object.
;action: no action.
;parameters: the name of the attribute.
delete_attr_position_error i "attempt to delete non-existent attribute %d"
;cause: program executed a deleteattr operation that specified an non-existent attribute position (either a negative number or a number larger than the number of attributes in the object).
;action: no action.
;parameters: the number of the attribute.
delete_attr_len_error ii "attempt to delete at non-existent position %d in attribute %d"
delete_attr_name_error s "attempt to delete non-existent attribute %s"
;cause: program executed a deleteattr operation that specified a non-existent value in the attribute (the position either was negative or greater than the current number of values in the attribute).
;action: no action.
;parameters: the number of the attribute.
drop_attr_position_error i "attempt to drop value from non-existent attribute %d"
;cause: program executed a dropattr operation that specified an non-existent attribute position (either a negative number or a number larger than the number of attributes in the object).
;action: no action.
;parameters: the number of the attribute.
drop_attr_length_error i "attempt to drop non-existent value from attribute %d"
;cause: program executed a dropattr that specified a non-existent value in the attribute (the position either was negative or greater than the current number of values in the attribute).
;action: no action.
;parameters: the number of the attribute.
drop_attr_name_error s "attempt to drop value from non-existent attribute %s"
;cause: program executed a dropattr that specified an non-existent attribute name.
;action: no action.
;parameters: the name of the attribute.
get_attr_position_error i "attempt to fetch non-existent attribute %d"
;cause: program executed a get operation to fetch an attribute that did not exist (the attribute number that was passed was either negative or larger than the number of attributes in the object).
;action: no action.
;parameters: the number of the attribute.
get_attr_type_error i "attempt to read value of wrong type from attribute %d"
;cause: program executed a get operation with a result type different from the type of the attribute (e.g., using getlongattr on a string-valued attribute).
;action: no action.
;parameters: the number of the attribute.
get_attr_length_error iis "attempt to read from non-existent position %d in attribute %d, type %s"
;cause: program executed get operation on a non-existent attribute (i.e., the attribute position specified was negative or beyond the last attribute of the object).
;action: no action.
;parameters: the position of the attribute.
set_type_with_null_type "attempt to set type of persistent object with null type"
;cause: program executed a settype operation using a null type.
;action: no action.
;parameters: none.
find_attr_name_error s "attempt to find value in non-existent attribute %s"
;cause:  program executed a findattrvalue operation naming a non-existent attribute.
;action: no action.
;parameters: the name of the attribute.
set_attr_by_name_length_mismatch s "attempt to set attribute %s beyond current length"
;cause:  program executed a setattr with a position beyond the current length of the value list for the attribute.
;action: no action.
;parameters: the name of the attribute.
set_attr_type_error_name is "attempt to assign value of wrong type to attribute %d (name %s)"
;cause: program executed a set operation to change the value of an attribute to a value of the wrong type (a type inconsistent with the type of the attribute).
;action: no action.
;parameters: the number and name of the attribute being set.
append_attr_type_error_name is "attempt to append value of wrong type to attribute %d (name %s)"
;cause: program executed an append operation to append a value of a type different from the type of the attribute.
;action: no action.
;parameters: the number and name of the attribute.
get_attr_type_error_name is "attempt to read value of wrong type from attribute %d (name %s)"
;cause: program executed a get operation with a result type different from the type of the attribute (e.g., using getlongattr on a string-valued attribute).
;action: no action.
;parameters: the number and name of the attribute.
set_attr_string_malformed_name iiss "attempt to assign malformed value of encoding %d to attribute %d (name %s).  value:%s"
;cause: program executed a set operation supplying a string value that was not a legal string in the specified encoding
;action: no action.
;parameters: the encoding number, number and name of the attribute, and atribute value
type_version_mismatch sii "wrong type version for object of type %s; object has version %d, but server type has version %d"
;cause: when processing an object, the type version of the serialized type and type version of the server type differed.
;action: if errors result, refresh object, and reapply changes.
;parameters: the name of the type, serialized type version, type system type version.

.severity error
load_keyword_error "error loading object -- stream should begin with obj"
;cause: an attempt was made to read an object from an input stream; the stream did not begin with the keyword "obj" used to indicate the start of an object dump.
;action: no recovery possible.
;parameters: none
load_type_error s "error loading object -- can't find type %s"
;cause: when reading an input stream containing an object, the type name was given as the type of the object in the stream; the type is unknown and can't be found on the server.
;action: no recovery possible.
;parameters: the name of the type that could not be found.
load_count_error sii "error loading object -- wrong object count for object of type %s; found %d attributes, but type says there should be %d"
;cause: when reading an input stream containing an object, the count of attribute values in the stream and the count of attributes in the type differed.
;action: no recovery possible.
;parameters: the name of the type, the count of attributes in the stream, the count of attributes in the type.
fetch_failure "error fetching object attributes"
;cause: the client could not fetch an object's attributes
;action: probable server failure.
object_too_big "attempt to return object that exceeds the network buffer size"
;cause: the object being returned from an rpc exceeds the size of the network buffer (64k).
;action: no recovery possible.
bad_dd_handle si "could not parse data dictionary handle for type %s.  error code = %d."
;cause: this is an internal error.
;action: no recovery possible.
could_not_fetch_dd_object s "could not fetch the data dictionary object for type %s."
;cause: this is an internal error.
;action: no recovery possible.
bad_dd_attr_handle ssi "could not parse data dictionary handle for type %s, attribute %s.  error code = %d."
;cause: this is an internal error.
;action: no recovery possible.
could_not_fetch_dd_attr_object ss "could not fetch the data dictionary object for type %s, attribute %s."
;cause: this is an internal error.
;action: no recovery possible.
load_type_version_error sii "error loading object -- wrong type version for object of type %s; loaded object has version %d, but current type has version %d"
;cause: when reading an input stream containing an object, the type version of the serialized type and type version of the server type differed.
;action: reload the object and reapply changes.
;parameters: the name of the type, serialized type version, type system type version.

object_id_lookup d "error looking up object '%s'."
;  %1 - handle for object we failed on.
;cause:  internal error occurred while processing or evaluating object.
;action: check the error log for further messages that might give more detail.
;        check that the specified object is valid.

invalid_type sd "invalid type '%s' for object '%s'."
;  %1 - type name we were looking for
;  %2 - handle for object we failed on.
;cause:  could not find the type for an object we were processing
;action: check the error log for further messages that might give more detail.
;        check that the specified object is valid.

liaojiyong 2009-11-16 12:47
dm_workflow, 16 nov 2009 04:47:00 gmt阅读全文

liaojiyong 2009-11-16 12:47
dm_group, 16 nov 2009 04:46:00 gmt; $id: dmgroup.e,v 5.5 2003/03/10 21:59:12 swei exp $
; dmgroup class errors
.facility dm_group
; group object warning codes.

; group object error codes.
.severity warning
upgrade_i_position s  "could not upgrade the i_position attribute.  database error was: %s"
;cause: failed to upgrade i_position from db_shortint to db_longint.
;action: this warning in most cases is o.k. since most groups do not have
;        more than 64k direct users. if you do have, you can move some
;        direct users to become indirect users. that is, you can create
;        some group hierarchy to work around the problem.
.severity error
add_as_group  s " group %s cannot be added as users."
;cause: tried to add a group in the user list.
;action: remove the group from the user list and add it to the groups_names.
cant_add_group_twice ss "cannot add group %s to the %s group more than once."
;cause: a group can be contained  within  another group list just once.
;action: server side object is not affected. remove
; the problem group.
cant_add_user_twice ss "cannot add user %s to the %s group more than once."
;cause: a user can be contained within a group just once.
;action: server side object is not affected. remove
; the problem user.
cant_fetch_invalid_id d "cannot fetch a group - invalid object id %s."
;cause: cannot fetch the group with the given object id.
;action: try again with the correct id.
cant_find_group  s "cannot find %s group."
;cause: cannot find the group with the given name. this may happen
; when fetching a group by name during save, destroy,
; or group inclusion, exclusion.
;action: try again with the correct name.
cant_find_user s "cannot find user %s."
;cause: tried to insert or remove a nonexistent user.
;action: try again with the correct name.
cant_create_existing_group s "cannot create the %s group since it already exists."
;cause: tried to create a group that already exists. all group names
; are unique. also a group is treated as a user and
; its name must be unique in the user name space as well.
;action: try again with a different group name.
drop_nonmember_user ss "cannot drop a non-member user %s from the %s group."
;cause: tried to drop a user that is not in this group.
;action: try with a valid user name.
drop_nonmember_group ss "cannot drop non-member %s group from the %s group."
;cause: tried to drop a group that is not in this group.
;action: try again with a valid group name.
insufficient_privilege ss "the current user (%s) has insufficient privileges to save or destroy the %s group object."
;cause: a user with insufficient privileges tried to
; save or destroy a group object.
;action: you must have create group, sysadmin, or superuser privilege to
;        create a group.  you must be the creator of the group,
;        or have superuser privilege to modify or destroy the group.  see your
;        system administrator if you think you should have create group privilege.
need_name_or_email "need to specify name and email for a group before save."
;cause: all group definitions must have a group name and e-mail address
; before save.
;action: try again with both group_name and group_address.
no_cycles_in_groups ss "two groups cannot be contained in each other: group %s forms a cycle with group %s."
;cause: two groups can not be contained in each other.
;action:  reevaluate your group containment strategy, remove any groups that are out of place.
cant_save s "cannot save %s group"
;cause: couldn't save the group.
;action: previous error message should provide the answer.
cant_destroy s "cannot destroy the %s group"
;cause: could not destroy the group.
;action: previous error message should provide the answer.
cant_change_name s "cannot change name of the %s group."
;cause: cannot change the group_name attribute of an existing group.
;action: none.
insufficient_priv_owner s "cannot change the owner name of the %s group."
; cause: you must have superuser privilege to change the owner of a group.
; action:  set your site's superuser about changing the owner of the group.
unable_to_save s "an error occurred during a save operation on the %s group."
; cause:  an error occurred while saving this group.
; action: check the following errors on the error stack for more
;         details on the cause of this failure.
cant_add_group_to_user ss "cannot add group '%s' to the users_names of '%s' group."
;cause: you can only add users, not groups, to the column users_names of a group object.
;action: server side object is not affected. either change the attribute to groups_names
;       or select a user for users_names.

attr_priv ss "insufficient privilege to set the %s attribute of group %s."
; arguments:
;    %s - the attribute the user did not have permission to set/modify.
;    %s - the name of the group object
; cause: the user did not have privilege to set/change the specified field.
; action:  see your site's superuser about changing the desired field.
insufficient_priv_admin s "cannot change the group administrator of the %s group."
; cause: you must have superuser privilege or be the owner of a group in order
;        to change the group administrator.
; action:  see your site's superuser about changing the group administrator.
missing_parameters s "you must supply parameters to the apply method (%s)"
; cause: caller did not supply any arguments to the apply method
; action: the application or user is in error.  make sure to supply the
;         required user argument and optionally the domain argument.
cant_get_roles s "the roles_for_user method failed because of the following: '%s'."
;cause: roles_for_user failed because of the specified database failure.
;action: talk to your system administrator about correcting the database operation.
unable_to_save_existing s "cannot save group %s because a user already exists with the same name"
; cause:  users and groups share the same namespace and therefore groups cannot
;         be created that have the same name as an existing user.
; action: choose a different name for the group.
cant_unregister ss "could not unregister the specified %s event for %s object."
;cause: the specified event could not be unregistered. most likely
; bad event name specified.
;action: correct the event name and try again.
duplicate_display_name ssd "cannot save group %s because its display name ('%s') and native room id ('%s') together is not unique"
; cause:  the display name together with the native room id in a repository needs to be unique.
; action: choose a different display name for the group.
dir_mapped_attr_changed ss "cannot save the directory group %s because at least one directory-mapped attribute ('%s') has been changed"
; cause:  for directory groups, non-superuser is not allowed to change any directory-mapped attribute.
; action: do not change any directory-mapped attributes.
;         you need to either 'reset' or 'revert' the object in order to save
;         other changes.
illegal_dir_id sd "cannot save a directory group %s because its group_directory_id ('%s') is illegal"
; cause:  for directory groups, the group_directory_id must be a legal directory config id.
; action: make sure to provide a legal directory config id for the group.
need_su_or_sys_priv s "the current user (%s) needs to have superuser or sysadmin privilege."
;cause: must have superuser or sysadmin privilege to perform this operation.
;action: consult your documentum administrator.
need_super_user_priv s "the current user (%s) needs to have superuser privilege to save the group object."
;cause: must have superuser privilege to save the group object. the user tried to change the following
;       attributes without superuser privilege:
;       . group_name
;       . group_directory_id
;action: consult your documentum administrator.
getinfo s "error getting information for group %s."
; an internal error occurred while checking information on a given group name.
; the error may have been triggered by a problem with the group or group
; name, or could have been the result of a database error.
; previous error messages should give more detail on the failure.
; cause:  an internal error occurred while looking up a group name.
; action: check previous error messages for more information.
getinfo_db ss "error processing database cursor for group %s. (%s)"
; an internal error occurred while checking information on a given group name.
; the error may have been triggered by a problem with a database query.
; previous error messages should give more detail on the failure.
; cause:  an internal error occurred while looking up a group name.
; action: check previous error messages for more information.
dynamic_subgroup s "cannot add dynamic group %s as a subgroup of a regular group."
; cause:  normal groups cannot contain dynamic subgroups.  only dynamic groups
;         can contain dynamic subgroups.
; action: the dynamic subgroups must be removed before saving this group.
cant_change_dynamic s "cannot change group %s to be a dynamic group while it is contained in other groups."
; cause:  a group that is already a subgroup of other groups cannot be changed
;         to be a dynamic group.
; action: check previous error messages for more information on the error.

process_group_query s "error executing query to discover group membership for user %s."
; cause:  a error occurred while running a database query to find the set
;         of groups that the current user is a member of.
; action: remove the group from it's parent groups before setting it dynamic.
;         note that after being made dynamic, the group can be added back to
;         the parent groups only if they are also dynamic.

not_dynamic_member s "user is not a potential dynamic member of group %s."
; cause:  the requested dynamic group does not exist, is not dynamic, or
;         the requesting user is not a potential member of the group.
; action: check the group name and the user's permission to include it.

default_dynamic_setting s "default dynamic group '%s' can not be protected nor module only."
; cause:  a default dynamic group may not be set to protected mode nor to
;         module only mode.
; action: check the group's settings and either set default to false or do not
;         set protected or module only to true.

default_nondynamic s "non-dynamic group '%s' can not be set to default dynamic mode."
; cause:  a non-dynamic group may not be set to default dynamic mode.
; action: do not set the is_default_dynamic attribute of non-dynamic groups to true.

internal_default_dynamic s "default dynamic group '%s' can not be added to the session dynamic group list."
; cause:  an internal error occurred preventing the group from being added to the session cache.
; action: check previous error messages for more information.

module_role_stateful_request s "module role cannot be added through adddynamicgroup interface.  a call was made to add a role (%s) to the session in a stateful mode. this is not allowed when the is_module_only attribute is set."
; cause:  an attempt was made to add a dynamic role or group to the session in a
;         stateful manner - probably through the adddynamicgroup interface - but
;         the role definition (is_module_only) disallows this use.  the role /group
;         can only be used through the doprivileged dfc interfaces.
; action: change the calling application or change the is_module_only settings to
;         allow the current request.

protected_role_unknown_client s "the requested role (%s) is marked protected and the requesting application was either not known in this docbase's dm_client_rights table or its credentials did not match those in the dm_client_rights table."
; cause:  an attempt was made to add a protected dynamic role or group to the
;         session, but the client application has not been authenticated.
; action: check that the requesting client application is registered and granted
;         privileged to use the requested role.

protected_role_priv s "the requesting application is not privileged to use role (%s)."
; cause:  an attempt was made to add a protected dynamic role or group to the
;         session, but the client application has not been configured as privileged.
; action: check that the requesting client application is registered and granted
;         privileged to use the requested role.

error_updating_subgroups s "error updating subgroups of group %s to reflect changes in the group heirarchy."
; cause:  an internal error occurred as part of a group update operation.
; action: check previous error messages for more information.

nondyn_supergroup_query ss "error querying for nondynamic_supergroups of the parent groups of the group named %s. query: %s"
; cause:  an internal error occurred as part of a group update operation.
; action: check previous error messages for more information.

.severity fatal
init1            "the dm_group type was found in the database without a version stamp."
;cause: unknown.
;action: report this message and any parameters to your documentum site
; representive.
init2  ii "version stamp %d was expected to be %d."
;cause: the version stamp that the dm_group object software expected was
; different from the actual version stamp in the database.
;action: you must upgrade your docuserver database to conform to the
; software that you are running.  if your software and data are
; consistent, then report this message and any parameters to your documentum site
; representive.
init3           "the type manager returned an error storing the dm_group type."
;action: look at the error logged by the type manager.
; report this message and any parameters to your documentum site representative.
int1   s "the following database query %s could not be executed."
;cause: inconsistency between the server and the group type.
;action: look at the error logged by the database.
; report this message and any parameters to your documentum site
;       representative.

init4 i "the dm_group type could not be converted %d."
;cause: failure to convert dm_group type. unable to add attributes
;       to dm_group type.
;action: report this message to your emc documentum site representative.
upgrade_nondyn "unable to upgrade the i_nondyn_supergroups_names attributes."
;cause: failure to populate the i_nondyn_supergroups_names attributes during
;       an upgrade operation.
;action: report this message to your emc documentum site representative.

liaojiyong 2009-11-16 12:46
dm_internal, 16 nov 2009 04:45:00 gmt ; internal errors
.facility  dm_internal
; these are the error messages returned for the internal use.
.severity warning
error_list_overflow i "error list has overflowed: beyond %d messages. see server log for remaining messages."
;cause: this can happen when the error list has overflown during a batch
;  process that a large list of errors are generated. when the error list
;  is flushed, server side errors are recorded in the session log file,
;  client side errors are dropped.
;action: none.
.severity error
invalid_facility i "invalid facility from error (%d)\n"
invalid_error_no i "invalid error no from error (%d)\n"

liaojiyong 2009-11-16 12:45
dm_info, 16 nov 2009 04:45:00 gmt;
; information facility errors
.facility dm_info
; these are the error messages returned by the server information facility.
.severity trace
.severity warning
owned  ss "database password file %s should be owned by the dmdba user not %s."
; cause: the database file should be owned by whomever is doing the
;               installation.  this user should be 'dmdba.'
; action: ensure that the database file is owned by dmdba.  log in
;               as docuserv to complete the installation.
; parameters: the name of the database file.
readit  s "database file %s is readable by others."
; cause: the password file is universally readable.  it should be protected
;               against access by others.
; action: ensure that the password files are all protected against "others"
;               (world) access.
; parameters: the name of the database file.
.severity error
nofmt   s "cannot find format %s."
; cause: the specified content format was not found.
; action: ensure that your dminfo.sys file is configured correctly. 
;;;;;;;not_set   "the operation failed."
;;;;;;;;prev   "a previous error has left this object invalid."
badpath  ss "the path, %s (for %s), is not a valid pathname."
; cause:  a pathname specified in your dminfo.sys, or a docbase-specific
;         info file is invalid.
; action: see your documentum system administrator about correcting the
;         pathname in the information file.
; parameters:  the incorrect pathname, and the location (i.e, "common") or
;         info attribute (i.e, "dm_fulltext_dir") that it corresponds to.
nopath  s "there is no pathname defined for location %s."
invalid_path sss  "the path, %s (for %s), is not a valid pathname: operating system error: (%s)."
; cause:  a pathname specified in your dminfo.sys, or a docbase-specific
;         info file is invalid.
; action: see your documentum system administrator about correcting the
;         pathname in the information file.
; parameters:  the incorrect pathname, and the location (i.e, "common") or
;         info attribute (i.e, "dm_fulltext_dir") that it corresponds to.
.severity  fatal
;;;;;;;internal ss "an internal error occurred: %s %s."
nodb  s "cannot find docbase %s."
; cause: the specified docbase was not found.
; action: ensure that your dminfo.sys file is configured correctly.  if it
;               is, and your docbase is correctly defined in it, then report this
;               error, along with a copy of the dminfo.sys file, to your documentum
;               site representative.
; parameters: the docbase name or id.
nodbuser  "cannot find database user for your docbase."
; cause: the docbase definition in the system information file
;               is incorrect.
; action: ensure that the docbase definition is complete and correct.
;               if it is okay, report this error to your documentum site
;               representative.
; parameters: none.
dbfile  s "could not find database file for database user %s."
; cause: the database file could not be found.
; action: ensure that the database file exists, and is in the expected
;               location.  if it is, report this message to your documentum site
;               representative.
; parameters: the user name corresponding to the database file.
ownership ss "database password file %s should be owned by the dmdba user not %s."
; cause: the database file must be owned by whomever is doing the
;               installation.  this user should be 'dmdba.'
; action: ensure that the database file is owned by docuserv.  log in
;               as docuserv to complete the installation.
; parameters: the name of the database file.
readable s "database file %s is readable by others."
; cause: the password file is universally readable.  it must be protected
;               against access by others.
; action: ensure that the password files are all protected against "others"
;               (world) access.
; parameters: the name of the database file.
opendbfile s "cannot open database file %s."
; cause: the database file could not be opened.
; action: ensure that the database file has its permissions set such that
;               this user can access it.  if it appears correct, report this
;               problem to your documentum site representative.
; parameters: none.
openinfo s "cannot open system information file %s."
; cause: the system information file was not successfully opened.
; action: ensure that the system information file exists, and is
;               readable.  if everything checks out, report this problem
;               to your documentum site representative.
; parameters: the name of the system information file.
openerm         s       "cannot open error message file %s. terminating..."
; cause:        the error message files are mandatory for initial startup
;               of the system.  if one is missing or corrupted, the program
;               will abort execution.
; action        make sure that the environment variable "dm_dir"
;               is set to the correct directory and that the error
;               message file are in a sub directory called error


liaojiyong 2009-11-16 12:45
dm_inbox, 16 nov 2009 04:45:00 gmt; $id: dminbox.e,v 5.4 2002/06/01 02:51:45 xtang exp $
; dminbox class errors
.facility dm_inbox
.severity       warning
no_rows        "no results were returned from the getevents statement."
;cause:  your getevents method has returned an empty result set.
;action: no action is required.
event_loc ss "unable to validate or create the event log location as specified using directory (%s).  operating system error: (%s)"
;cause: failed to create the event log directory, during the initialization.
;action: examine the docbase directory structure and look for possible
;       security access problems.
pinit10 s        "error dropping the table %s"
;cause: db error.
;action: manually remove table
event_noloc s  "the server events location is currently undefined.  there is no location object for the events area (%s)."
;cause: an attempt was made to use the events area (presumably to post an event
; to a client), but the server was unable to initialize the events subsystem
; due to there being no definition for the server events location.  there
; should be a dm_location object in the docbase with an object_name which
; matches the value of the server config object events_location attribute. 
; until this location object is defined events cannot be used.
;action: have the sysadmin define an events location.

.severity error
cant_getevents1 s "getevents failed because of the following: '%s'."
;cause: getevents failed because of the specified database failure.
;action: correct the database operation or talk to your system administrator.
cant_find_obj ss "could not find the object to queue the event '%s' for id %s"
;cause: the object identified by the id could not be found for that event.
;action: check the id to make sure that it is a valid sysobject.
only_sysadmin_su ss "only a sysadmin or super user can perform %s operation on %s inbox item."
;cause: an non-privileged user tried to destroy any inbox item or save another user
;   inbox item.
;action: none.
init4  ss "unable to validate or create the event log location as specified using directory (%s).  operating system error: (%s)"
;cause: failed to create the event log directory, during the initialization.
;action: examine the docbase directory structure and look for possible
;       security access problems.

noevents "an error was encountered initializing the server shared events area which prevents registering inbox events to any session clients."
;cause: an attempt was made to use the events area (presumably to post an event
; to a client), but the server was unable to initialize the events subsystem.
; previous error messages should indicate the specific reason for the failure.
;action: have the sysadmin resolve the events problem and restart the server.

event_file_create ss "error creating the event notification file (%s) used to indicate to a session that an inbox event has occurred.  operating system error (%s)."
;cause: the file used for event notification could not be created.
;action: check for existence of the events location directory and for check
; permissions in it.

cant_getinbox s "get_inbox failed because of the following: '%s'."
;cause: get_inbox failed because of the specified database failure.
;action: correct the database operation or talk to your system administrator.

query_execution_failure ss "the dmi_queue_item object upgrade encountered an error while trying to execute the following query: %s. database error was %s."
; cause: query execution failed.
; action: check the error message from the database in order to determine the
;         cause of the query failure.
; parameters: the first parameter is the query that was being executed.
;             the second parameter is the resulting error from the database.

.severity fatal
init1            "the dmi_queue_item type was found in the database without a version stamp."
;cause: unknown.
;action: report this message and any parameters to your documentum site
; representative.
init2  ii "version stamp %d was expected to be %d."
;cause: the version stamp that the dmi_queue_item object software expected was
; different than the actual version stamp in the database.
;action: you must upgrade your docuserver database to conform to the
; software that you are running.  if your software and data are
; consistent, then report this error, and other recent errors on your session,
;       to your documentum site representative.
init3           "the type manager returned an error storing the dmi_queue_item type."
;cause: unknown.
;action: look at the error logged by the type manager.
; report this message and any parameters to your documentum site
; representative.
init4  s "unable to validate or create the event log location as specified using directory (%s). this error message is obsolete (see troyo)"
;cause: failed to create the event log directory, during the initialization.
;action: examine the docbase directory structure and look for possible
;       security access problems.
init5  ss "failure to create view %s: database error was: %s"
;cause: failure to create a database view for queues
;action: report this message to your documentum site representative
init6 i "the dmi_queue_item type could not be converted %d."
;cause: failure to convert dmi_queue_item cookie generator.
;action: report this message to your documentum site representative.
init7   "the dmi_queue_item type could not be altered."
;cause: failure to alter dmi_queue_item type.
;action: report this message to your documentum site representative.
init8   l "the dmi_queue_item type could not be converted to version %d."
;  the type initialization steps for the dmi_queue_item type failed because
;  the type could not be upgraded to the current server version.
;   - the version the server was attempting to upgrade to.
;cause:  it is likely that a type/table alter command failed.
;action: check for other related errors in the server log.  also check the
;        rdbms error logs for database errors.
;        report this message to your documentum site representative.
int1   s "the following database query %s could not be executed."
;cause: inconsistency between the server and the sysobject type.
;action: look at the error logged by the database.
;       report this message and any parameters to your documentum site
;       representative.
pinit4           "could not remove the registry type"
;cause: unknown.
;action: look at the error logged by the type manager.
;       report this message and any parameters to your documentum site
;       representative.
pinit5           "could not create the new registry type"
;cause: unknown.
;action: look at the error logged by the type manager.
;       report this message and any parameters to your documentum site
;       representative.
pinit6           "could not access the registry data"
;cause: db error
;action: check the rdbms
pinit7           "could not save the new registry entry"
;cause: unknown.
;action: check the rdbms.
pinit8           "error creating the temporary registry table"
;cause: db error.
;action: check the rdbms.
pinit9 ss        "error renaming the table %s to %s"
;cause: db error.
;action: check the rdbms.

liaojiyong 2009-11-16 12:45
dm_iditr, 16 nov 2009 04:45:00 gmt ;
; sql dmid iterator error
;** documentum docuserver
;** confidential property of documentum, inc.
;** (c) 凯发天生赢家一触即发官网 copyright documentum, inc., 1991-1998
;** all rights reserved.
.facility dm_iditr
.severity trace
sql_iter_progress i "large database update %d percent done."
sql_iter_done "large database update complete."
.severity information
.severity warning
.severity error
cursor ss "the cursor '%s' fails. the error message from the database server is:
; parameters: s - the query
;             s - the database error message
; cause: an internal cursor failure occurrs.
; action: re-try the operation. if the problem persists, please see
;         your local system administrative.
.severity fatal
sql_iter_fetch_failed s "fetch failed during large database update; database error message was '%s'."
; cause: a database failure.
; action: check system logs for other messages.  retry.
sql_iter_access_failed s "cursor access failed during large database update; database error message was '%s'."
; cause: a database failure.
; action: check system logs for other messages.  retry.
sql_iter_update_failed s "update failed during large database update; database error message was '%s'."
; cause: a database failure.
; action: check system logs for other messages.  retry.

liaojiyong 2009-11-16 12:45
dm_method, 16 nov 2009 04:44:00 gmt; $id: dmmethod.e,v 5.10 2003/05/02 00:36:26 roger exp $
; dmnote class errors

.facility dm_method

.severity information
jms_disabled s "connect to the java method server (%s) failed, therefore it is marked dead."
; cause: connect to the java method server resulted in a dm_method_e_http_post_failed or dm_method_e_http_communication error.
;        therefore, the corresponding dm_jms_config object is marked dead.
; action; none.

.severity information
no_jms_available   "no java method server available to serve the request."
; cause: all java method servers configured for this content server might be down.
; action; none.

.severity warning

assume_user_location s "the method named (%s) was executed on the server's behalf even though run_as_server was set to false.   the dm_server_config attribute assume_user_location has not been defined."

returnto_start_dir sss "prior to launch of method named (%s) the attempt to change directory to start-up directory (%s) failed.  operating system error: %s."
;cause: could not change directory to the specified directory
;action: ensure that the permissions and accesibility of the specified directory is
; correct for the server.

webcache_warn   "the webcache publish operation completed with warnings."
;cause:  the method finished but logged warning messages.
;action: check the webcache result log for more details.

.severity       error
cant_fetch_invalid_id d "cannot fetch a dm_method - invalid object id %s"
;cause: could not fetch an object with the given id.
;action: this is probably caused by a bad id.  or, possibly, a connection
; to the documentum server could not be established.
cant_save         s          "cannot save %s dm_method object."
;cause: one or more operations has failed during this save.
; consult the following error message(s) for more help.
;action: try again after fixing previous problems.
need_verb  s "the verb for %s dm_method object must be specified."
;cause: user did not specify a method verb.
;action: specify a method verb.
invalid_timeoutr slsls "the %s = %d must be less than or equal to the %s = %d for %s dm_method object."
;cause: timeoutmin <= timeoutmax and timeoutmin <= timeoutdefault <= timeoutmax.
;   see the actual error for what fields are the wrong values.
;action: respecify the number.
invalid_timeoutp sls "the %s value is = %d, must be a positive number for %s dm_method object."
;cause: the specified time out field must be a positive number.
;action: respecify the number.
need_priv_for_change ss "the current user (%s) needs to have superuser or sysadmin privilege to save or destroy %s dm_method object."
;cause: must have superuser or sysadmin privilege to save/destroy dm_method objects.
;action: consult your system administrator.
incompat_options_1 "the dm_method apply option run_as_server = f is only allowed if launch_direct equals f."
;cause: the command line options and/or the dm_method attributes are in conflict
;action: change the dm_method arguments and/or dm_method attributes to not conflict

unknown_method s "the dm_method named (%s) is not defined.  please check the name of the method."
;cause: a method was invoked by name - the named method does not exist
;action: define the method

verb_not_defined s "the dm_method named (%s) does not have a verb defined"
;cause: you cannot save a method that does not have a verb
;action: define a verb

no_folder ss "unable to find the default folder named (%s) to store your resulting document.  this error occurred while processing the dm_method named (%s)."
;cause: the default folder could not be found
;action: define, create, the named folder

temp_create s "failure attempting to create document to store save results during the processing of the dm_method (%s)."

file_access sss "unable to access file (%s) used to save results.  operating system error: (%s).  this occurred during the processing of the dm_method (%s)."

send_param "error message not implemented"
;cause: obsolete error
;action: obsolete error

assume_user_file sss "unable to verify existence of program file for assume_user during processing of the dm_method named (%s).  program file : (%s).  operating system error : (%s)."
;cause: check the operating system error.
;action: dependent on the operating system error.

assume_user_fail i "your method failed to run due to an error during communication with the assume_user process.  error: (%d)."
;cause: check the meaning of the error in /usr/include/sys/errno.h
;action: proceed according to error.

assume_user_uv sls "your method named (%s) failed to execute because the assume user process could not validation your user credentials.  assume user process returned (%d=%s)."
;cause: the method specified run_as_server==false, this means the assume user process should be used to launch the method.  the assume user process returned an unexpected error
;action correct the unexpected error

assume_user_ue sls "your method named (%s) failed to execute because the assume user process was unable to satisfy the request.  assume user process returned (%d=%s)."
;cause: the method specified run_as_server==false, this means the assume user process should be used to launch the method.  the assume user process returned an unexpected error
;action correct the unexpected error

assume_user_se sls "your method named (%s) failed to execute because the assume user process encountered an error processing the method.  assume user process returned (%d=%s)."
;cause: the method specified run_as_server==false, this means the assume user process should be used to launch the method.  the assume user process returned an unexpected error
;action correct the unexpected error
no_content s "your method name (%s) has no content to launch."
;cause: the method specified has not content to be used during launch.
;action: specify a content that will point to a user defined script.
bad_content s "your method name (%s)  content could not be fetched."
;cause: the specified method content could not be fetched during launch.
;action: examine other messages to determine cause.
bad_content1 s "your method name (%s)  content could not be fetched."
;cause: the specified method content could not be fetched during launch.
;action: examine other messages to determine cause.
assume_user_le s "your method named (%s) failed to execute because the assume user process was unable to launch."
;cause: the method specified run_as_server==false, this means the assume user process should be used to launch the method.  the assume user process was unable to launch.
;action try again later or contact your system administrator to increase the system resources.
assume_user_os s "your method named (%s) could not be executed because the assume user feature is not supported in the current os platform."
;cause: the assume user feature is not supported on some os platforms.
;action re-execute the method with run_as_server set to true. or upgrade your os to a supported version.
need_priv_to_run ss "the current user (%s) does not have enough privilege to run %s dm_method object."
;cause: must have execute_proc privilege to run dm_method objects.
;action: consult your system administrator.
webcache_notfound s "the requested dm_webc_config object (%s) does not exist or is not accessible by the current user."
;cause:  the specified webcache config was not accessible by the current user.
;action: the publish cannot be executed as requested.
webcache_illegal s "invalid argument to webcache publish method: %s."
;cause:  the specified argument is not allowed.
;action: the publish cannot be executed as requested.
webcache_cnf_owner   "the webcache publish method must specify a superuser-owned dm_webc_config object."
;cause:  because the webcache publish operation runs with privileges, its use
;        must be tightly controlled.  the webcache publish method can only be
;        run on a dm_webc_config object that was created by a super-user.
;action: the publish cannot be executed as requested.
webcache_failed   "the requested webcache publish operation was not successful."
;cause:  the method either could not be properly invoked or failed during
;        execution.
;action: check the returned collection object to see if the method was
;        or was not invoked.  the method return value also gives further
;        information.  more information will be included in the webcache
;        log or might be obtained by running the method with the save_results
;        flag asserted.
webcache_unknown  "the requested webcache publish returned an unknown status."
;cause:  the operation returned an unrecognized return-value and the server
;        was unable to determine if it succeeded or failed.
;action: check the publish operation log to determine the publish status.
check_security_invalid_argument s "invalid value for argument: %s."
;cause:  the value given for the specified argument is not valid.
;action: check the value given for the arugment.
check_security_illegal_user s "the session user does not have super user privileges: %s."
;cause:  the apply method check_security can only be run by a super user.
;action: run this method in a super user session.
http_post_app_server_name_notfound "the app_server_name was not specified."
;cause:  the app_server_name cannot be null.
;action: provide a valid app_server_name, which corresponds to an app_server_uri
;        configured in the dm_server_config.
http_post_app_server_name_invalid s "the app_server_name '%s' was not specified in dm_server_config."
;cause:  the app_server_name must correspond to an an attribute in the dm_server_config.
;action: provide a valid app_server_name, which corresponds to an app_server_uri
;        configured in the dm_server_config.
http_post_app_server_uri_invalid s "the app_server_uri used was not a valid uri: %s."
;cause:  the app_server_uri must be of the form http://:.
;action: provide an app_server_name, which corresponds to a valid app_server_uri
;        configured in the dm_server_config.  the app_server_uri must be of the form
;        http://:.
http_post_invalid_save_response i "the save_response field must be 0, 1, or -1 instead of: %d."
;cause:  the value specified for save_response is not valid.
;action: specify one of the following for save_response:
;        0 never save response of post
;        1 always save response from post
;        -1 save response only on error
http_post_no_folder s "unable to find the default folder named (%s) to store the http response."
;cause: the default folder could not be found
;action: define, create, the named folder
http_post_temp_create   "failure attempting to create document to store saved http response."
;cause: failed to create a temporary document to store http response.
;action:ensure that there is enough free space, and that dm_document objects can be created.
http_post_file_access ss "unable to access file (%s) used to save response. operating system error (%s)."
;cause: failed to access file created to save http response.
;action:check that the session user can create and modify files.
http_communication s "%s"
;cause: an http protocol or socket error occurred communicating with the application server.
;action:enable tracing for more information and check the application server.
http_post_failed ss "failed to send http post to app_server_uri:%s error:%s"
;cause: failed to send post.
;action:enable tracing for more information and check the application server.
http_post_illegal_app_server_name s "the app_server_name '%s' is reserved for do_method."
;cause:  the app_server_name specified is not allowed for http_post.
;action: provide a different app_server_name, which corresponds to an app_server_uri
;        configured in the dm_server_config.
run_as_server "the dm_method must have run_as_server set to true."
;cause: the dm_method did not have run_as_server set to true.
;action: specify run_as_server in the dm_method object, or override it in the arguments
;        to do_method with a user session that has at least system administrator privileges.
app_server_name_notfound s "the app_server_name '%s' is not specified in dm_server_config."
;cause:  the app_server_name and corresponding app_server_uri must be configured.
;action: configure the default app_server_name and corresponding app_server_uri in
;        the dm_server_config.
invalid_mthd_verb ss "the dm_method named (%s) of type dmbasic has invalid method_verb (%s)."
;cause: method of type dmbasic must contain "dmbasic" in its method verb.
;action: reset the method verb

cacheconfig_nomatch s "no dm_cache_config object exists with the name %s."
; params
;  %1 the name of the cache config object being used
; cause:  the check_cache_config apply call was made and specified a config
;         object that did not exist.
;         check_cache_config calls are made automatically when
;         accessing objects or queries in an application while using the
;         client_persisent_cache features of the documentum client.
; action: check the name or id of the config object being requested.

cacheconfig_check sd "the check_cache_config call for the config object %s (%s) failed."
; params
;  %1 the name of the cache config object being used (if requested by name)
;  %2 the object id of the cache config object
; cause:  this error is given for all failures in the check_cache_config apply
;         call.  it should be preceeded by another error message giving further
;         details. check_cache_config calls are made automatically when
;         accessing objects or queries in an application while using the
;         client_persisent_cache features of the documentum client.
; action: check preceeding error message for more detail.
;         the error can be bypassed by disabling the client_persistent_cache
;         feature through the dmcl.ini.

cacheconfig_priv ss "the user %s does not have privilege to force a recheck of the cache config object %s.  execute privilege is required for this operation."
; params
;  %1 the user requesting the call
;  %2 the name of the cache config object being used
; cause:  the caller has made a check_cache_config call and has specified the
;         force_check option but does not have sufficient privilege.  this call
;         requires that the user have execute privilege on the config object,
;         be the owner of the object, or be a superuser.
; action: remove the force_check flag from the call.  if a force must be done,
;         contact the owner of the object to make the call or to grant
;         privilege.

cacheconfig_mthd s "failure to execute the server method %s."
; params
;  %1 the name of the server method
; cause:  the check_cache_config call failed due to an error invoking the
;         server method to check the cache state.
; action: check the server log file for any messages logged by the server
;         method.  the problem can be further debugged by running the
;         method directly (as a superuser), including the -method_trace_level
;         flag and the save_results option to gather more information.

cacheconfig_refresh d "failure to refresh the cache config object %s."
; params
;  %1 the object id of the config object being refreshed
; cause:  the check_cache_config call failed due to an error refreshing
;         the cache config object.  on some calls to check_cache_config the
;         server will need to call its dm_checkcacheconfig method to
;         recalculate the state of the cache.  since this call may modify the
;         config object, the object is refreshed following the method call.
;         this error indicates that the refresh has failed.  it should be
;         preceeded by another error message giving further details.
; action: check preceeding error message for more detail.

missing_arg ss "the method '%s' is missing argument for '%s'."
; cause: argument is missing for the method.
; action: make sure that all required arguments are correctly specified.
; parameters: s - name of the method.
;             s - name of the missing argument.

cacheconfig_owner ss "cache config object %s is owned by a non-superuser: %s.  config objects must be owned by a valid superuser."
; params
;  %1 the config object being refreshed
;  %2 the owner of the cache config object
; cause:  the check_cache_config call failed because the config object was not
;         owned by a superuser.
; action: create the desired config object as a superuser-owned object

http_post_insufficient_privileges s "the user %s must have at least sysadmin privileges to execute http_post."
; %1 the user of the current session
;cause:  user does not have at least sysadmin privileges, this is a requirement for http_post execution.
;action: run http_post as a user that has at least sysadmin privileges.

.severity  fatal
init1            "the dmmethod type was found in the database without a version stamp."
;cause: unknown.
;action: report this message and any parameters to your documentum site
; representative.
init2  ii "version stamp %d was expected to be %d."
;cause: the version stamp that the dmmethod object software expected was
; different from the actual version stamp in the database.
;action: you must upgrade your docuserver database to conform to the
; software that you are running.  if your software and data are
; consistent, then report a bug.
; also, report this message and any parameters to your documentum site
; representative.
init3           "the type manager returned an error storing the dmmethod type."
;cause: unknown.
;action: look at the error logged by the type manager.
; report this message and any parameters to your documentum site
; representative.


liaojiyong 2009-11-16 12:44
dm_location, 16 nov 2009 04:44:00 gmt dm_location

; these are errors encountered during parsing format strings

.severity trace
.severity warning

.severity error

cant_fetch d "can't fetch, object identified by id (%s). invalid id."

memory_exhausted i "memory exhausted allocating %d bytes"

cant_destroy "cannot destroy"

save_requires_attribute s "cannot save object due to empty attribute (%s)"

not_a_location s "the object identified by (%s) is not a dm_location."

invalid_destroy_option s "the destroy option (%s) is not a valid option."

validate sss "validation of dm_location (%s) failed.  operating system failed to validate directory (%s).  operating system error was (%s)"

file_existence sss "file system file specified in dm_location (%s) does not exist.  operating system failed to validate existence of the file (%s).  operating system error was (%s)"

directory_existence sss "file system directory specified in dm_location (%s) is does not exist.  operating system failed to validate existence of the directory (%s).  operating system error was (%s)"

create_directory sss "creation of file system directory for dm_location (%s) failed.  operating system failed to create directory (%s).  operating system error was (%s)"

destroy sss "destroy with delete option of dm_location (%s) failed.  operating system failed to delete directory (%s).  operating system error was (%s)"

save s "save of dm_location (%s) failed."

invalid_mount_point ss "unable to get file system path for location (%s)\n, because of failure accessing associated\ndm_mount_point (%s)."

attribute_unknown sss "save of dm_location (%s) failed due to unrecognized value in attribute (%s).  value is (%s)"

named_lookup s "unable to fetch the dmlocation named (%s) by name."

need_priv_for_change ss "the current user (%s) needs to have superuser or sysadmin privilege to save or destroy %s location object."

full_path_required s "the attribute, file_system_path, must be a full path name when the attribute mount_point_name is not specifie.  file_system_path is currently: %s."

non_unique_path ss "the attribute, file_system_path, must be unique among all existing dm_location objects.  path = (%s).  matching dm_location id = (%s)."
;cause: must have superuser or sysadmin privilege to save/destroy location objects.
;action: consult your system administrator.

unique_check "an error occurred attempting to validate the file_system_path attribute of a dm_location object."
;cause: an internal error occurred during the lookups to ensure that the
; file_system_path attribute of a dm_location object was valid during
; a save of that object.
;action: consult your system administrator.

walk_directory ss "failed to access directory %s, os error: %s"
;cause: an internal error occurred while walking through the said
;       directory.
;action: consult your system administrator.

resetperm_maxerr ss "failed to reset permission on path %s of location %s"
;cause: an internal error occurred while re-setting permission on the
;       directory of the said location object.
;action: consult your system administrator.

.severity fatal

; the following errors are considered internal or not expected

init1 "the dm_location object subsystem failed initialization.  the version stamp for the dm_location object exists, but the corresponding type could not be fetched."
;cause: possible database corruption
;action: consult documentation.

init2 ll "the dm_location object subsystem could not be initialized.  the version stamp for the dm_location type (%i) does not match the expected stamp (%i)."
;cause: possible database corruption.  perhaps an older server is being run against a newer docbase"
;action: consult documentation.

init3 "the dm_location object subsystem could not be initialized.  a failure was detected attempting to store the dm_location type."
;cause: possible database failure.
;action: examine error log for other errors.

copy_directory "sorry, the save operator is not implemented at this time"

move_directory "sorry, the save operator is not implemented at this time"


liaojiyong 2009-11-16 12:44
dm_locale, 16 nov 2009 04:44:00 gmt dm_locale

; these are errors encountered during parsing format strings,
; or during extraction of the client's local date format information.

.severity trace
.severity warning

default_date_win s "unable to get local date format from windows environment. reason code %s."
; cause:  your short date format is determined from the windows international control panel.
;   an error has been encountered.  your session will assume the default short date
;         format:  mm/dd/yyyy hh:mm:ss
; action: the reason code parameter indicates where the error was encountered.
;         check your windows environment.
; parameter:  reason code.
;   1 --- the "intl" profile string could not be retrieved.
;   2 --- an invalid idate variable value was encountered.
;         3 --- an invalid itime variable value was encountered.
;         4 --- the 24 or 12 hour clock indicator was invalid.
;         5 --- the am or pm string was invalid.
;         6 --- the date separator was invalid.
;         7 --- the time separator was invalid.
;         8 --- the short date format string was too long.
;         9 --- the short date format string was invalid.  value
;               preceding the first date separator did not exist.
;        10 --- the short date format string was invalid.  value
;               following the first date separator did not exist.
;        11 --- the short date format string was invalid.  value
;               following the second date separator did not exist.
default_date_mac s "unable to get local date format from macintosh environment. reason code %s."
; cause:  your short date format is determined from the macintosh date/time control panel.
;   an error has been encountered.  your session will assume the default short date
;         format:  mm/dd/yyyy hh:mm:ss
; action: the reason code parameter indicates where the error was encountered.
;         check your mac environment.
; parameter:  reason code.
;   1 --- the date order was incorrect in the internationalization resource.
;         2 --- the specification for 24 hour clock was incorrect.
default_date_sysv s "unable to get local date format from your unix environment. reason code %s."
; cause:  your short date format is determined from the international short date format
;         of your unix machine.
;   an error has been encountered.  your session will assume the default short date
;         format:  mm/dd/yyyy hh:mm:ss
; action: the reason code parameter indicates where the error was encountered.
;         check your unix environment.
; parameter:  reason code.
;   1 --- the short date format returned by strftime "%x %x" was unexpected.
;         2 --- the date separator or time separator (or both) were
;               more than one character long.
;         3 --- the short date format could not be parsed.
illegal_date_format  s "illegal syntax found in the date format '%s'. the default localized short date format will be used."
; cause: you have provided an illegal date format in either a date or a datetostring function.
; action: the default short date format that was used is "mm/dd/yy hh:mi:ss". if this is not acceptable
;         correct your date format pattern and re-run the query.
; parameter: the user-specified date format pattern.
.severity error

memory_exhausted i "memory exhausted allocating %d bytes."

unknown_char_set i "unknown character set, ordinal =%d."

unable_to_modify_os_local s "unable to modify the locale using the following api call: (%s)."

server_failure "an failed status was returned by the server during processing of your client locale.  please check the server log for details."

unknown_codepage_name s "unknown codepage '%s'"

unknown_locale_name s "unknown locale name '%s'"

.severity  fatal

unexpected_os_failure ss  "an error was returned from the operating system api (%s) and was unexpected.  operating system error: (%s)."

liaojiyong 2009-11-16 12:44
dm_load, 16 nov 2009 04:44:00 gmt; $id: dmload.e,v 5.9 2002/05/09 20:57:20 roger exp $
; dmload class errors
.facility dm_load this facility if for turning on load trace.  the trace information will go to session log.
.severity information
progress siiis "for load object %s in phase %i, processed %i of %i objects; last object processed was %s"
;display when trace leve = 10
phase_1_complete s "phase 1 of loading finished for load object %s"
;display when trace level = 1
phase_2_complete s "phase 2 of loading finished for load object %s"
;display when trace level = 1
merge_1 lff "number of objects merged=%ld, total time=%lf ms, avg time=%lf ms"
;display when trace level = 5
merge_2 s "merging object id=%s"
;display when trace level = 5
load_type s "loading type: %s"
;display when trace level = 8
load_obj dd "loading object: %s, old object id: %s"
;display when trace level = 8
synonym s "synonym %s found."
;display when trace level = 8
build_obj ll "object being loaded -- version in dumpfile (%ld) is current or later than version in docbase (%ld)."
;display when trace level = 8
skip_obj ll "object skipped -- version in dumpfile (%ld) older than version in docbase (%ld)."
;display when trace level = 8
type_create s "creating type %s."
;display when trace level = 8
type_match s "type %s matches definition in docbase."
;display when trace level = 8
type_skip s "type %s mismatches definition in docbase. skipping type."
; during a load operation, a type with an identical name but different attribute
; types was found. the server will skip it.
; display when trace level = 8
skip_local d "object skipped -- object in dumpfile is replica of a local object (%s)."
; during a replication load operation, an object was encountered with a
; global_id matching the local docbase.  this object is not applied locally
; as we do not want to overwrite a local master object with data from a replica.
unmapped_obj dd "local object %s contains a foreign id pointer (%s).  object being refreshed from the dumpfile copy to ensure consistency."
; during a replication load operation, an object was encountered with an id
; field containing a foreign id.  we consider that this is most likely caused
; by an object which was only half-loaded in a previous load and we will reload
; it even if the version stamps indicate that the local object is up-to-date.
.severity warning
update_statistics s "failed to update statistics. %s"
unforceplan_failed s "could not turn off forceplan. %s"
forceplan_failed s "could not turn on forceplan. %s"
incomplete_load s "loading of object %s failed to finish properly -- some attributes may be incorrect"
foreign_id ss "the load operation specifies a dumpfile that contains objects (%s) foreign to the source docbase (%s). the object will be ignored."

object_not_loaded d "object %s could not be loaded.  the load operation is proceeding without loading it."
; the load operation skipped an object that could not be loaded.
;  %1 - handle for object from the dump file.
;cause:  internal error or unexpected condition.
;action: check the error log for further messages.  check for references
;        in other loaded objects to this object.  those references may be
;        left as dangling pointers.

.severity error
record_save_failed s "save of load record for object %s failed -- load terminated"
object_update_failed s "update of dump object %s failed -- load terminated"
older_version s "object with %s not updated -- version in dumpfile older than version in docbase"
cant_open_file s "could not open input dumpfile %s"
ids_out_of_range i "ids in dumpfile extend beyond docbase range for tag %i"
version_too_old sii "version stamp for type %s in dumpfile is too old -- \n is %i; should be at least %i"
type_creation_failed s "could not create type %s in docbase"
store_not_found s "could not find storage object with name %s in docbase.  the docbase being loaded must have a synonym for each storage object referenced in the load file."
; during a load operation storage objects are not recreated.  each storage
; object listed in the loadfile must have a synonym in the docbase being
; loaded, otherwise objects from that storage object cannot be loaded.

object_save_failed s "save of object %s failed -- load terminated"

type_def_notfound s    "error during load operation - definition for type %s not found in the loadfile type cache."
; during a load operation as objects are read from the loadfile type
; definitions are found and saved in a type cache in case an object of that
; type needs to be loaded.  since all objects are preceded in the dumpfile
; by their type definition there should always be one cached when such a
; typed object needs to be loaded.

relocate_predicate "request error.  the 'type' and 'predicate' fields which subset the load operation may only be used on a non-relocate load (the 'relocate' field must be false)."
; the type and predicate attributes of the dm_load_record modify the load
; operation so that only the objects which match the queries are loaded.
; since the queries are run against the existing docbase the behavior only
; makes sense when a non-relocate load (in which the objects to update already
; exist in the docbase) is done.

destroy_load_record     "an error occurred during cleanup from a load as part of a destroy request on the dm_load_record object.  the load operation bookkeeping records (dmi_load_object_record) have not been fully cleaned up."
; during a load operation, the server creates bookkeeping records to keep
; track of what has been loaded (dmi_load_object_record types).
; when the load is complete, these records are cleaned up when the load
; record itself is destroyed.
; the error is given when some problem occurs during the destroy of the
; dm_load_record or the dmi_load_object_records associated with it.
; the original load operation which was done with the dm_load_record is
; not affected by this error, only the cleanup of the bookkeeping objects
; is affected.
; note: once a destroy has been started after a load operation, the operation
; itself is "committed".  the load can no longer be backed out via a revert.
; if a revert is done on a load record following this error, then only part
; of the loaded data will be removed!
;cause:  possibly the underlying database system ran out of some resource,
;        most likely logfile space.
;action: review the error log for other errors indicating the destroy problem,
;        then retry the destroy.

revert_error  "an error occurred during the rollback of a load operation.  the loaded objects were not all successfully removed.  please remedy the indicated problem and restart the revert operation."
; when a load operation is performed to import data into a docbase, records
; are kept of all objects added in the load.  until the dm_load_record which
; was created for the load is destroyed, the load operation can be rolled
; back by issuing a revert request.  the revert removes each new object
; added by the load.
; this error is given when a revert request encounters an error.
; since the load has been partially reverted, this error will normally
; indicate that the docbase is inconsistent, having some but not all of
; the objects loaded into it.
; this error should always be handled by fixing the problem which led to
; the revert failure and retrying the revert.
;cause:  possibly the underlying database system ran out of some resource,
;        most likely logfile space.
;action: review the error log for other errors indicating the destroy problem,
;        then retry the revert.  do not destroy the dm_load_record as this
;        will make it impossible to rollback the partially completed load.

checkpoint_error   "an error occurred attempting to commit the work completed so far during a load operation.  either the outstanding transaction could not be committed or a new transaction could not be started."
; during a load operation, the work performed is committed periodically to
; reduce the database resources and to allow the operation to be continued
; from where it left off should a failure occur half-way through.
; this error is given when a that commit action fails.  the failure may
; be caused by an error in the commit or the inability to start a new
; transaction following the commit.
;cause:  possibly the underlying database system ran out of some resource.
;action: review the error log for other errors indicating the load problem.

open_transaction   "the load operation cannot be executed while inside of a user transaction."
; a load operation needs to start its own internal transaction so that it
; can control when periodic commits are done to free database resources.
; it cannot be executed while a user transaction is in progress.
;cause:  the user session which requested the load has a currently outstanding
;        transaction open.
;action: complete the current transaction before starting the load.

phase2_incomplete  i "error in phase 2. no rows returned from dmi_load_object_record indicating no work to do to complete the load, but the load object count (%i) indicates that there should have been. check database temp table space."
; during the second phase of a load operation, the system updates each of
; the objects added during the load to link them properly into the new docbase.
; to facilitate this, a dmi_load_object_record entry is created for each
; object loaded during the first phase.
; this error occurs when no dmi_load_object_record entries are found in the
; second phase even though we know that there were objects loaded in the
; first phase.
; it usually indicates that a database error caused the dmi_load_object_record
; query to fail and return no rows.  most commonly, this error is caused by
; exhaustion of database temp space required to sort the rows in the query.
;cause:  usually caused by a database query error, most likely related
;        to temporary or sort space.
;action: check the server error log for other error messages indicating the
;        cause of the error.  also check the database error log for relevant
;        messages and check for low database resources.  consider increasing
;        the space your database reserves for sort operations (temp space).

object_dbid_mismatch  s "error executing non-relocate load operation.  cannot load object with id (%s) because it was dumped from a different docbase than the one being loaded.  the docbase id in the object_id does not match."
; in order to use non-relocate load, the objects being loaded must have
; object id's that match the current docbase.
; ideally it means that the objects were dumped from the same docbase and
; that no existing objects are going to overlap with id's in the dumpfile.
; technically it just means that the docbase being loaded must have the
; same docbase_id as the one which was dumped.
;cause:  the dumpfile was created from a docbase with a different docbase id
;        than the one on which the load is being attempted.
;action: review load strategy to determine if this dumpfile can be loaded
;        into the current docbase.  if attempting to recreate an old docbase,
;        be sure that the new one has the same docbase id as the old one.

not_superuser s "the load operation cannot be executed because the requesting user (%s) does not have superuser privilege.  superuser privilege is required to load objects into a docbase."
;parameters:  the name of the user executing the load operation.
;cause:  the user does not have superuser privilege.  because load
;  bypasses permission checks, we require that the user executing
;  the load have superuser privilege.
;action: the current user cannot use the load operation.

cant_replicate  l "the load operation specifies a dumpfile that was created on a foreign docbase (docbase id %d).  use of the non-relocate flag with foreign dumpfiles should be used in the context of replication operations only."
;parameters:  the docbase id where the dumpfile was created.
;cause:  the user is attempting to non-relocate load a dumpfile from
;  an outside source (a foreign docbase).  this is used by
;  replication and will create replica objects.  to prevent
;  accidental creation of replicas when the user really intends
;  to do normal (relocate) load, this operation is disallowed
;  unless the user has the replication package installed.  the
;  check for this uses the server_config agent_launcher field
;  to determine if replication is in use.
;action: use relocate-load for loading data into the docbase from an
;  outside source.  if creation of replica records is really
;  intended, then check the server setup (server_config) to
;  ensure that the agent_launcher field is properly defined.

missing_parameter s "the load_parameter (%s) is missing"
;parameters: the name of the load parameter that is missing
;cause:  a required load_parameter is missing
;action: set the load_parameter and resave the load record.

cant_create_ref s "failed to create a dm_reference object during load operation. the id of the object from the dump file is (%s)."
;pararmeters: the id of the object from the dump file.
;cause:  unexpected error.
;action: retry the load operation again.

bad_stream "an error occur during formating of information."

file_io s "file input / output error. operating system error: %s"
file_size_mismatch ss "the actual file size %s does not match the size recorded %s ."
corruption s "unreasonable object / type size: %s (bytes).  possible corruption of dump file."
init_load ii "version stamp %d was expected to be %d"

load_record_lookup d "error looking up dmi_load_object_record for id %s."
; internal error attempting to find a dmi_load_object record for a
; particular object.  the query to look in the dmi_load_object_record
; table failed.
;   %1 - the object id we were searching for information on.
;cause:  most likely caused by a resource error of some kind.  possibly
;        due to rollback segment size.
;action: review the error log for other errors indicating the exact problem.
;        attempt to continue the load operation by resaving the same load
;        record.

no_dmref_obj ds "object %s fetched during load operation indicates it is a %s but the server could find not corresponding dm_reference object."
; internal error attempting to refresh an existing docbase object during a
; load operation.  a docbase object has i_is_reference or i_is_replica set
; to true but apparently with no dm_reference object.
;   %1 - the object id we were updating.
;   %s - string indicating reference or replica.
;cause:  docbase object may not be consistent.
;action: check for other error messages which may give more detail.  if the
;        load is part of a replication task, try destroying the replica and
;        retrying the operation.

phase2_incomplete2  i s s s s "error in phase error occurred during processing of this object. load order no (%i), old id (%s), new id (%s), old_exists (%s), update_done (%s)."
; this error message is useful to extract more diagnostic information, which
; will help track problems during load phase

ignore_check_error d "error checking if object %s should be loaded or skipped."
; this error message is given when an error occurs during a call to a
; dump-ignore procedure to determine if an object from the dumpfile should
; be loaded or skipped.  the error likely caused the object to be not loaded.
;  %1 - the object id of the object being checked.
;cause:  some internal error.
;action: check the error log for other error messages which should give more
;        detail on the problem.

liaojiyong 2009-11-16 12:44
dm_note, 16 nov 2009 04:43:00 gmt; $id: dmnote.e,v 5.0 1998/01/10 02:07:59 sol_ora exp $
; dmnote class errors
.facility dm_note
.severity       error
cant_fetch_invalid_id d "cannot fetch a note - invalid object id %s"
;cause: could not fetch an object with the given id.
;action: this is probably caused by a bad id.  or, possibly, a connection
; to the documentum server could not be established.
cant_save         s          "cannot save %s sysobject."
;cause: one or more operations has failed during this save.
; consult the following error message(s) for more help.
;action: try again after fixing previous problems.
no_annotation ss   "no annotation relationship exists between %s note and %s sysobject."
;cause: no annotation relation exists between note object an given sysobject.
;action: none.
already_annotated ss "the %s sysobject is already annotated by %s note object."
;cause: the given sysobject is already related to the current note object.
;action: none.
cant_addnote1 ss "can not relate %s sysobject to %s note object."
;cause: the sysobject and note object are part of the same version tree.
;action: none.
cant_addnote2 ss "can not relate %s sysobject to %s note object."
;cause: could not build a relation object to establish annote relationship.
;action: see the previous error messages.
cant_clean_unused s "could not complete the cleanup of unused note objects for %s docbase."
;cause: previous operations have forced the server to stop the clean up operations.
;action: see the previous errors messages for the specific reasons.
.severity  fatal
init1            "the dmnote type was found in the database without a version stamp."
;cause: unknown.
;action: report this message and any parameters to your documentum site
; representative.
init2  ii "version stamp %d was expected to be %d."
;cause: the version stamp that the dmnote object software expected was
; different from the actual version stamp in the database.
;action: you must upgrade your docuserver database to conform to the
; software that you are running.  if your software and data are
; consistent, then report a bug.
; also, report this message and any parameters to your documentum site
; representative.
init3           "the type manager returned an error storing the dmnote type."
;cause: unknown.
;action: look at the error logged by the type manager.
; report this message and any parameters to your documentum site
; representative.


liaojiyong 2009-11-16 12:43
dm_mtpt, 16 nov 2009 04:43:00 gmt dm_mtpt

; these are errors encountered during parsing format strings

.severity trace
.severity warning

.severity error

cant_fetch d "can't fetch, object identified by id (%s). invalid id."

cant_destroy "cannot destroy"

save_requires_attribute s "cannot save object due to empty attribute (%s)"

not_a_mountpoint s "the object identified by (%s) is not a dm_mount_point."

invalid_destroy_option s "the destroy option (%s) is not a valid option."

validate sss "validation of dm_mount_point (%s) failed.  operating system failed to validate directory (%s).  operating system error was (%s)"

file_existence sss "file system file specified in dm_mount_point (%s) is does not exist.  operating system failed to validate existence of the file (%s).  operating system error was (%s)"

directory_existence sss "file system directory specified in dm_mount_point (%s) is does not exist.  operating system failed to validate existence of the directory (%s).  operating system error was (%s)"

create_directory sss "creation of file system directory for dm_mount_point (%s) failed.  operating system failed to create directory (%s).  operating system error was (%s)"

destroy sss "destroy with delete option of dm_mount_point (%s) failed.  operating system failed to delete directory (%s).  operating system error was (%s)"

save s "save of dm_mount_point (%s) failed."

attribute_unknown sss "save of dm_mount_point (%s) failed due to unrecognized value in attribute (%s).  value is (%s)"

named_lookup s "unable to fetch the dm_mount_point named (%s) by name."

need_priv_for_change ss "the current user (%s) needs to have superuser or sysadmin privilege to save or destroy %s dm_mount_point object."

no_alias_for_windows s "the dm_mount_point object named (%s) does not have a alias for the windows platform"

no_alias_for_unix s "the dm_mount_point object named (%s) does not have a alias for the unix platform"

no_alias_for_mac s "the dm_mount_point object named (%s) does not have a alias for the macintosh platform"

references_exist si "the dm_mount_point object named (%s) can not be destroyed because there are (%d) dm_location objects referencing it"
;cause: must have superuser or sysadmin privilege to save/destroy mount_point objects.
;action: consult your system administrator.
.severity fatal

; the following errors are considered internal or not expected

init1 "the dm_mount_point object subsystem failed initialization.  the version stamp for the dm_mount_point object exists, but the corresponding type could not be fetched."
;cause: possible database corruption
;action: consult documentation.

init2 ll "the dm_mount_point object subsystem could not be initialized.  the version stamp for the dm_mount_point type (%i) does not match the expected stamp (%i)."
;cause: possible database corruption.  perhaps an older server is being run against a newer docbase"
;action: consult documentation.

init3 "the dm_mount_point object subsystem could not be initialized.  a failure was detected attempting to store the dm_mount_point type."
;cause: possible database failure.
;action: examine error log for other errors.



liaojiyong 2009-11-16 12:43
dm_migrate_light, 16 nov 2009 04:43:00 gmt;
;       migrate to lightweight facility errors
;**     documentum content server
;**     confidential property of emc corporation
;**     (c) 凯发天生赢家一触即发官网 copyright documentum, inc., 2007 - 2010
;**     all rights reserved.
.facility  dm_migrate_light

; this facility is for the data partition tracing. the trace information goes to the session log.

.severity trace

.severity warning

.severity error
shared_parent_required  "shared_parent_type is a required parameter."
; cause: shared_parent_type argument not supplied in migrate_to_lite rpc call.
; action: specify a value for the shared_parent_type when making this call.
; parameter: none.
no_instrinsic s "shared_parent_type %s cannot be an intrinsic type."
; cause: type specified by shared_parent_type is in intrinsic type.
; action: specify a subtype of dm_sysobject as the value for shared_parent_type.
; parameter: name of type.
not_sysobj s "shared_parent_type %s is not a subtype of dm_sysobject."
; cause: type specified by shared_parent_type is not a subtype of dm_sysobject.
; action: specify a subtype of dm_sysobject as the value for shared_parent_type.
; parameter: name of type.
lightweight_required  "lightweight_type is required when shared_parent_type is a sharable type."
; cause: lightweight_type argument not supplied when shared_parent_type argument specifies a shareable type.
; action: specify a value for the lightweight_type when making this call.
; parameter: none.
already_lightweight s "migration type (%s) is already a lightweight type."
; cause: the type specified in the lightweight_type is already a lightweight type.
; action: specify a non-lightweight type for value of lightweight_type.
; parameter: name of type.
shareable s "lightweight_type (%s) cannot be a shareable type."
; cause: the type specified in the lightweight_type is a shareable type.
; action: specify a non-shareable type for value of lightweight_type.
; parameter: name of type.
direct_subtype ss "type %s is not a direct subtype of %s."
; cause: lightweight_type must be a direct subtype of shared_parent_type.
; action: specify direct subtype of shared_parent_type for lightweight_type.
; parameters: names of types.
sql_header  "failed to generate sql header for migration."
; cause:
; action:
; parameter:
sql_trailer  "failed to generate sql trailer for migration."
; cause:
; action:
; parameter:
sql_cancel  "failed to generate sql to cancel migration."
; cause:
; action:
; parameter:
cancel s "execution of sql to cancel migration failed with error: %s."
; cause: database error
; action:
; parameter: database error message
sql_shared s "failed to generate sql to create interim shared parent type %s".
; cause:
; action:
; parameter:
sql_light s "failed to generate sql to create interim lightweight child type %s".
; cause:
; action:
; parameter:
dql_exec s "execution of dql to create %s failed."
; cause:
; action:
; parameter:
sql_exec s "execution of the sql failed with error: %s."
; cause: database error
; action:
; parameter: database error message
sql_finalize s "failed to generate the sql to finalize the type %s."
; cause:
; action:
; parameter:
not_light s "interim type %s is not lightweight."
; cause: interim type for lightweight_type is not lightweight.
; action: execute migrate_to_lite with recovery_mode asserted
; parameter: name of interim type
bad_default_id d "default_parent_id %s is invalid."
; cause: the default_parent_id is either not present in shared_parent_type or is present in lightweight_type.
; action: default_parent_id must only be present in shared_parent_type
; parameter: the default_parent_id specified in rpc call
bad_parent_id ds "object %s is already sharing type %s."
; cause: the parent_id is already sharing another lightweight type.
; action: parent_id must either be shared by this child lightweight type or not sharinny lightweight type.
; parameter: the parent_id specified in rpc call and the lightweight type name sharing it.
bad_parent_child ds "object %s is materialized object of type %s."
; cause: the parent_id refers to an object of lightweight_type.
; action: parent_id must only be present in shared_parent_type
; parameter: the parent_id specified in rpc call and lightweight type.
no_parent_id ds "%s is not an object of type %s."
; cause: the object is not of the given type.
; action: parent_id must only be present in shared_parent_type
; parameter: the parent_id specified in rpc call and parent type name.
types_required  "the specified rpc requires shared_parent_type and lightweight_type to be specified"
; cause: one or both of shared_parent_type and lightweight_type arugments are missing from the rpc call when both a required.
; action: specify both arguments in rpc call.
parameter_required_when_split s "the parameter (%s) is a required parameter when the execution_mode is either 'split and finalize' or 'split without finalize'."
; cause: source_type argument not supplied in migrate_to_lite rpc call when splitting a type into a shareable type and its lightweight type.
; action: specify a value for the source_type when making this call.
; parameter: none.
no_sysobject s "source_type %s cannot be 'dm_sysobject'."
; cause: type specified by source_type is dm_sysobject.
; action: specify a subtype of dm_sysobject as the value for source_type.
; parameter: name of type.
shared_parent_cannot_exist s "the type (%s) specified in shared_parent_type can not be an existent type when splitting a type."
; cause: shared_parent_type argument supplied in migrate_to_lite rpc call is an existent type when splitting the type.
; action: specify a non-existent type for the shared_parent_type when making this call.
; parameter: the name supplied in shared_parent_type.
wrong_shared_parent_in_recovery_mode ss "the type (%s) specified in shared_parent_type is not the right shareable parent type of type (%s)."
; cause: shared_parent_type argument supplied in migrate_to_lite rpc call is not a right shareable type for the type specified in
;        source_type. one of the following can be the cause of this error:
;        1. it is not a shareable type.
;        2. it is not a direct supertype of source_type.
;        3. the user is neither the owner of the type nor has superuser privilege.
; action: either supply a proper shared_parent_type or make sure the session user has the proper privilege.
; parameter: the name supplied in shared_parent_type and the name supplied in source_type.
interim_type_cannot_exist s "the interim type (%s) can not be an existent type before migration unless under recovery mode."
; cause: the interim type can not exist before the migration unless under recovery mode.
; action: set the recovery_mode flag to true and try again.
; parameter: the name of an interim type during the type conversion.
illegal_attribute ss "you have specified an invalid attribute name (%s) for type (%s)."
; cause:  the attribute name specified in the list is not an attribute of
;         the specified type.
; action: correct the name and retry the rpc.  use describe to find out
;         the valid attributes for the type[s] you are migrating.
; parameters:  the invalid attribute name and the migrated type name.
not_parent_type ds "object %s is not of type %s"
; cause: the given object id is not an instance of the given type.
; action: supply parent_id or default_parent_id object id values that are of the parent type.
; parameters: the invalid parent id and the parent type.
cannot_finalize s "cannot finalize type %s. try execution_mode of 'run without finalize' or 'split without finalize' first"
; cause: attempt to finalize a migration that has not been started.
; action: run the rpc with execution_mode set to 'run without finalize' or 'split without finalize'
; parameters: the parent and child type names

liaojiyong 2009-11-16 12:43
dm_dcnfg, 16 nov 2009 04:20:00 gmt; $id: dmdoccnf.e,v 5.6 2003/03/07 18:55:21 zfan exp $
; dmdocbaseconfig class errors
.facility dm_dcnfg

.severity       error
cant_find s "cannot find %s docbase_config."
;cause: could not find the docbase object by name.
;action: this is probably caused by invalid name or user destroying the docbase object
;  through sql.
cant_fetch_invalid_id d "cannot fetch a docbase_config - invalid object id %s"
;cause: could not fetch an object with the given id.
;action: this is probably caused by a bad id.  or, possibly, a connection
; to the documentum server could not be established.
cant_save         s          "cannot save %s docbase_config."
;cause: one or more operations has failed during this save.
; consult the following error message(s) for more help.
;action: try again after fixing previous problems.
cant_change_name s "cannot change %s name of docbase_config object"
;cause: the name of docbase_config object must always be the same as the docbase name.
;action: none.
invalid_security s "invalid security mode '%s' found in dm_docbase_config."
;cause: the user tried to specify an invalid security mode.
;action: specify a valid security mode: none, document, cabinet, combined
invalid_macp s "invalid mac access protocol %s."
;cause: the user tried to specify an invalid mac access protocol.
;action: specify a valid mac access protocol: none, ushare, double.
cant_change_macp ss "can not change mac access protocol from %s to %s."
;cause: user try to change mac access protocol.
;action: mac access protocl can not be modified once set.
need_priv_for_change ss "the current user (%s) needs to have superuser or sysadmin privilege to save or destroy %s docbase_config object."
;cause: must have superuser or sysadmin privilege to save/destroy docbase_config objects.
;action: consult your system administrator.
cant_change_acl s "can not change security mode from acl to %s."
;cause: the user tried to change security mode from acl mode to other mode.
;action: system only allows security mode to be changed from non-acl to acl mode, not the other way around.
;        a docbase is in acl mode only when the following two conditions are satisfied:
;        (1) the security_mode of its docbase config object is "acl", and
;        (2) the i_stamp of the dmi_vstamp object is greater than 0.
;        once, the i_stamp value is set to be greater than 0, the security mode can only set to acl or none.
cant_change_to_acl s "can not change security mode from %s to acl since acl conversion has not been performed. execute dm_convertto_acl to do the conversion."
;cause: the user tried to change security mode from non-acl mode to acl mode when the i_stamp is 0.
;action: system only allows security mode to be changed from non-acl to acl mode, not the other way around.
;        a docbase is in acl mode only when the following two conditions are satisfied:
;        (1) the security_mode of its docbase config object is "acl", and
;        (2) the i_stamp of the dmi_vstamp object is greater than 0.
;        once, the security mode can only set to acl when the i_stamp is greater than 0.
cant_change_auth_protocol s "can not change auth_protocol mode from 'domain_required' to %s."
;cause: the user tried to change authentication mode from 'domain_required'
;       mode to other mode.
;action: system only allows authentication mode to be changed from non
;        'domain_required' mode to 'domain_required' mode, not the other way
;        around.
;        a docbase is in 'domain_required' mode only when the following two conditions are satisfied:
;        (1) the auth_protocol of its docbase config object is "domain_required'", and
;        (2) the i_stamp of the dmi_vstamp object is greater than 0.
;        once, the i_stamp value is set to be greater than 0, the auth_protocol mode can only set to 'domain_required'.
need_su_for_fed_change ss "the current user (%s) needs to have superuser privilege to save or destroy %s dm_federation object."
;cause: must have superuser privilege to save or destroy dm_federation objects.
;action: consult your system administrator.
bad_federation_member_attrc ssii "in dm_federation named '%s', count of %s: %d does not match the count of r_member_docbases: %d."
;cause: tried to save a dm_federation with invalid member attribute count.
;action: most likely the user tried to manipulate a member attribute without
; updating information in the other member attributes.
cant_destroy_federation s "cannot destroy dm_federation identified by '%s' because the federation is active."
;cause:  you cannot destroy a dm_federation if the governing docbase is
; active.  you must deactivate the federation first.
;action: deactivate the federation.
duplicate_dd_locale s "the docbase config object has duplicate dd_locales value '%s'. dd_locales must be unique."
; cause: the docbase_config object cannot have duplicate values for dd_locales
; action: make sure that there are no duplicate values for dd_locales.
invalid_dd_locale s "the docbase config object has an unrecognized dd_locales value '%s'."
; cause: the docbase_config object has an unrecognized value for the dd_locales attribute.
; action: correct the value of the dd_locales attribute that is unrecognized.
invalid_default_app_permit_value i "the docbase_config object has an invalid default_app_permit value of %d. valid values must be between 1 (none) and 7 (delete)."
; cause: the docbase_config object has an unrecognized value for default_app_permit.
; action: correct the value of the default_app_permit attribute. it must be between 1 (none) and 7 (delete)
; parameters: the first parameter is the value that was supplied for default_app_permit
cant_change_crypto_key "the i_crypto_key attribute cannot be changed/updated."
; cause: an attempt is being made to change the i_crypto_key attribute.
; action: do not attempt  to change the i_crypto_key attribute
invalid_value_for_max_auth_attempt i "the docbase_config object has an invalid max_auth_attempt value of %d. it must be an integer greater than or equal to zero."
; cause: the docbase_config object has a negative value for max_auth_attempt.
; action: correct the value of the max_auth_attempt attribute. it must be a positive integer.
; parameters: the parameter is the value supplied for max_auth_attempt
macl_requires_trusted_content_services "in order to turn on mandatory access control (macl) functionality, you must have a trusted content services (tcs) license."
; cause: tcs must be enabled for macl functionality
; action: obtain a tcs license key and then turn on macl functionality.
; parameteters: none
invalid_module_name "the number of values for module_name does not match the number of values for module_mode. these two attributes are one to one mappings and must have the same number of values."
; cause: module_name and module_mode have different number of values
; action: ensure that both attributes have the same number of values and that
;         the values in module_name correspond to the the values in module_mode.
; parameters: none
set_oldest_client_version_first "the docbase_config object attribute oldest_client_version has to be set before setting attribute check_client_version to t."
; cause: docbase_config object attribute oldest_client_version has not been set when setting attribute check_client_version to t.
; action: set a proper value for docbase_config attribute oldest_client_version first.
; parameters: none.
invalid_client_version s "the value (%s) specified for docbase_config object attribute oldest_client_version is invalid."
; cause: the value specified attribute oldest_client_version is invalid. probably one of component values is out of range
; action: specify a valid value for attribute oldest_client_version.
; parameters: the specified value.
cant_change_audit_old_values "cannot change audit_old_values to t because auditing old values of audited properties is not enabled due to a database page size limitation."
;cause: auditing old values of audited properties is not allowed due to the database page size limitation
;action: use a tablespace page size of at least 8k for db2, and set the database page size to
; at least 8k for sybase.

clientreg_illegal_value ss "the value '%s' is not legal for field '%s' of dm_client_registration."
;cause: an attempt was made to create a dm_client_registration object with an illegal value for a required field.
;action: correct the data value for the specified field.

clientreg_no_priv s "user '%s' does not have permission to create this dm_client_registration entry."
;cause: registry entries may require privilege for creation.  creating objects that are marked as 'validated' requires sysadmin privilege.
;action: user with appropriate privilege must create the object.

clientreg_not_unique ss "object value ('%s') not unique in field '%s'.  conflicts with existing object."
;cause: registry entries must be unique in certain fields and an attempt was made to create a non-unique value.
;action: create object with unqiue identifiers.

clientrights_illegal_value ss "the value '%s' is not legal for field '%s' of dm_client_rights."
;cause: an attempt was made to create a dm_client_rights object with an illegal value for a required field.
;action: correct the data value for the specified field.

clientrights_no_priv s "user '%s' does not have permission to create this dm_client_rights object."
;cause: client rights objects require privilege for creation.
;action: user with appropriate privilege must create the object.

clientrights_not_unique ss "object value ('%s') not unique in field '%s'.  conflicts with existing object."
;cause: client rights objects must be unique in certain fields and an attempt was made to create a non-unique value.
;action: create object with unqiue identifiers.

pkcert_illegal_value ss "the value '%s' is not legal for field '%s' of dm_public_key_certificate."
;cause: an attempt was made to create a dm_public_key_certificate object with an illegal value for a required field.
;action: correct the data value for the specified field.

pkcert_no_priv s "user '%s' does not have permission to create this dm_public_key_certificate object."
;cause: some certificate objects require privilege for creation.
;action: user with appropriate privilege must create the object.

pkcert_not_unique ss "object value ('%s') not unique in field '%s'.  conflicts with existing object."
;cause: certificate objects must be unique in certain fields and an attempt was made to create a non-unique value.
;action: create object with unqiue identifiers.

pkcert_format i "the certificate value is not of a format understood by the server.  error code: %d."
;cause: certificate objects must have a valid certificate_value field.
;action: create object with valid certificate_value.

pkcert_publickey i "error getting public key from certificate value.  error code: %d."
;cause: certificate objects must have a valid certificate_value field.
;action: create object with valid certificate_value.

pkcert_keyid i "error building key identifier for certificate value.  error code: %d."
;cause: certificate objects must have a valid certificate_value field.
;action: create object with valid certificate_value.

rights_not_authenticated s "client '%s' was not authenticated and cannot host privileged roles."
;cause:  a protected role was asserted in an application that was not or could
;        not be authenticated at the time this session was established.
;action: check if client application is listed in the docbase rights database.

rights_not_authorized ss "client '%s' is not authorized to use role '%s'."
;cause:  a protected role was asserted in an application that has not been
;        authorized to use the role.
;action: check if client application is listed in the docbase rights database.
;        check if client application has this role listed in the allowed_roles
;        list of its dm_client_rights object.

rights_not_exist s "could not find entry for client '%s' in the rights database."
;cause:  could not find a dm_client_rights object for the specified client.
;action: check if client application is listed in the docbase rights database.

cannot_update_partition_status "direct update on r_partition_status attribute in dm_docbase_config object is not allowed."
;cause: you tried to update the r_partition_status for a
;       dm_docbase_config object
;action: the value of r_partition_status is for read only. the value of
;        this attribute is maintained by content server.

.severity  fatal
init1            "the docbase_config type was found in the database without a version stamp."
;cause: unknown.
;action: report this message and any parameters to your documentum site
; representative.
init2  ii "version stamp %d was expected to be %d."
;cause: the version stamp that the docbase_config object software expected was
; different from the actual version stamp in the database.
;action: you must upgrade your docuserver database to conform to the
; software that you are running.  if your software and data are
; consistent, then report a bug.
; also, report this message and any parameters to your documentum site
; representative.
init3           "the type manager returned an error storing the docbase_config type."
;cause: unknown.
;action: look at the error logged by the type manager.
; report this message and any parameters to your documentum site
; representative.
int1   s "the following database query %s could not be executed."
;cause: inconsistency between the server and the docbase_config type.
;action: look at the error logged by the database.
; report this message and any parameters to your documentum site
;       representative.

init4           "the type manager returned an error converting the dm_docbase_config type."
;cause: unknown.
;action: look at the error message logged by the type manager.
; report this message and any parameters to your documentum site
; representative.
federation_store_type  "the type manager returned an error storing the dm_federation type."
;cause: unknown.
;action: look at the error logged by the type manager.
; report this message and any parameters to your documentum site
; representative.
federation_bad_vstamp ii "version stamp %d was expected to be %d."
;cause: the version stamp that the dm_federation object software expected was
; different from the actual version stamp in the database.
;action: you must upgrade your docuserver database to conform to the
; software that you are running.  if your software and data are
; consistent, then report a bug.
; also, report this message and any parameters to your documentum site
; representative.

clientreg_store_type "error creating dm_client_registration type."
;cause:  internal error during docbase creation or upgrade.
;action: check server log for other error messages providing more detail.

clientrights_store_type "error creating dm_client_rights type."
;cause:  internal error during docbase creation or upgrade.
;action: check server log for other error messages providing more detail.

clientreg_bad_vstamp ii "version stamp %d was expected to be %d."
;cause: the version stamp that the dm_client_registration facility expected was
; different from the actual version stamp in the database.
;action: you must upgrade your docuserver database to conform to the
; software that you are running.  if your software and data are
; consistent, then report a bug.
; also, report this message and any parameters to your documentum site
; representative.

clientrights_bad_vstamp ii "version stamp %d was expected to be %d."
;cause: the version stamp that the dm_client_rights facility expected was
; different from the actual version stamp in the database.
;action: you must upgrade your docuserver database to conform to the
; software that you are running.  if your software and data are
; consistent, then report a bug.
; also, report this message and any parameters to your documentum site
; representative.

upgrade65 "type manager is unable to upgrade dm_docbase_config type to version 6.5."
;cause: unknown.
;action: look at the error message logged by the type manager.
; report this message and any parameters to your documentum site
; representative.


liaojiyong 2009-11-16 12:20
dm_document, 16 nov 2009 04:20:00 gmt; $id: dmdoc.e,v 5.0 1998/01/10 02:07:35 sol_ora exp $
; dmdocument class errors
.facility dm_document
.severity error
no_stage ss "staging location named '%s' is not defined for '%s' document."
;cause: staging location is not defined
;action: define staging location before saving staged document.
stg_destroy is "non-zero status returned from stage destroyer: %d.  command line was: %s."
;cause: a call to system() with the given command line returned a non-zero status.
;action: check to ensure that the server config attribute, stage_destroyer_location,
;  references a valid location and path.  check the file permissions of that path.

no_stg_loc_path s "unable to retrieve the file_system_path attribute of the dm_location named %s"
;cause: the named dm_location does not contain a file system path
;action: ammend the dm_location

no_destroyer_path s "unable to retrieve the file_system_path attribute of the dm_location named %s"
;cause: the named dm_location does not contain a file system path
;action: ammend the dm_location

.severity  fatal
init1            "the dmdocument type was found in the database without a version stamp."
;cause: unknown.
;action: report this message and any parameters to your documentum site
; representative.
init2  ii "version stamp %d was expected to be %d."
;cause: the version stamp that the dmdocument object software expected was
; different from the actual version stamp in the database.
;action: you must upgrade your docuserver database to conform to the
; software that you are running.  if your software and data are
; consistent, then report a bug.
; also, report this message and any parameters to your documentum site
; representative.
init3           "the type manager returned an error storing the dmdocument type."
;cause: unknown.
;action: look at the error logged by the type manager.
; report this message and any parameters to your documentum site
; representative.

type_conversion ii "failed to convert type dm_document from version %d to version %d."
; cause: type conversion failed.
; action: report the problem.

liaojiyong 2009-11-16 12:20